# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.TwitterCardTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true alias Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.TwitterCard test "returns error when html not contains twitter card" do assert TwitterCard.parse("", %{}) == {:error, "No twitter card metadata found"} end test "parses twitter card with only name attributes" do html = File.read!("test/fixtures/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers3.html") assert TwitterCard.parse(html, %{}) == {:ok, %{ "app:id:googleplay": "com.nytimes.android", "app:name:googleplay": "NYTimes", "app:url:googleplay": "nytimes://reader/id/100000006583622", site: nil, title: "She Was Arrested at 14. Then Her Photo Went to a Facial Recognition Database. - The New York Times" }} end test "parses twitter card with only property attributes" do html = File.read!("test/fixtures/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers2.html") assert TwitterCard.parse(html, %{}) == {:ok, %{ card: "summary_large_image", description: "With little oversight, the N.Y.P.D. has been using powerful surveillance technology on photos of children and teenagers.", image: "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/08/01/nyregion/01nypd-juveniles-promo/01nypd-juveniles-promo-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg", "image:alt": "", title: "She Was Arrested at 14. Then Her Photo Went to a Facial Recognition Database.", url: "https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html" }} end test "parses twitter card with name & property attributes" do html = File.read!("test/fixtures/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html") assert TwitterCard.parse(html, %{}) == {:ok, %{ "app:id:googleplay": "com.nytimes.android", "app:name:googleplay": "NYTimes", "app:url:googleplay": "nytimes://reader/id/100000006583622", card: "summary_large_image", description: "With little oversight, the N.Y.P.D. has been using powerful surveillance technology on photos of children and teenagers.", image: "https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/08/01/nyregion/01nypd-juveniles-promo/01nypd-juveniles-promo-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg", "image:alt": "", site: nil, title: "She Was Arrested at 14. Then Her Photo Went to a Facial Recognition Database.", url: "https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/01/nyregion/nypd-facial-recognition-children-teenagers.html" }} end end