Access python dicts using path strings (mainly just doing this to l2submodule)
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pyproject.toml 511B

vor 1 Jahr
  1. [build-system]
  2. requires = ["hatchling"]
  3. build-backend = ""
  4. [project]
  5. name = "confthing"
  6. version = "0.1"
  7. authors = [
  8. { name="whut", email="" },
  9. ]
  10. description = "Allows working with dicts using path strings"
  11. readme = ""
  12. requires-python = ">=3.7"
  13. classifiers = [
  14. "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
  15. "License :: Other/Proprietary License",
  16. "Operating System :: OS Independent",
  17. ]
  18. [project.urls]
  19. "Homepage" = ""