:: the comment ":: code belongs here" indicates that one or more lines of code are needed to make this section of the program work. |= raw=tape =< =. raw (cuss raw) (convert raw) |% :: the latest and greatest rapper ++ mcelem |= l=@t ?| &((gte l 'A') (lte l 'Z')) &((gte l '0') (lte l '9')) == ++ convert |= m=tape ^- tape %- zing %+ turn m |= l=@t ?: =(l ' ') "[_]" ?: (mcelem l) ~[' ' (~(got by table) l) ' '] ~['[' l ']'] ++ table %- my :~ :- 'A' '.-' :- 'B' '-...' :- 'C' '-.-.' :- 'D' '-..' :- 'E' '.' :- 'F' '..-.' :- 'G' '--.' :- 'H' '....' :- 'I' '..' :- 'J' '.---' :- 'K' '-.-' :- 'L' '.-..' :- 'M' '--' :- 'N' '-.' :- 'O' '---' :- 'P' '.--.' :- 'Q' '--.-' :- 'R' '.-.' :- 'S' '...' :- 'T' '-' :- 'U' '..-' :- 'V' '...-' :- 'W' '.--' :- 'X' '-..-' :- 'Y' '-.--' :- 'Z' '--..' :- '0' '-----' :- '1' '.----' :- '2' '..---' :- '3' '...--' :- '4' '....-' :- '5' '.....' :- '6' '-....' :- '7' '--...' :- '8' '---..' :- '9' '----.' == --