2023-06-26 16:19:12 +02:00

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;;; Module storing utility functions for common use.
(module util (curry applied thunk just perhaps compose-symbols mapn)
(import scheme)
(import chicken.base)
(import srfi-13)
(import matchable)
;; Partial application function for binary functions.
(define (curry fn a)
(lambda (b)
(fn a b)))
;; Make a function applied, as per (applied +) = (lambda (ln) (+ (car ln) (cdr ln))).
(define (applied fn)
(curry apply fn))
;; Take a list of expressions and wrap them in a thunk.
(define-syntax thunk
(syntax-rules ()
((_ exp ...)
(lambda () exp ...))))
;; Wrap a thunk in a function that discards all its arguments
;; and returns the result of evaluating the thunk.
(define (just fn)
(lambda args
;; Haskell Maybe lifting pattern equivalent for booleans,
;; apply fn to arg if arg is not false.
(define (perhaps fn arg)
(if arg
(fn arg)
(define (mapn fn ln)
(match ln
(() '())
((x) (fn x))
(_ (begin
(fn (car ln))
(mapn fn (cdr ln))))))
;; Compose the argument symbols into a new symbol, joined by '-'.
;; (compose-symbols 'apple 'pear 'orange) = 'apple-pear-orange
(define (compose-symbols . ln)
(string->symbol (string-concatenate (intersperse (map symbol->string ln) "-")))))