This guide is a step-by-step installation guide for Alpine Linux. The instructions were verified against Alpine v3.10 standard image. You might miss additional dependencies if you use `netboot` instead.
It assumes that you have administrative rights, either as root or a user with [sudo permissions]( If you want to run this guide with root, ignore the `sudo` at the beginning of the lines, unless it calls a user like `sudo -Hu pleroma`; in this case, use `su -l <username> -s $SHELL -c 'command'` instead.
* The community repository must be enabled in `/etc/apk/repositories`. Depending on which version and mirror you use this looks like ``. If you autogenerated the mirror during installation:
**Note**: To execute a single command as the Pleroma system user, use `sudo -Hu pleroma command`. You can also switch to a shell by using `sudo -Hu pleroma $SHELL`. If you don’t have and want `sudo` on your system, you can use `su` as root user (UID 0) for a single command by using `su -l pleroma -s $SHELL -c 'command'` and `su -l pleroma -s $SHELL` for starting a shell.
* Git clone the PleromaBE repository and make the Pleroma user the owner of the directory:
* Install the dependencies for Pleroma and answer with `yes` if it asks you to install `Hex`:
sudo -Hu pleroma mix deps.get
* Generate the configuration: `sudo -Hu pleroma mix pleroma.instance gen`
* Answer with `yes` if it asks you to install `rebar3`.
* This may take some time, because parts of pleroma get compiled first.
* After that it will ask you a few questions about your instance and generates a configuration file in `config/generated_config.exs`.
* Check the configuration and if all looks right, rename it, so Pleroma will load it (`prod.secret.exs` for productive instance, `dev.secret.exs` for development instances):
mv config/{generated_config.exs,prod.secret.exs}
* The previous command creates also the file `config/setup_db.psql`, with which you can create the database:
sudo -Hu postgres psql -f config/setup_db.psql
* Now run the database migration:
sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate
* Now you can start Pleroma already
sudo -Hu pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server
### Finalize installation
If you want to open your newly installed instance to the world,you should run nginx or some other webserver/proxy in front of Pleroma and you should consider to create an OpenRC service file for Pleroma.
#### Nginx
* Install nginx, if not already done:
sudo apk add nginx
* Setup your SSL cert, using your method of choice or certbot. If using certbot, first install it:
If that doesn’t work, make sure, that nginx is not already running. If it still doesn’t work, try setting up nginx first (change ssl “on” to “off” and try again).
* Copy the example nginx configuration to the nginx folder
* Before starting nginx edit the configuration and change it to your needs. You must change change `server_name` and the paths to the certificates. You can use `nano` (install with `apk add nano` if missing).
Questions about the installation or didn’t it work as it should be, ask in []( or IRC Channel **#pleroma** on **Freenode**.