lain themed custom json files for pleroma frontend. pictures included have their own copyrights
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vala abce1262e7 Merge pull request 'added the new cenezo theme' (#1) from cenezo into master 4 роки тому
cenezo uploaded the cenezo theme i made for 4 роки тому
lain-battlestation Upload files to 'lain-battlestation' 4 роки тому
lain-dark Upload files to 'lain-dark' 4 роки тому
lain-pinktransparent Upload files to 'lain-pinktransparent' 4 роки тому
megumin uploaded the megumin theme i use for 4 роки тому
LICENSE Initial commit 4 роки тому updated readme to include preview of cenezo theme 4 роки тому
cenezo.jpg uploaded preview for cenezo theme 4 роки тому
lain_battlestation.png Upload files to '' 4 роки тому
lain_darkgray.png Upload files to '' 4 роки тому
lain_pinktransparent.png Upload files to '' 4 роки тому
megumin.jpg uploaded preview for megumin theme 4 роки тому


lain themed custom json files for pleroma frontend. pictures included have their own copyrights

screenshot of cenezo


screenshot of lain-battlestation two alternatives when it comes to background. one has tenshi eating a corndog on the monitor, while the other doesnt have it.


screenshot of lain-darkgray


screenshot of lain-pinktransparent


screenshot of megumin