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config_db.ex 11KB

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  1. # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
  2. # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors <>
  3. # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
  4. defmodule Pleroma.ConfigDB do
  5. use Ecto.Schema
  6. import Ecto.Changeset
  7. import Ecto.Query, only: [select: 3, from: 2]
  8. import Pleroma.Web.Gettext
  9. alias __MODULE__
  10. alias Pleroma.Repo
  11. @type t :: %__MODULE__{}
  12. @full_subkey_update [
  13. {:pleroma, :assets, :mascots},
  14. {:pleroma, :emoji, :groups},
  15. {:pleroma, :workers, :retries},
  16. {:pleroma, :mrf_subchain, :match_actor},
  17. {:pleroma, :mrf_keyword, :replace}
  18. ]
  19. schema "config" do
  20. field(:key, Pleroma.EctoType.Config.Atom)
  21. field(:group, Pleroma.EctoType.Config.Atom)
  22. field(:value, Pleroma.EctoType.Config.BinaryValue)
  23. field(:db, {:array, :string}, virtual: true, default: [])
  24. timestamps()
  25. end
  26. @spec get_all_as_keyword() :: keyword()
  27. def get_all_as_keyword do
  28. ConfigDB
  29. |> select([c], {, c.key, c.value})
  30. |> Repo.all()
  31. |> Enum.reduce([], fn {group, key, value}, acc ->
  32. Keyword.update(acc, group, [{key, value}], &Keyword.merge(&1, [{key, value}]))
  33. end)
  34. end
  35. @spec get_all_by_group(atom() | String.t()) :: [t()]
  36. def get_all_by_group(group) do
  37. from(c in ConfigDB, where: == ^group) |> Repo.all()
  38. end
  39. @spec get_by_group_and_key(atom() | String.t(), atom() | String.t()) :: t() | nil
  40. def get_by_group_and_key(group, key) do
  41. get_by_params(%{group: group, key: key})
  42. end
  43. @spec get_by_params(map()) :: ConfigDB.t() | nil
  44. def get_by_params(%{group: _, key: _} = params), do: Repo.get_by(ConfigDB, params)
  45. @spec changeset(ConfigDB.t(), map()) :: Changeset.t()
  46. def changeset(config, params \\ %{}) do
  47. config
  48. |> cast(params, [:key, :group, :value])
  49. |> validate_required([:key, :group, :value])
  50. |> unique_constraint(:key, name: :config_group_key_index)
  51. end
  52. defp create(params) do
  53. %ConfigDB{}
  54. |> changeset(params)
  55. |> Repo.insert()
  56. end
  57. defp update(%ConfigDB{} = config, %{value: value}) do
  58. config
  59. |> changeset(%{value: value})
  60. |> Repo.update()
  61. end
  62. @spec get_db_keys(keyword(), any()) :: [String.t()]
  63. def get_db_keys(value, key) do
  64. keys =
  65. if Keyword.keyword?(value) do
  66. Keyword.keys(value)
  67. else
  68. [key]
  69. end
  70., &to_json_types(&1))
  71. end
  72. @spec merge_group(atom(), atom(), keyword(), keyword()) :: keyword()
  73. def merge_group(group, key, old_value, new_value) do
  74. new_keys = to_mapset(new_value)
  75. intersect_keys = old_value |> to_mapset() |> MapSet.intersection(new_keys) |> MapSet.to_list()
  76. merged_value = ConfigDB.merge(old_value, new_value)
  77. @full_subkey_update
  78. |>
  79. {g, k, subkey} when g == group and k == key ->
  80. if subkey in intersect_keys, do: subkey, else: []
  81. _ ->
  82. []
  83. end)
  84. |> List.flatten()
  85. |> Enum.reduce(merged_value, &Keyword.put(&2, &1, new_value[&1]))
  86. end
  87. defp to_mapset(keyword) do
  88. keyword
  89. |> Keyword.keys()
  90. |>
  91. end
  92. @spec sub_key_full_update?(atom(), atom(), [Keyword.key()]) :: boolean()
  93. def sub_key_full_update?(group, key, subkeys) do
  94. Enum.any?(@full_subkey_update, fn {g, k, subkey} ->
  95. g == group and k == key and subkey in subkeys
  96. end)
  97. end
  98. @spec merge(keyword(), keyword()) :: keyword()
  99. def merge(config1, config2) when is_list(config1) and is_list(config2) do
  100. Keyword.merge(config1, config2, fn _, app1, app2 ->
  101. if Keyword.keyword?(app1) and Keyword.keyword?(app2) do
  102. Keyword.merge(app1, app2, &deep_merge/3)
  103. else
  104. app2
  105. end
  106. end)
  107. end
  108. defp deep_merge(_key, value1, value2) do
  109. if Keyword.keyword?(value1) and Keyword.keyword?(value2) do
  110. Keyword.merge(value1, value2, &deep_merge/3)
  111. else
  112. value2
  113. end
  114. end
  115. @spec update_or_create(map()) :: {:ok, ConfigDB.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
  116. def update_or_create(params) do
  117. params = Map.put(params, :value, to_elixir_types(params[:value]))
  118. search_opts = Map.take(params, [:group, :key])
  119. with %ConfigDB{} = config <- ConfigDB.get_by_params(search_opts),
  120. {_, true, config} <- {:partial_update, can_be_partially_updated?(config), config},
  121. {_, true, config} <-
  122. {:can_be_merged, is_list(params[:value]) and is_list(config.value), config} do
  123. new_value = merge_group(, config.key, config.value, params[:value])
  124. update(config, %{value: new_value})
  125. else
  126. {reason, false, config} when reason in [:partial_update, :can_be_merged] ->
  127. update(config, params)
  128. nil ->
  129. create(params)
  130. end
  131. end
  132. defp can_be_partially_updated?(%ConfigDB{} = config), do: not only_full_update?(config)
  133. defp only_full_update?(%ConfigDB{group: group, key: key}) do
  134. full_key_update = [
  135. {:pleroma, :ecto_repos},
  136. {:quack, :meta},
  137. {:mime, :types},
  138. {:cors_plug, [:max_age, :methods, :expose, :headers]},
  139. {:swarm, :node_blacklist},
  140. {:logger, :backends}
  141. ]
  142. Enum.any?(full_key_update, fn
  143. {s_group, s_key} ->
  144. group == s_group and ((is_list(s_key) and key in s_key) or key == s_key)
  145. end)
  146. end
  147. @spec delete(ConfigDB.t() | map()) :: {:ok, ConfigDB.t()} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
  148. def delete(%ConfigDB{} = config), do: Repo.delete(config)
  149. def delete(params) do
  150. search_opts = Map.delete(params, :subkeys)
  151. with %ConfigDB{} = config <- ConfigDB.get_by_params(search_opts),
  152. {config, sub_keys} when is_list(sub_keys) <- {config, params[:subkeys]},
  153. keys <-, &string_to_elixir_types(&1)),
  154. {_, config, new_value} when new_value != [] <-
  155. {:partial_remove, config, Keyword.drop(config.value, keys)} do
  156. update(config, %{value: new_value})
  157. else
  158. {:partial_remove, config, []} ->
  159. Repo.delete(config)
  160. {config, nil} ->
  161. Repo.delete(config)
  162. nil ->
  163. err =
  164. dgettext("errors", "Config with params %{params} not found", params: inspect(params))
  165. {:error, err}
  166. end
  167. end
  168. @spec to_json_types(term()) :: map() | list() | boolean() | String.t()
  169. def to_json_types(entity) when is_list(entity) do
  170., &to_json_types/1)
  171. end
  172. def to_json_types(%Regex{} = entity), do: inspect(entity)
  173. def to_json_types(entity) when is_map(entity) do
  174., fn {k, v} -> {to_json_types(k), to_json_types(v)} end)
  175. end
  176. def to_json_types({:args, args}) when is_list(args) do
  177. arguments =
  178., fn
  179. arg when is_tuple(arg) -> inspect(arg)
  180. arg -> to_json_types(arg)
  181. end)
  182. %{"tuple" => [":args", arguments]}
  183. end
  184. def to_json_types({:proxy_url, {type, :localhost, port}}) do
  185. %{"tuple" => [":proxy_url", %{"tuple" => [to_json_types(type), "localhost", port]}]}
  186. end
  187. def to_json_types({:proxy_url, {type, host, port}}) when is_tuple(host) do
  188. ip =
  189. host
  190. |> :inet_parse.ntoa()
  191. |> to_string()
  192. %{
  193. "tuple" => [
  194. ":proxy_url",
  195. %{"tuple" => [to_json_types(type), ip, port]}
  196. ]
  197. }
  198. end
  199. def to_json_types({:proxy_url, {type, host, port}}) do
  200. %{
  201. "tuple" => [
  202. ":proxy_url",
  203. %{"tuple" => [to_json_types(type), to_string(host), port]}
  204. ]
  205. }
  206. end
  207. def to_json_types({:partial_chain, entity}),
  208. do: %{"tuple" => [":partial_chain", inspect(entity)]}
  209. def to_json_types(entity) when is_tuple(entity) do
  210. value =
  211. entity
  212. |> Tuple.to_list()
  213. |> to_json_types()
  214. %{"tuple" => value}
  215. end
  216. def to_json_types(entity) when is_binary(entity), do: entity
  217. def to_json_types(entity) when is_boolean(entity) or is_number(entity) or is_nil(entity) do
  218. entity
  219. end
  220. def to_json_types(entity) when entity in [:"tlsv1.1", :"tlsv1.2", :"tlsv1.3"] do
  221. ":#{entity}"
  222. end
  223. def to_json_types(entity) when is_atom(entity), do: inspect(entity)
  224. @spec to_elixir_types(boolean() | String.t() | map() | list()) :: term()
  225. def to_elixir_types(%{"tuple" => [":args", args]}) when is_list(args) do
  226. arguments =
  227., fn arg ->
  228. if String.contains?(arg, ["{", "}"]) do
  229. {elem, []} = Code.eval_string(arg)
  230. elem
  231. else
  232. to_elixir_types(arg)
  233. end
  234. end)
  235. {:args, arguments}
  236. end
  237. def to_elixir_types(%{"tuple" => [":proxy_url", %{"tuple" => [type, host, port]}]}) do
  238. {:proxy_url, {string_to_elixir_types(type), parse_host(host), port}}
  239. end
  240. def to_elixir_types(%{"tuple" => [":partial_chain", entity]}) do
  241. {partial_chain, []} =
  242. entity
  243. |> String.replace(~r/[^\w|^{:,[|^,|^[|^\]^}|^\/|^\.|^"]^\s/, "")
  244. |> Code.eval_string()
  245. {:partial_chain, partial_chain}
  246. end
  247. def to_elixir_types(%{"tuple" => entity}) do
  248. Enum.reduce(entity, {}, &Tuple.append(&2, to_elixir_types(&1)))
  249. end
  250. def to_elixir_types(entity) when is_map(entity) do
  251., fn {k, v} -> {to_elixir_types(k), to_elixir_types(v)} end)
  252. end
  253. def to_elixir_types(entity) when is_list(entity) do
  254., &to_elixir_types/1)
  255. end
  256. def to_elixir_types(entity) when is_binary(entity) do
  257. entity
  258. |> String.trim()
  259. |> string_to_elixir_types()
  260. end
  261. def to_elixir_types(entity), do: entity
  262. @spec string_to_elixir_types(String.t()) ::
  263. atom() | Regex.t() | module() | String.t() | no_return()
  264. def string_to_elixir_types("~r" <> _pattern = regex) do
  265. pattern =
  266. ~r/^~r(?'delimiter'[\/|"'([{<]{1})(?'pattern'.+)[\/|"')\]}>]{1}(?'modifier'[uismxfU]*)/u
  267. delimiters = ["/", "|", "\"", "'", {"(", ")"}, {"[", "]"}, {"{", "}"}, {"<", ">"}]
  268. with %{"modifier" => modifier, "pattern" => pattern, "delimiter" => regex_delimiter} <-
  269. Regex.named_captures(pattern, regex),
  270. {:ok, {leading, closing}} <- find_valid_delimiter(delimiters, pattern, regex_delimiter),
  271. {result, _} <- Code.eval_string("~r#{leading}#{pattern}#{closing}#{modifier}") do
  272. result
  273. end
  274. end
  275. def string_to_elixir_types(":" <> atom), do: String.to_atom(atom)
  276. def string_to_elixir_types(value) do
  277. if module_name?(value) do
  278. String.to_existing_atom("Elixir." <> value)
  279. else
  280. value
  281. end
  282. end
  283. defp parse_host("localhost"), do: :localhost
  284. defp parse_host(host) do
  285. charlist = to_charlist(host)
  286. case :inet.parse_address(charlist) do
  287. {:error, :einval} ->
  288. charlist
  289. {:ok, ip} ->
  290. ip
  291. end
  292. end
  293. defp find_valid_delimiter([], _string, _) do
  294. raise(ArgumentError, message: "valid delimiter for Regex expression not found")
  295. end
  296. defp find_valid_delimiter([{leading, closing} = delimiter | others], pattern, regex_delimiter)
  297. when is_tuple(delimiter) do
  298. if String.contains?(pattern, closing) do
  299. find_valid_delimiter(others, pattern, regex_delimiter)
  300. else
  301. {:ok, {leading, closing}}
  302. end
  303. end
  304. defp find_valid_delimiter([delimiter | others], pattern, regex_delimiter) do
  305. if String.contains?(pattern, delimiter) do
  306. find_valid_delimiter(others, pattern, regex_delimiter)
  307. else
  308. {:ok, {delimiter, delimiter}}
  309. end
  310. end
  311. @spec module_name?(String.t()) :: boolean()
  312. def module_name?(string) do
  313. Regex.match?(~r/^(Pleroma|Phoenix|Tesla|Quack|Ueberauth|Swoosh)\./, string) or
  314. string in ["Oban", "Ueberauth", "ExSyslogger", "ConcurrentLimiter"]
  315. end
  316. end