module Connect where import Types import Groups import Players -- IDEAS -- * Bank of bool function, boardstate affection pairs -- One global, one per player -- used as a list of restrictions for whether you can play a card. -- * Further, make it a list of restrictions, for going in timing order. -- makes for better log messages. --conAnnounceLine :: PlayerId -> CardSym -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState --conAnnounceLine p l t oldBoardState -- | not $ PlayerId `elem` (bsPlayerLib oldBoardState) = oldBoardState -- { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) -- ++ [ Right ("Player " ++ show PlayerId ++ " is not in the game") ] -- } -- | not $ isInHand l p oldBoardState = oldBoardState -- { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) -- ++ [ Right (show CardSym ++ " is not in " ++ (playerName p) ++ "'s hand" ] -- } -- | otherwise = oldBoardState -- { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) -- ++ [ Left (playerName p oldBoardState) ++ " announced " ++ (getCardLine l) ++ ", moved to active" ] -- , bsCardStack -- TODO -- * manipulate the card stack after writing it -- Passes state for X to hurt Y conHurt :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState conHurt charX charY oldBoardState | not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not hurt") ] } | isAlone charY oldGroups = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is downed") ] , bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState) { ntPutCards = filter (\x -> ((fst x) /= Left charX)) oldPut , ntDowned = downChar charY oldDowned } } | otherwise = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Left (show charX ++ " hurt " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " left their group") ] , bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState) { ntGroups = removeFromGroup charY oldGroups } } where oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState oldPut = (ntPutCards . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState -- Passes state for X to attract Y conAttract :: MainCharacter -> MainCharacter -> BoardState -> BoardState conAttract charX charY oldBoardState | not $ isAdjacent charX charY oldGroups = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Right (show charX ++ " is not adjacent to " ++ show charY ++ ", could not attract") ] } | isDowned charX oldDowned = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ " is ready") ] , bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState) { ntDowned = readyChar charY oldDowned } } | otherwise = oldBoardState { bsGameLog = (bsGameLog oldBoardState) ++ [ Left (show charX ++ " attracted " ++ show charY ++ ", " ++ show charY ++ "'s group joined " ++ show charX ++ "'s group") ] , bsNeoTokyo = (bsNeoTokyo oldBoardState) { ntGroups = joinGroups charX charY oldGroups } } where oldDowned = (ntDowned . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState oldGroups = (ntGroups . bsNeoTokyo) oldBoardState