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<h1>Chad Lebowski</h1>
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Posted on December 3, 2018
<p>the big lebowski is one of the most accurate representations of real life people ever filmed and im gonna tell you why so buckle up kiddo.</p>
<h2 id="fukken-chads">fukken chads</h2>
<p>when it comes to stuff, there are the people who are chads at that thing, and the people who arent. this is applicable to <em>fuarking everything</em>. full stop.</p>
<p>now most film universes have a core value system that is different to real life. an action movie hero who goes around beating everyone up really well is a fukken chad, despite that very same person being a psychopath in our world who the government would take out the back and hit on the head with a brick.</p>
<p>in the bionicle world of “the mask of light”, all the toa (with the slight exception of gali) suck, except for kopaka who is a fuarking chaddo because hes the one that fights best, and wins more than everyone else.</p>
<p>gali is sorta a chad too, at least comparative to all the other shitty toa. she doesnt win much but she doesnt lose as much as everyone else so good for her.</p>
<h2 id="real-life">real life</h2>
<p>in real life, however, we have many many more systems of value. you may be the worlds best beyblades player, and to other beyblades players youre probably a real chad, but that doesnt change the fact that like four people in the world actually play beyblades and to everyone else youre a dumb nerd. but thats ok, because everyone else has their own thing to be chad at.</p>
<p>were not limited to one thing we can be a chad at, in the real world.</p>
<h2 id="the-movie-or-whatever">the movie or whatever</h2>
<p>every character in the big lebowski is a chad. this is because, in the movie, every character (except donny) thinks theyre in a different genre movie, as the main character, and add the part. we have all these very very very different characters, yet each one, in their own, niche way, is a chad.</p>
<h2 id="final-thots">final thots</h2>
<p>the big lebowski is a good movie because the characters dont suck. i still think the mask of light is a really good movie, but thats despite every toa except kopaka and gali being useless.</p>
<p>dont even get me started on takanuva in the extended universe, how the writers thought it was ok to let him basically do nothing is beyond me.</p>
<p>i wish i could say i was chad at writing blogs but im not sure, at the very least im the chad of being me :)</p>
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