2020-03-31 09:35:50 +13:00

108 lines
1.7 KiB

= turingAutomaton =
a toy programming language for creating turing machines
== description ==
`turingAutomaton` is a programming language created to test the Racket ecosystem. it features custom syntax and is able to run single tape turing machines.
== installation ==
git clone https://git.lain.church/tA/turingAutomaton
cd turingAutomaton
raco pkg install
== syntax ==
all files must begin with a
#lang turingAutomaton
followed by a definition of;
@ beginningState
% blankSymbol
! acceptingState
(currently the accepting state is unimplemented)
`states` are defined using the following syntax;
: stateName
currentSymbol ~ newSymbol > newState
currentSymbol ~ newSymbol < newState
where `<` and `>` denote moving the tape left and right, respectively
comments are allowed:
; either on their own line
@ first ; or at the end of a line
== sample program ==
this machine will double a number passed to it
#lang turingAutomaton
; this is a comment!
@ first
% e
! F
: first
a ~ b > second
c ~ c > fourth
: second
a ~ a > second
c ~ c > second
e ~ c < third
: third
a ~ a < third
b ~ b > first
c ~ c < third
: fourth
c ~ c > fourth
e ~ e < fifth
: fifth
b ~ a < fifth
c ~ a < fifth
e ~ e > F
== caveats ==
currently very unfinished.
all input is a single tape defined with `aaaaa` for now.
there is no error checking until I learn how to do that.
might get slow for very large tapes as the tape uses linked lists to operate.
== thanks ==
mutce ckire to:
* the racket team for creating an awesome language
* Matthew Butterick for his book [Beautiful Racket](https://beautifulracket.com/) and the libraries within
== author ==
`fi'e la ti'ei`