diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
index 63162d594..e56b9730d 100644
--- a/config/config.exs
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -550,6 +550,24 @@ config :pleroma, :rate_limit,
   password_reset: {1_800_000, 5},
   account_confirmation_resend: {8_640_000, 5}
+config :pleroma, :gun_pools,
+  federation: [
+    max_connections: 50,
+    timeout: 150_000
+  ],
+  media: [
+    max_connections: 50,
+    timeout: 150_000
+  ],
+  upload: [
+    max_connections: 25,
+    timeout: 300_000
+  ],
+  default: [
+    max_connections: 10,
+    timout: 20_000
+  ]
 # Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
 # of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
 import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/application.ex b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
index 25e56b9e2..06d1a187e 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/application.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
       ] ++
         cachex_children() ++
         hackney_pool_children() ++
+        gun_pools() ++
@@ -163,6 +164,19 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
+  defp gun_pools do
+    if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do
+      for {pool_name, opts} <- Pleroma.Config.get([:gun_pools]) do
+        %{
+          id: :"gun_pool_#{pool_name}",
+          start: {Pleroma.Gun.Connections, :start_link, [{pool_name, opts}]}
+        }
+      end
+    else
+      []
+    end
+  end
   defp after_supervisor_start do
     with digest_config <- Application.get_env(:pleroma, :email_notifications)[:digest],
          true <- digest_config[:active] do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/api.ex b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/api.ex
index 19adc1bf0..7e6d2f929 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/api.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/api.ex
@@ -4,11 +4,21 @@
 defmodule Pleroma.Gun.API do
   @callback open(charlist(), pos_integer(), map()) :: {:ok, pid()}
+  @callback info(pid()) :: map()
+  @callback close(pid()) :: :ok
   def open(host, port, opts) do
     api().open(host, port, opts)
+  def info(pid) do
+    api().info(pid)
+  end
+  def close(pid) do
+    api().close(pid)
+  end
   defp api do
     Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Gun.API], Pleroma.Gun.API.Gun)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/gun.ex b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/gun.ex
index 14a4b7275..33e7985a1 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/gun.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/gun.ex
@@ -19,4 +19,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.API.Gun do
   def open(host, port, opts) do
     :gun.open(host, port, Map.take(opts, @gun_keys))
+  @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
+  def info(pid), do: :gun.info(pid)
+  @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
+  def close(pid), do: :gun.close(pid)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/mock.ex b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/mock.ex
index ff9e13a74..a80559f0b 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gun/api/mock.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gun/api/mock.ex
@@ -5,36 +5,75 @@
 defmodule Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock do
   @behaviour Pleroma.Gun.API
   @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
-  def open('some-domain.com', 80, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
+  def open(domain, 80, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid})
+      when domain in ['another-domain.com', 'some-domain.com'] do
     {:ok, conn_pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1_000) end)
+    Registry.register(Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock, conn_pid, %{
+      origin_scheme: "http",
+      origin_host: domain,
+      origin_port: 80
+    })
     send(genserver_pid, {:gun_up, conn_pid, :http})
     {:ok, conn_pid}
   def open('some-domain.com', 443, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
     {:ok, conn_pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1_000) end)
+    Registry.register(Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock, conn_pid, %{
+      origin_scheme: "https",
+      origin_host: 'some-domain.com',
+      origin_port: 443
+    })
     send(genserver_pid, {:gun_up, conn_pid, :http2})
     {:ok, conn_pid}
   @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
-  def open('gun_down.com', _port, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
+  def open('gun_down.com', 80, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
     {:ok, conn_pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1_000) end)
+    Registry.register(Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock, conn_pid, %{
+      origin_scheme: "http",
+      origin_host: 'gun_down.com',
+      origin_port: 80
+    })
     send(genserver_pid, {:gun_down, conn_pid, :http, nil, nil, nil})
     {:ok, conn_pid}
   @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
-  def open('gun_down_and_up.com', _port, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
+  def open('gun_down_and_up.com', 80, %{genserver_pid: genserver_pid}) do
     {:ok, conn_pid} = Task.start_link(fn -> Process.sleep(1_000) end)
+    Registry.register(Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock, conn_pid, %{
+      origin_scheme: "http",
+      origin_host: 'gun_down_and_up.com',
+      origin_port: 80
+    })
     send(genserver_pid, {:gun_down, conn_pid, :http, nil, nil, nil})
     {:ok, _} =
       Task.start_link(fn ->
         send(genserver_pid, {:gun_up, conn_pid, :http})
     {:ok, conn_pid}
+  @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
+  def info(pid) do
+    [{_, info}] = Registry.lookup(Pleroma.Gun.API.Mock, pid)
+    info
+  end
+  @impl Pleroma.Gun.API
+  def close(_pid), do: :ok
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gun/conn.ex b/lib/pleroma/gun/conn.ex
index 62ef146a1..20ddec64c 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gun/conn.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gun/conn.ex
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Conn do
           conn: pid(),
           state: atom(),
           waiting_pids: [pid()],
-          protocol: atom()
+          used: pos_integer()
-  defstruct conn: nil, state: :open, waiting_pids: [], protocol: :http
+  defstruct conn: nil, state: :open, waiting_pids: [], used: 0
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/gun/connections.ex b/lib/pleroma/gun/connections.ex
index a3f1b0351..cec3de2ca 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/gun/connections.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/gun/connections.ex
@@ -6,29 +6,31 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
   use GenServer
   @type domain :: String.t()
-  @type conn :: Gun.Conn.t()
+  @type conn :: Pleroma.Gun.Conn.t()
   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
-          conns: %{domain() => conn()}
+          conns: %{domain() => conn()},
+          opts: keyword()
-  defstruct conns: %{}
+  defstruct conns: %{}, opts: []
-  def start_link(name \\ __MODULE__) do
+  @spec start_link({atom(), keyword()}) :: {:ok, pid()} | :ignore
+  def start_link({name, opts}) do
     if Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do
-      GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: name)
+      GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: name)
   @impl true
-  def init(_) do
-    {:ok, %__MODULE__{conns: %{}}}
-  end
+  def init(opts), do: {:ok, %__MODULE__{conns: %{}, opts: opts}}
   @spec get_conn(String.t(), keyword(), atom()) :: pid()
-  def get_conn(url, opts \\ [], name \\ __MODULE__) do
+  def get_conn(url, opts \\ [], name \\ :default) do
     opts = Enum.into(opts, %{})
     uri = URI.parse(url)
     opts =
@@ -58,13 +60,13 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
   @spec alive?(atom()) :: boolean()
-  def alive?(name \\ __MODULE__) do
+  def alive?(name \\ :default) do
     pid = Process.whereis(name)
     if pid, do: Process.alive?(pid), else: false
   @spec get_state(atom()) :: t()
-  def get_state(name \\ __MODULE__) do
+  def get_state(name \\ :default) do
     GenServer.call(name, {:state})
@@ -73,7 +75,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
     key = compose_key(uri)
     case state.conns[key] do
-      %{conn: conn, state: conn_state} when conn_state == :up ->
+      %{conn: conn, state: conn_state, used: used} when conn_state == :up ->
+        state = put_in(state.conns[key].used, used + 1)
         {:reply, conn, state}
       %{state: conn_state, waiting_pids: pids} when conn_state in [:open, :down] ->
@@ -81,16 +84,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
         {:noreply, state}
       nil ->
-        {:ok, conn} = Pleroma.Gun.API.open(to_charlist(uri.host), uri.port, opts)
+        max_connections = state.opts[:max_connections]
-        state =
-          put_in(state.conns[key], %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
-            conn: conn,
-            waiting_pids: [from],
-            protocol: String.to_atom(uri.scheme)
-          })
+        if Enum.count(state.conns) < max_connections do
+          open_conn(key, uri, from, state, opts)
+        else
+          [{close_key, least_used} | _conns] = Enum.sort_by(state.conns, fn {_k, v} -> v.used end)
-        {:noreply, state}
+          :ok = Pleroma.Gun.API.close(least_used.conn)
+          state =
+            put_in(
+              state.conns,
+              Map.delete(state.conns, close_key)
+            )
+          open_conn(key, uri, from, state, opts)
+        end
@@ -99,20 +109,29 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
   @impl true
   def handle_info({:gun_up, conn_pid, _protocol}, state) do
-    {key, conn} = find_conn(state.conns, conn_pid)
+    conn_key = compose_key_gun_info(conn_pid)
+    {key, conn} = find_conn(state.conns, conn_pid, conn_key)
     # Send to all waiting processes connection pid
     Enum.each(conn.waiting_pids, fn waiting_pid -> GenServer.reply(waiting_pid, conn_pid) end)
     # Update state of the current connection and set waiting_pids to empty list
-    state = put_in(state.conns[key], %{conn | state: :up, waiting_pids: []})
+    state =
+      put_in(state.conns[key], %{
+        conn
+        | state: :up,
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: conn.used + length(conn.waiting_pids)
+      })
     {:noreply, state}
   @impl true
   # Do we need to do something with killed & unprocessed references?
   def handle_info({:gun_down, conn_pid, _protocol, _reason, _killed, _unprocessed}, state) do
-    {key, conn} = find_conn(state.conns, conn_pid)
+    conn_key = compose_key_gun_info(conn_pid)
+    {key, conn} = find_conn(state.conns, conn_pid, conn_key)
     # We don't want to block requests to GenServer if gun send down message, return nil, so we can make some retries, while connection is not up
     Enum.each(conn.waiting_pids, fn waiting_pid -> GenServer.reply(waiting_pid, nil) end)
@@ -121,12 +140,28 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Gun.Connections do
     {:noreply, state}
-  defp compose_key(uri), do: uri.host <> ":" <> to_string(uri.port)
+  defp compose_key(uri), do: "#{uri.scheme}:#{uri.host}:#{uri.port}"
-  defp find_conn(conns, conn_pid) do
+  defp compose_key_gun_info(pid) do
+    info = Pleroma.Gun.API.info(pid)
+    "#{info.origin_scheme}:#{info.origin_host}:#{info.origin_port}"
+  end
+  defp find_conn(conns, conn_pid, conn_key) do
     Enum.find(conns, fn {key, conn} ->
-      protocol = if String.ends_with?(key, ":443"), do: :https, else: :http
-      conn.conn == conn_pid and conn.protocol == protocol
+      key == conn_key and conn.conn == conn_pid
+  defp open_conn(key, uri, from, state, opts) do
+    {:ok, conn} = Pleroma.Gun.API.open(to_charlist(uri.host), uri.port, opts)
+    state =
+      put_in(state.conns[key], %Pleroma.Gun.Conn{
+        conn: conn,
+        waiting_pids: [from]
+      })
+    {:noreply, state}
+  end
diff --git a/test/gun/connections_test.exs b/test/gun/connections_test.exs
index a63c8eaf9..8308b5f9f 100644
--- a/test/gun/connections_test.exs
+++ b/test/gun/connections_test.exs
@@ -6,12 +6,17 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
   use ExUnit.Case
   alias Pleroma.Gun.{Connections, Conn, API}
+  setup_all do
+    {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: API.Mock)
+    :ok
+  end
   setup do
     name = :test_gun_connections
     adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter)
     Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Gun)
     on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, adapter) end)
-    {:ok, pid} = Connections.start_link(name)
+    {:ok, pid} = Connections.start_link({name, [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10]})
     {:ok, name: name, pid: pid}
@@ -37,10 +42,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: ^conn,
           state: :up,
-          waiting_pids: []
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 2
     } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -58,10 +64,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: ^conn,
           state: :up,
-          waiting_pids: []
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 2
     } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -84,12 +91,12 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: ^conn,
           state: :up,
           waiting_pids: []
-        "some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{
+        "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{
           conn: ^https_conn,
           state: :up,
           waiting_pids: []
@@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "gun_down.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:gun_down.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: _,
           state: :down,
           waiting_pids: _
@@ -121,10 +128,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: _,
           state: :down,
-          waiting_pids: _
+          waiting_pids: _,
+          used: 0
     } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -136,10 +144,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: _,
           state: :up,
-          waiting_pids: []
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 2
     } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -164,10 +173,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
       conns: %{
-        "some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
           conn: conn,
           state: :up,
-          waiting_pids: []
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 5
     } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -175,6 +185,52 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
     assert Enum.all?(conns, fn res -> res == conn end)
+  test "remove frequently used", %{name: name, pid: pid} do
+    Connections.get_conn("https://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name)
+    for _ <- 1..4 do
+      Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name)
+    end
+    %Connections{
+      conns: %{
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+          conn: _,
+          state: :up,
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 4
+        },
+        "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{
+          conn: _,
+          state: :up,
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 1
+        }
+      },
+      opts: [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10]
+    } = Connections.get_state(name)
+    conn = Connections.get_conn("http://another-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name)
+    %Connections{
+      conns: %{
+        "http:another-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+          conn: ^conn,
+          state: :up,
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 1
+        },
+        "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{
+          conn: _,
+          state: :up,
+          waiting_pids: [],
+          used: 4
+        }
+      },
+      opts: [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10]
+    } = Connections.get_state(name)
+  end
   describe "integration test" do
     @describetag :integration
@@ -193,10 +249,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
         conns: %{
-          "httpbin.org:80" => %Conn{
+          "http:httpbin.org:80" => %Conn{
             conn: ^conn,
             state: :up,
-            waiting_pids: []
+            waiting_pids: [],
+            used: 2
       } = Connections.get_state(name)
@@ -217,10 +274,11 @@ defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do
         conns: %{
-          "httpbin.org:443" => %Conn{
+          "https:httpbin.org:443" => %Conn{
             conn: ^conn,
             state: :up,
-            waiting_pids: []
+            waiting_pids: [],
+            used: 2
       } = Connections.get_state(name)