Static frontend files are shipped in `priv/static/` and tracked by version control in this repository. If you want to overwrite or update these without the possibility of merge conflicts, you can write your custom versions to `instance/static/`.
By default, the `robots.txt` that ships in `priv/static/` is permissive. It allows well-behaved search engines to index all of your instance's URIs.
If you want to generate a restrictive `robots.txt`, you can run the following mix task. The generated `robots.txt` will be written in your instance static directory.
Put on `instance/static/instance/thumbnail.jpeg` with your selfie or other neat picture. It will appear in [Pleroma Instances](
You can change the background of your Pleroma instance by uploading it to `instance/static/`, and then changing `background` in `config/prod.secret.exs` accordingly.
If you put `instance/static/images/background.jpg`
Terms of Service will be shown to all users on the registration page. It's the best place where to write down the rules for your instance. You can modify the rules by changing `instance/static/static/terms-of-service.html`.
To overwrite the CSS stylesheet of the OAuth form and other static pages, you can upload your own CSS file to `instance/static/static.css`. This will completely replace the CSS used by those pages, so it might be a good idea to copy the one from `priv/static/instance/static.css` and make your changes.