소스 검색

shid nod agen D:D:DDD:

whut 1 년 전
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@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Here's the preview it'd generate:

- `-a author`: Set the author name.
- `-b amount`: Make the hue colors blend with the color specified by `-B`. 0.0 (default) means no blending, 1.0 makes them the same exact color. If you'd like to have them be the same hue but with different brightnesses, use a value like 0.999.
- `-B target`: What color to blend the hues with: `foreground`, `background`, `accent`.
- `-B target`: What color to blend the hues with: `background` (default), `foreground`, `accent`.
- `-c contrast`: Desired contrast ratio between the foreground and background colors. Default is 7. 21 guarantees the highest possible contrast (i.e. the foreground will either be white or black).
- `-e`: Equiluminant mode; uses the same luminance for the hues. This keeps their brightness uniform but can make them harder to tell apart.
- `--hsl`: Treat the background color as being gamma-encoded HSL (i.e. what most people are used to). Wouldn't recommend it, but if it works for you...

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