:: Hoon 101 - Week 4 :: ~bannum-magtus || s@p7.co.nz :: |= n=@ ^- @ =< (wrrrm n) |% :: :: the atom made a 'clink' as it fell into the hole ++ clink |= [a=@ b=@] ^- ? =(0 (mod a b)) :: :: there was a 'clunk' as the atom fell multiple times ++ clunk |= a=@ ^- ? ?| (clink a 3) (clink a 5) == :: :: a 'bzzrp' was heard as certain atoms were vapourised ++ bzzrp |= a=@ ?: (clunk a) a 0 :: :: 'wrrrm' was all you could hear as the machine started up ++ wrrrm |= x=@ ^- @ %- roll :_ add %- turn :_ bzzrp (gulf 1 x) --