Access python dicts using path strings (mainly just doing this to l2submodule)
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77 wiersze

  1. class PathError(Exception):
  2. def __init__(self, path):
  3. self.path = path
  4. super().__init__(self.path)
  5. class PathNotFoundError(PathError):
  6. pass
  7. class MissingRequirementError(PathError):
  8. pass
  9. class NotDictError(PathError):
  10. pass
  11. class Config:
  12. def __init__(self, data, delimiter = "/", defaults = {}, requirements = [], **misc_options):
  13. = data
  14. self.delimiter = delimiter
  15. self.strict_subscript = misc_options.get("strict_subscript", False)
  16. self.clobber_subscript = misc_options.get("clobber_subscript", False)
  17. for r in requirements:
  18. if not self.get(r): raise MissingRequirementError(r)
  19. for d in defaults:
  20. try:
  21. self.get(d, strict = True)
  22. except PathNotFoundError:
  23. self.set(d, defaults[d])
  24. def split_path(self, path):
  25. return path.split(self.delimiter)
  26. def get(self, path, fallback = None, strict = False):
  27. elementsAll = self.split_path(path)
  28. def g(elems = elementsAll, obj =
  29. if not elems or not elems[0] or type(obj) != dict: return obj
  30. head, tail = elems[0], elems[1:]
  31. if strict and head not in obj:
  32. raise PathNotFoundError(path)
  33. return g(tail, obj.get(head, fallback))
  34. return g()
  35. def set(self, path, value, clobber = False):
  36. elementsAll = self.split_path(path)
  37. def s(elems = elementsAll, obj =
  38. head, tail = elems[0], elems[1:]
  40. if not tail:
  41. obj[head] = value
  42. else:
  43. if head not in obj or type(obj[head]) != dict:
  44. if clobber:
  45. obj[head] = {}
  46. else:
  47. raise NotDictError(self.delimiter.join(elementsAll[:-len(tail)]))
  48. s(tail, obj[head])
  49. s()
  50. def __getitem__(self, path):
  51. return self.get(path, self.strict_subscript)
  52. def __setitem__(self, path, value):
  53. self.set(path, value, self.clobber_subscript)
  54. def __contains__(self, path):
  55. try:
  56. self.get(path, strict=True)
  57. return True
  58. except:
  59. return False