.TH TUBES 1 tubes-1.1.0 .SH NAME tubes \- irc pipes .SH SYNOPSIS .B tubes .RB [ \-S ] .RB [ \-s .IR server ] .RB [ \-p .IR port ] .RB [ \-v ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B tubes is a small daemon that provides a minimalistic interface for irc bots. Messages to and from the server are represented by two FIFO buffers in /tmp. For the default server (freenode) these would be chat.freenode.net.in and chat.freenode.net.out for incoming and outgoing messages respectively. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-S Use SSL (changes default port to 6697) .TP .BI \-s " server" Use a host other than the default (chat.freenode.net) .TP .BI \-p " port" Use a port other than the default (6667) .TP .B \-v Prints version information and exits .SH FILES The incoming and outgoing FIFO buffers are stored in /tmp and are named for the server tubes is connected to with .in or .out appended to the end. ~/.tubes.err is used to store a string explaining why tubes has exited, if any. .SH RETURN VALUE Returns -1 when something has gone wrong or 0 on success. .SH AUTHOR Copyright \(co 2016 Thomas Mannay .