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  307. BlueAngelLove </span>
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  348. <span class="value" id="weight_value">
  349. 45 kilos </span>
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  355. <span class="value" id="height_value">
  356. 165 centimeters </span>
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  497. <hr><div class="maintitle">June Month Contestst-Top 3 tippers Get A gift mailed,videos,pictures and will my right hand full month and room helpers as well (be my men for a month or who knows...maybe forever) ***
  498. Love Ya Angels*** We are currently ranked #2200 overall </div>
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  502. <p> ElmosEgo 6570 Tks </p>
  503. <p> Rw2lite 4800 Tks </p>
  504. <p> Toastboi 2093 Tks </p>
  505. <p> Acoolahole 1850 Tks </p>
  506. <p> Gonodog 1299 Tks </p>
  507. <p> Pumpy_G 800 Tks </p>
  508. <p> Fowser 690 Tks </p>
  509. <p> Aquanautic 600 Tks </p>
  510. <p> Daveonthelake 535 Tks </p>
  511. <p> Wildpervert2 500 Tks </p>
  512. <p> Cloud10101 350 Tks </p>
  513. <p> Branson102 337 Tks </p>
  514. <p> TheCopperhead 329 Tks </p>
  515. <p> Mouche99 250 Tks </p>
  516. <p> The88drummer 233 Tks </p>
  517. <p> Stringtrees86 199 Tks </p>
  518. <p> Blazegordon 183 Tks </p>
  519. <p> Waiting_4 183 Tks </p>
  520. <p> Sam_mie 170 Tks </p>
  521. <p> UtterTripe 150 Tks </p>
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  868. My Schedule
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  870. <div class="container" id="schedule_day_0_container">
  871. <span class="label" id="schedule_day_0_label">
  872. Sunday
  873. </span>
  874. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_0_value">
  875. I'm
  876. <span class="emphasis">Always</span>
  877. online from
  878. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_0_stime_value" data-mfc-time="-13" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 am</span>
  879. until
  880. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_0_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
  881. </span>
  882. </div>
  883. <div class="container" id="schedule_day_1_container">
  884. <span class="label" id="schedule_day_1_label">
  885. Monday
  886. </span>
  887. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_1_value">
  888. I'm
  889. <span class="emphasis">Always</span>
  890. online from
  891. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_1_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
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  893. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_1_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
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  897. <span class="label" id="schedule_day_2_label">
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  900. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_2_value">
  901. I'm
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  903. online from
  904. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_2_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
  905. until
  906. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_2_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
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  913. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_3_value">
  914. I'm
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  916. online from
  917. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_3_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
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  919. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_3_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
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  924. Thursday
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  926. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_4_value">
  927. I'm
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  929. online from
  930. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_4_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
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  932. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_4_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
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  937. Friday
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  939. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_5_value">
  940. I'm
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  942. online from
  943. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_5_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
  944. until
  945. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_5_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
  946. </span>
  947. </div>
  948. <div class="container" id="schedule_day_6_container">
  949. <span class="label" id="schedule_day_6_label">
  950. Saturday
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  952. <span class="value" id="schedule_day_6_value">
  953. I'm
  954. <span class="emphasis">Always</span>
  955. online from
  956. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_6_stime_value" data-mfc-time="11" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">3:30 pm</span>
  957. until
  958. <span class="emphasis schedule_day_time" id="schedule_day_6_etime_value" data-mfc-time="-6" data-mfc-base-timezone="-7">7:00 am</span>
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  962. The times shown above have been adjusted relative to your timezone (<span class="emphasis" id="schedule_local_timezone"></span>).
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  972. Interests &amp; Hobbies
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  974. <div class="container" id="meaning_life_container">
  975. <span class="label" id="meaning_life_label">
  976. Meaning of Life:
  977. </span>
  978. <span class="value" id="meaning_life_value">
  979. Meaning of Life .To Love and Be Loved and keep what i have and who i have in my life right now </span>
  980. </div>
  981. <div class="container" id="five_things_container">
  982. <span class="label" id="five_things_label">
  983. Five Things I Can&#039;t Live Without:
  984. </span>
  985. <span class="value" id="five_things_value">
  986. -family
  987. -phone
  988. -sex
  989. -love
  990. -money </span>
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  993. <span class="label" id="favorite_books_label">
  994. Favorite Books:
  995. </span>
  996. <span class="value" id="favorite_books_value">
  997. My fav. book was Count of Monte Cristo </span>
  998. </div>
  999. <div class="container" id="for_fun_container">
  1000. <span class="label" id="for_fun_label">
  1001. What I Like To Do For Fun:
  1002. </span>
  1003. <span class="value" id="for_fun_value">
  1004. In my free time I dance, play games , go out and travel </span>
  1005. </div>
  1006. <div class="container" id="favorite_songs_container">
  1007. <span class="label" id="favorite_songs_label">
  1008. Favorite Songs:
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  1022. Hobbies:
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  1024. <span class="value" id="hobbies_value">
  1025. <a href="">My Amazon Wishlistuk</a> </span>
  1026. </div>
  1027. <div class="container" id="talents_container">
  1028. <span class="label" id="talents_label">
  1029. Talents:
  1030. </span>
  1031. <span class="value" id="talents_value">
  1032. i love to Dance , Travel and Cook </span>
  1033. </div>
  1034. <div class="container" id="perfect_mate_container">
  1035. <span class="label" id="perfect_mate_label">
  1036. Perfect Mate:
  1037. </span>
  1038. <span class="value" id="perfect_mate_value">
  1039. Perfect mate is Magic Mike </span>
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  1041. <div class="container" id="perfect_date_container">
  1042. <span class="label" id="perfect_date_label">
  1043. Perfect Date:
  1044. </span>
  1045. <span class="value" id="perfect_date_value">
  1046. Perfect Date .You and Me , romatic dinner and wild sex </span>
  1047. </div>
  1048. <div class="container" id="turn_ons_container">
  1049. <span class="label" id="turn_ons_label">
  1050. Turn Ons/Offs:
  1051. </span>
  1052. <span class="value" id="turn_ons_value">
  1053. I hate Liers and Rude Peoples </span>
  1054. </div>
  1055. <div class="container" id="know_me_container">
  1056. <span class="label" id="know_me_label">
  1057. Best Reason to Get to Know Me:
  1058. </span>
  1059. <span class="value" id="know_me_value">
  1060. My dear men, please dont put a label on medont make me a category before you get to know me! </span>
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