# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Gun.ConnectionsTest do use ExUnit.Case alias Pleroma.Gun.{Connections, Conn, API} setup_all do {:ok, _} = Registry.start_link(keys: :unique, name: API.Mock) :ok end setup do name = :test_gun_connections adapter = Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter) Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, Tesla.Adapter.Gun) on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:tesla, :adapter, adapter) end) {:ok, pid} = Connections.start_link({name, [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10]}) {:ok, name: name, pid: pid} end describe "alive?/2" do test "is alive", %{name: name} do assert Connections.alive?(name) end test "returns false if not started" do refute Connections.alive?(:some_random_name) end end test "opens connection and reuse it on next request", %{name: name, pid: pid} do conn = Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) assert is_pid(conn) assert Process.alive?(conn) reused_conn = Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) assert conn == reused_conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: ^conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 2 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end test "reuses connection based on protocol", %{name: name, pid: pid} do conn = Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) assert is_pid(conn) assert Process.alive?(conn) https_conn = Connections.get_conn("https://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) refute conn == https_conn reused_https = Connections.get_conn("https://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) refute conn == reused_https assert reused_https == https_conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: ^conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [] }, "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{ conn: ^https_conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [] } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end test "process gun_down message", %{name: name, pid: pid} do conn = Connections.get_conn("http://gun_down.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) refute conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:gun_down.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :down, waiting_pids: _ } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end test "process gun_down message and then gun_up", %{name: name, pid: pid} do conn = Connections.get_conn("http://gun_down_and_up.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) refute conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :down, waiting_pids: _, used: 0 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) conn = Connections.get_conn("http://gun_down_and_up.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) assert is_pid(conn) assert Process.alive?(conn) %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:gun_down_and_up.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 2 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end test "async processes get same conn for same domain", %{name: name, pid: pid} do tasks = for _ <- 1..5 do Task.async(fn -> Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) end) end tasks_with_results = Task.yield_many(tasks) results = Enum.map(tasks_with_results, fn {task, res} -> res || Task.shutdown(task, :brutal_kill) end) conns = for {:ok, value} <- results, do: value %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 5 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) assert Enum.all?(conns, fn res -> res == conn end) end test "remove frequently used", %{name: name, pid: pid} do Connections.get_conn("https://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) for _ <- 1..4 do Connections.get_conn("http://some-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) end %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 4 }, "https:some-domain.com:443" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 1 } }, opts: [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10] } = Connections.get_state(name) conn = Connections.get_conn("http://another-domain.com", [genserver_pid: pid], name) %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:another-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: ^conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 1 }, "http:some-domain.com:80" => %Conn{ conn: _, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 4 } }, opts: [max_connections: 2, timeout: 10] } = Connections.get_state(name) end describe "integration test" do @describetag :integration test "opens connection and reuse it on next request", %{name: name} do api = Pleroma.Config.get([API]) Pleroma.Config.put([API], API.Gun) on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([API], api) end) conn = Connections.get_conn("http://httpbin.org", [], name) assert is_pid(conn) assert Process.alive?(conn) reused_conn = Connections.get_conn("http://httpbin.org", [], name) assert conn == reused_conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "http:httpbin.org:80" => %Conn{ conn: ^conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 2 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end test "opens ssl connection and reuse it on next request", %{name: name} do api = Pleroma.Config.get([API]) Pleroma.Config.put([API], API.Gun) on_exit(fn -> Pleroma.Config.put([API], api) end) conn = Connections.get_conn("https://httpbin.org", [], name) assert is_pid(conn) assert Process.alive?(conn) reused_conn = Connections.get_conn("https://httpbin.org", [], name) assert conn == reused_conn %Connections{ conns: %{ "https:httpbin.org:443" => %Conn{ conn: ^conn, state: :up, waiting_pids: [], used: 2 } } } = Connections.get_state(name) end end end