tA's crappy blog
Ви не можете вибрати більше 25 тем Теми мають розпочинатися з літери або цифри, можуть містити дефіси (-) і не повинні перевищувати 35 символів.
Thorn Avery 0325d8c861 unfuarked my gitignore, dont hack me 4 роки тому
_input big cleanup 4 роки тому
src big cleanup 4 роки тому
.gitignore unfuarked my gitignore, dont hack me 4 роки тому
ChangeLog.md big cleanup 4 роки тому
LICENSE big cleanup 4 роки тому
README.md updated readme 4 роки тому
cabal.nix big cleanup 4 роки тому
default.nix big cleanup 4 роки тому
rf.cabal big cleanup 4 роки тому
rf.nix hope this works 5 роки тому
rfg.sh big cleanup 4 роки тому
shell.nix big cleanup 4 роки тому


Regular Flolloping

tA's Blog, currently hosted at Regular Flolloping

Getting Started

What you need to get the generator up and running.


Built using Nix. Nix can be installed with:

curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh


imagemagick is required for the favicons.


Enter the build environment

nix-shell --pure

Compile the generator


Generate the site

./result/site rebuild

And test it out

./result/site watch

The site will now be avaliable at localhost:8000


Site will be completely static, so simply point your server to the _site directory

if you edit the values in rfg.sh to point to your git repo, you can run;

nix-shell --pure --run "./rfg.sh"

to automatically build up upload a gopher mirror, such as to work with lain.church

this will also build the http site

if you're not running NixOS, then please edit the bang line in the script to point to your bash installation.

Built With


Is very airy fairy and mainly based on what I think constitutes major / minor updates.

Check the ChangeLog for changes, if I remember to write them.


  • Shaun Kerr - tA


This project is licensed under the BSD2 License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Hakyll for having an incredible default, of which 90% was kept i gutted for a crappy light on dark style
  • Elie Génard for their favicon library, very easy to use.
  • Douglas Adam's for providing the name
  • You, for reading this :)