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  1. module IrcBot.BotNetworkCommands where
  2. import IrcBot.BotNetwork (writeToSocket)
  3. import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
  4. import Network.Connection
  5. import Data.List.Utils (replace)
  6. sendMessage :: Connection -> String -> String -> IO ()
  7. sendMessage sock targetChannel stringData =
  8. do
  9. -- print "SENT STRING: "
  10. -- print combiendStringData
  11. writeToSocket sock (prepareSendMessage targetChannel stringData)
  12. prepareSendMessage :: String -> String -> String
  13. prepareSendMessage targetChannel stringData = "PRIVMSG " ++ targetChannel ++ " :" ++ stringData
  14. quitFromServer :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  15. quitFromServer sock targetChannel =
  16. do
  17. writeToSocket sock prepareQuit
  18. prepareQuit :: String
  19. prepareQuit = "QUIT"
  20. disconnectFromChannel :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  21. disconnectFromChannel sock targetChannel =
  22. do
  23. writeToSocket sock (prepareDisconnectFromChannel targetChannel)
  24. prepareDisconnectFromChannel :: String -> String
  25. prepareDisconnectFromChannel targetChannel = ("PART " ++ targetChannel)
  26. initAuthNickServ :: Connection -> String -> String -> IO()
  27. initAuthNickServ sock userName password =
  28. do
  29. sendMessage sock "NickServ" (prepareInitAuthNickServ userName password)
  30. prepareInitAuthNickServ :: String -> String -> String
  31. prepareInitAuthNickServ userName password = "IDENTIFY " ++ userName ++ " " ++ password
  32. initBotName :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  33. initBotName sock botName = writeToSocket sock (prepareInitBotName botName)
  34. prepareInitBotName :: String -> String
  35. prepareInitBotName botName = "USER "++ botName ++" "++ botName ++" "++ botName ++" :learning purpose bot"
  36. initBotNick :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  37. initBotNick sock botNick =
  38. do
  39. writeToSocket sock (preparetInitBotNick botNick)
  40. preparetInitBotNick :: String -> String
  41. preparetInitBotNick botNick = "NICK " ++ botNick
  42. joinChannel :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  43. joinChannel sock channelName =
  44. do
  45. writeToSocket sock (prepareJoinChannel channelName)
  46. prepareJoinChannel :: String -> String
  47. prepareJoinChannel channelName = "JOIN " ++ channelName
  48. pong :: Connection -> String -> IO ()
  49. pong sock receivedStringData = do
  50. writeToSocket sock (preparePong receivedStringData)
  51. preparePong :: String -> String
  52. preparePong receivedStringData = replace "PING" "PONG" receivedStringData