;;;; A program to print out the current real-time status of the computer parking terminal equipped ;;;; parking garages in the city of Linköping using the municipal open data API. (import http-client) (import srfi-1) (import (chicken io)) (import srfi-13) (import srfi-14) (import (chicken condition)) (import medea) ;; We want members to be parsed as lowercase symbols, and arrays to be parsed as lists. ;; This is not a legal way to parse json, which requires case-sensitive members ;; but makes for neater scheme code. (json-parsers (append `((member . ,(lambda (k v) (cons (string->symbol (string-downcase k)) v))) (array . ,identity) (null . ,(constantly '()))) (json-parsers))) (: curry (procedure * --> procedure)) (define (curry fn a) (lambda (b) (fn a b))) (: curry2 (procedure * * --> procedure)) (define (curry2 fn a b) (lambda (c) (fn a b c))) (: perhaps (procedure * -> *)) (define (perhaps fn a) (if a (fn a) a)) (: upon (('a -> boolean) ('a -> 'b) 'a -> (or 'a 'b))) (define (upon pred? fn a) (if (pred? a) (fn a) a)) (: member? (* list --> boolean)) (define (member? a ln) (if (member a ln) #t #f)) (: default ('a 'b --> (or 'a 'b))) (define (default b a) (if a a b)) (define-type association-list (list-of pair)) ;;; Return the value for a given key in an association list, or #f if it doesn't exist. (: value (* association-list --> *)) (define value (compose (curry perhaps cdr) assoc)) ;;; Return the value for a given key in an association list, or a default value if it doesn't exist. (: value-with-default (* * association-list --> *)) (define (value-with-default k v ln) (default v (value k ln))) (: has-key? (* association-list --> boolean)) (define (has-key? k ln) (member? k (map car ln))) (: sort (('a 'a -> boolean) (list-of 'a) --> (list-of 'a))) (define (sort less-than? ln) (if (<= (length ln) 1) ln (append (sort less-than? (filter (complement (curry less-than? (car ln))) (cdr ln))) (list (car ln)) (sort less-than? (filter (curry less-than? (car ln)) (cdr ln)))))) ;;; Sort using fn to extract a value for less-than? to compare for each element in ln. (: sort-via (('a 'a -> boolean) ('b -> 'a) (list-of 'b) -> (list-of 'b))) (define (sort-via less-than? fn ln) (sort (lambda (a b) (less-than? (fn a) (fn b))) ln)) (: display-newline (string -> undefined)) (define (display-newline str) (display str) (newline)) (: ->string ((or string symbol number char) -> string)) (define (->string a) (cond ((string? a) a) ((symbol? a) (symbol->string a)) ((number? a) (number->string a)) ((char? a) (string a)))) ;;; Given a list of either symbols or strings and an association list: ;;; look up every symbol from left to right in the association list and replace it with the value found ;;; then concatenate the resulting list of strings. ;;; Inspired by Python 3's dictionary formatting string syntax. (: format-assoc ((list-of (or symbol string)) association-list --> string)) (define (format-assoc statement ln) (apply string-append (map (curry2 upon symbol? (compose ->string (curry (flip value) ln))) statement))) (define-type json *) (define-type json (or string boolean number float null (list-of json) (list-of (pair symbol json)))) ;;; Get data from a uri and parse it as json. (: simple-json-request (string -> json)) (define (simple-json-request uri) (condition-case (with-input-from-request uri #f read-json) ((exn i/o net) (begin (display-newline "Connection failed.") (exit 1))))) ;;; The API key is an alphanumeric string of length 32 ;;; The Linköping municipal open data API key generator portal is located at http://opendata.linkoping.se (: parking-key string) (define parking-key (string-delete char-set:whitespace (with-input-from-file "key-parking" read-line))) ;;; Get a list of parking lots with various metadata from the municipal servers. ;;; It should be noted that this API is both glitchy and bugged. Two bugs have been noted: ;;; the timestamp parameter, which is supposed to give you a list of lots changed since a given UNIX timestamp ;;; instead results in giving you every lot up until a timestamp of under one hour into the future, after which ;;; it returns nothing. This bug may be platform related; as of this writing the server system providing the API ;;; runs on Windows Server 2016 via IIS 10.0. ;;; The second bug involves returning only partial data upon request - no pattern to this bug has been observed. (: get-parking-lots (-> json)) (define (get-parking-lots) (value 'parkingareanewlist (simple-json-request (string-append "http://parkering.linkoping.se/Parkeringsdata/ParkeringsdataV1.svc/GetParkeringsYtaList/" parking-key "/0")))) ;;; Only lots tracked by parking lot computer terminals have the parkingspacesavailable key. (: computerized (json --> boolean)) (define (computerized? lot) (has-key? 'parkingspacesavailable lot)) ;;; The handicap lots are tracked as separate lots with duplicate names in the data set. (: only-has-handicap-spots? (json --> boolean)) (define (only-has-handicap-spots? lot) (equal? '(4) (value 'parkingtypes lot))) ;;; Electric car lots have a separate lot type, and the downtown parking garages have spaces with charging stations ;;; but they are not implemented in the data set. (: electric-car-lot? (json --> boolean)) (define (electric-car-lot? lot) (member? 3 (value 'parkingtypes lot))) (: main (-> undefined)) (define (main) (display-newline "Parking spaces available:") (map (compose display-newline (curry format-assoc '(name ": " parkingspacesavailable "/" parkingspaces))) (sort-via string-ci