Fork of Pleroma with site-specific changes and feature branches
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27 lines

  1. {
  2. "@context" : [
  3. "",
  4. ""
  5. ],
  6. "followers" : "",
  7. "following" : "",
  8. "icon" : {
  9. "mediaType" : "image/jpeg",
  10. "type" : "Image",
  11. "url" : ""
  12. },
  13. "id" : "",
  14. "inbox" : "",
  15. "liked" : "",
  16. "name" : "Bernie2020 group",
  17. "outbox" : "",
  18. "preferredUsername" : "Bernie2020",
  19. "publicKey" : {
  20. "id" : "",
  21. "owner" : "",
  22. "publicKeyPem" : "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nLFVw49LcWAz3J2Im+A+uSd8CAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
  23. },
  24. "summary" : "I'm a group about Bernie2020. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging",
  25. "type" : "Group"
  26. }