# Regular Flolloping Post-Netrunner Rotation, currently hosted at [Protocol Seven](https://anr.p7.co.nz) ## Getting Started What you need to get the generator up and running. ### Prerequisites Built using Nix. Nix can be installed with: ``` curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh ``` ### Dependencies `imagemagick` is required for the favicons. ### Installing Compile the generator ``` nix-build p7.nix ``` Enter the build environment ``` nix-shell --pure ``` Generate the site ``` ./result/site rebuild ``` And test it out ``` ./result/site watch ``` The site will now be avaliable at `localhost:8000` ## Deployment Site will be completely static, so simply point your server to the `_site` directory ## Built With * [Hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be) - The web framework used * [hakyll-favicon](https://github.com/elaye/hakyll-favicon) - Thanks Elie! * [Nix](https://nixos.org) - Package Management * [Cabal](https://cabal.readthedocs.io) - Build System ## Versioning Is very airy fairy and mainly based on what I think constitutes major / minor updates. ## Authors * **Shaun Kerr** - [tA](https://github.com/techieAgnostic) ## License This project is licensed under the BSD3 License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Chris Hay for coming up with the idea * Elie GĂ©nard for their favicon library, very easy to use. * Serial Experiments Lain for being amazing and the source of the name * ***NOT*** Wizards of the Coast, because those [REDACTED] cancelled the game >:[ * You, for reading this :)