<?php // Prismatic - Settings Callbacks

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

function prismatic_section_general() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Thank you for using the free version of', 'prismatic') .' <a target="_blank" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/prismatic/">'. esc_html__('Prismatic', 'prismatic') .'</a>.</p>';

function prismatic_section_prism() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Settings for syntax highlighting via', 'prismatic') .' <a target="_blank" href="http://prismjs.com/">'. esc_html__('Prism.js', 'prismatic') .'</a>.';

function prismatic_section_prism_code() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Settings for code escaping when Prism.js is enabled.', 'prismatic');

function prismatic_section_highlight() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Settings for syntax highlighting via', 'prismatic') .' <a target="_blank" href="https://highlightjs.org/">'. esc_html__('Highlight.js', 'prismatic') .'</a>.';

function prismatic_section_highlight_code() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Settings for code escaping when Highlight.js is enabled.', 'prismatic');

function prismatic_section_plain() {
	echo '<p>'. esc_html__('Settings for code escaping without syntax highlighting.', 'prismatic') .'</p>';

function prismatic_library() {
	$library = array(
		'prism' => array(
			'value' => 'prism',
			'label' => esc_html__('Prism.js', 'prismatic'),
		'highlight' => array(
			'value' => 'highlight',
			'label' => esc_html__('Highlight.js', 'prismatic'),
		'plain' => array(
			'value' => 'plain',
			'label' => esc_html__('Plain Flavor', 'prismatic'),
		'none' => array(
			'value' => 'none',
			'label' => esc_html__('None (Disable)', 'prismatic'),
	return $library;

function prismatic_location() {
	$array = array(
		'front' => array(
			'value' => 'front',
			'label' => esc_html__('Frontend only', 'prismatic'),
		'admin' => array(
			'value' => 'admin',
			'label' => esc_html__('Admin Area only', 'prismatic'),
		'both' => array(
			'value' => 'both',
			'label' => esc_html__('Frontend &amp; Admin Area', 'prismatic'),
		'none' => array(
			'value' => 'none',
			'label' => esc_html__('None (Disable)', 'prismatic'),
	return $array;

function prismatic_prism_theme() {
	$theme = array(
		'coy' => array(
			'value' => 'coy',
			'label' => esc_html__('Coy', 'prismatic'),
		'dark' => array(
			'value' => 'dark',
			'label' => esc_html__('Dark', 'prismatic'),
		'default' => array(
			'value' => 'default',
			'label' => esc_html__('Default', 'prismatic'),
		'funky' => array(
			'value' => 'funky',
			'label' => esc_html__('Funky', 'prismatic'),
		'okaidia' => array(
			'value' => 'okaidia',
			'label' => esc_html__('Okaidia', 'prismatic'),
		'solarized' => array(
			'value' => 'solarized',
			'label' => esc_html__('Solarized', 'prismatic'),
		'twilight' => array(
			'value' => 'twilight',
			'label' => esc_html__('Twilight', 'prismatic'),
	return $theme;

function prismatic_highlight_theme() {
	require_once PRISMATIC_DIR .'lib/highlight/themes.php';
	return $theme;

function prismatic_callback_select($args) {
	$id      = isset($args['id'])      ? $args['id']      : '';
	$label   = isset($args['label'])   ? $args['label']   : '';
	$section = isset($args['section']) ? $args['section'] : '';
	$setting = 'prismatic_options_'. $section;
	global ${$setting};
	$options = ${$setting};
	$value = isset($options[$id]) ? sanitize_text_field($options[$id]) : '';
	$options_array = array();
	if ($id === 'library') {
		$options_array = prismatic_library();
	} elseif ($id === 'filter_content' || $id === 'filter_excerpts' || $id === 'filter_comments') {
		$options_array = prismatic_location();
	} elseif ($id === 'prism_theme') {
		$options_array = prismatic_prism_theme();
	} elseif ($id === 'highlight_theme') {
		$options_array = prismatic_highlight_theme();
	echo '<select name="'. $setting .'['. $id .']">';
	foreach ($options_array as $option) {
		echo '<option '. selected($option['value'], $value, false) .' value="'. $option['value'] .'">'. $option['label'] .'</option>';
	echo '</select> <label class="prismatic-label inline-block" for="'. $setting .'['. $id .']">'. $label .'</label>';

function prismatic_callback_text($args) {
	$id      = isset($args['id'])      ? $args['id']      : '';
	$label   = isset($args['label'])   ? $args['label']   : '';
	$section = isset($args['section']) ? $args['section'] : '';
	$setting = 'prismatic_options_'. $section;
	global ${$setting};
	$options = ${$setting};
	$value = isset($options[$id]) ? sanitize_text_field($options[$id]) : '';
	echo '<input name="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" type="text" size="40" value="'. $value .'"> ';
	echo '<label for="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" class="prismatic-label">'. $label .'</label>';

function prismatic_callback_textarea($args) {
	$id      = isset($args['id'])      ? $args['id']      : '';
	$label   = isset($args['label'])   ? $args['label']   : '';
	$section = isset($args['section']) ? $args['section'] : '';
	$setting = 'prismatic_options_'. $section;
	global ${$setting};
	$options = ${$setting};
	$allowed_tags = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
	$value = isset($options[$id]) ? wp_kses(stripslashes_deep($options[$id]), $allowed_tags) : '';
	echo '<textarea name="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" rows="3" cols="50">'. $value .'</textarea> ';
	echo '<label for="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" class="prismatic-label" >'. $label .'</label>';

function prismatic_callback_checkbox($args) {
	$id      = isset($args['id'])      ? $args['id']      : '';
	$label   = isset($args['label'])   ? $args['label']   : '';
	$section = isset($args['section']) ? $args['section'] : '';
	$setting = 'prismatic_options_'. $section;
	global ${$setting};
	$options = ${$setting};
	$checked = isset($options[$id]) ? checked($options[$id], 1, false) : '';
	echo '<input name="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" value="1" type="checkbox" '. $checked .'> ';
	echo '<label for="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" class="prismatic-label inline-block">'. $label .'</label>';

function prismatic_callback_number($args) {
	$id      = isset($args['id'])      ? $args['id']      : '';
	$label   = isset($args['label'])   ? $args['label']   : '';
	$section = isset($args['section']) ? $args['section'] : '';
	$setting = 'prismatic_options_'. $section;
	global ${$setting};
	$options = ${$setting};
	$value = isset($options[$id]) ? sanitize_text_field($options[$id]) : '';
	$min = 0;
	$max = 999;
	echo '<input name="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" type="number" min="'. $min .'" max="'. $max .'" value="'. $value .'"> ';
	echo '<label for="'. $setting .'['. $id .']" class="prismatic-label inline-block">'. $label .'</label>';

function prismatic_callback_reset($args) {
	$nonce = wp_create_nonce('prismatic_reset_options');
	$url   = admin_url('options-general.php?page=prismatic');
	$href  = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('reset-options-verify' => $nonce), $url));
	echo '<a class="prismatic-reset-options" href="'. $href .'">'. esc_html__('Restore default plugin options', 'prismatic') .'</a>';

function prismatic_callback_rate($args) {
	$href  = 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/'. PRISMATIC_SLUG .'/reviews/?rate=5#new-post';
	$title = esc_attr__('Help keep Prismatic going strong! A huge THANK YOU for your support!', 'prismatic');
	$text  = isset($args['label']) ? $args['label'] : esc_html__('Show support with a 5-star rating &raquo;', 'prismatic');
	echo '<a target="_blank" class="prismatic-rate-plugin" href="'. $href .'" title="'. $title .'">'. $text .'</a>';