--- title: Contact --- * come find me on the fediverse! * email me at [s@p7.co.nz](mailto:s@p7.co.nz) * add me on xmpp at `ta@serverchan.club` * come chill at `#scoots` on ServerChan ~ `irc.serverchan.club` port `6698` with SSL) * if you see a `tA`, `techieAgnostic` or anything in the form of `t*A*` online its probably me * if you're an [urbit](https://urbit.org) i'm occasionally on as `~bannum-magtus` ## omemo fingerprints in case anyone is sad enough to try and pretend to be me ``` E99F238B EC355B83 EEA7922A 920855F2 B7390E81 D1C72C57 E8BAB8EC 7AF0166F 5F0AA77D D80BEA25 2045C6FA 4CBDA994 7C169158 BFF053AC 7B448AE8 B15B2D42 532BEF79 E6B9B04E 42A50909 8468C2AB 42F6CC1E 2ECA6085 74F75AAA E26E5946 ```