Victor Fors pirms 2 gadiem
1 mainītis faili ar 31 papildinājumiem un 33 dzēšanām
  1. +31

+ 31
- 33
kekkonen.scm Parādīt failu

@@ -327,6 +327,37 @@
(loop (cdr ln)))))))

(define (lisp body environments exit)
(define (lisp-eval body)
(cond ((atom? body) body)
((symbol? body) (reference body))
((list? body) (let ((ln (map lisp-eval body)))
(apply (car ln) (cdr ln))))
(else (exit "Unknown value type in evaluation."))))
(define (reference symbol)
(cdr (any-or (curry assoc symbol) environments (exit (string-append "Undefined reference: " (symbol->string symbol))))))
(define (bind name value)
(set! environments (cons (let loop ((environment (car environments)))
(if (null? environment)
(list (cons name value))
(if (eq? name (caar environment))
(cons (cons name value) (cdr environment))
(loop (cdr environment)))))
(cdr environments))))
(define (lisp-apply function args)
(cond ((function? function)
(apply function args))
((list? function)
(let ((function-arguments (car function))
(function-body (cddr function)))
(lisp function-body (cons (if (= (length function-argumentsq) (length argument-values))
(map cons function-arguments args)
(exit "Wrong number of arguments to function")) environments) exit)))
(_ (exit "attempt to call atom")))))

(define lisp-builtins
`((test . ,(lambda (function-args)
(show "test function called")))
@@ -374,39 +405,6 @@
(exit "malformed lambda expression"))
(_ (exit "malformed lambda expression")))))))

(define (lisp body environments exit)
(define (lisp-eval body)
(cond ((atom? body) body)
((symbol? body) (reference body))
((list? body) (let ((ln (map lisp-eval body)))
(apply (car ln) (cdr ln))))
(else (exit "Unknown value type in evaluation."))))
(define (reference symbol)
(cdr (any-or (curry assoc symbol) environments (exit (string-append "Undefined reference: " (symbol->string symbol))))))
(define (bind name value)
(set! environments (cons (let loop ((environment (car environments)))
(if (null? environment)
(list (cons name value))
(if (eq? name (caar environment))
(cons (cons name value) (cdr environment))
(loop (cdr environment)))))
(cdr environments))))
(define (lisp-apply function args)
(if (function? function)
(apply function args)
(case function-name
(else (let ((function (reference function-name environments)))
(let ((function-arguments (car function))
(argument-values (cdr body))
(function-body (cddr function)))
(lisp function-body (cons (if (= (length function-arguments) (length argument-values))
(map cons function-arguments (map eval argument-values))
(exit "Wrong number of arguments to function")) environments exit))))))
(exit "attempt to call atom")))))

(define (run-lisp body)
(call/cc (lambda (exit)
(cons #t (lisp body (list lisp-builtins) (compose exit (curry cons #f)))))))

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