{ lib, pkgs, ... }: { ################################# # user level home configuration # ################################# # this file *should* contain: # * a list of programs i want # * definitions of any files i need in a certain place # * user specific program configuration # # this file should *not* contain: # * default program configuration that is not user specific imports = [ ../../modules/bspwm/home.nix ../../modules/urxvt/home.nix ../../modules/picom/home.nix ../../modules/zsh/home.nix ./fonts/home.nix ./xresources.nix ]; home = { # keyboard layout, v v important keyboard.layout = "dvorak"; # packages that are needed packages = with pkgs; [ # system stuff unzip htop gotop neofetch scrot git zip p7zip tmux # essential things cowsay fortune # editors libreoffice # web stuff elinks qutebrowser transmission-gtk profanity weechat youtube-dl # media krita imagemagick ncmpcpp aseprite calibre zathura mpv ncmpcpp texlive.combined.scheme-full # prog rgbds sameboy racket stack ghc idris idris2 # games nethack crawl crawlTiles sgtpuzzles wine qgo gnugo openttd dwarf-fortress minetest # freeSO stuff lutris cabextract mono SDL2 wget ]; }; services.syncthing.enable = true; }