#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "error.h" #include "util.h" static int show_help(struct conf_entry *ce); static int config_parse_file(); static enum error config_required_check(); static int config_set_str(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg); static int config_set_port(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg); static int config_set_bool(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg); //static int config_def_cachedb(struct conf_entry *ce); //static int config_action_write_config(struct conf_entry *ce); /* Everything not explicitly defined, is 0 */ /* If an option only has a long name, the short name also has to be * defined. For example, a number larger than UCHAR_MAX */ static struct conf_entry options[] = { { .l_name = "help", .s_name = 'h', .has_arg = no_argument, .action_func = show_help, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_ACTION, .handle_order = 0, .h_desc = "Display the help and exit", }, /* { .l_name = "config-dir", .s_name = 'b', .has_arg = required_argument, .default_func = config_def_config_dir, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 0 }, { .l_name = "default-download-dir", .s_name = 'd', .has_arg = required_argument, .default_func = config_def_default_download_dir, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_file = true, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1 }, { .l_name = "port", .s_name = 'p', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_port, .value.hu = 21729, .value_is_set = true, .in_file = true, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_HU, .handle_order = 1 }, { .l_name = "foreground", .s_name = 'f', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .value.b = false, .value_is_set = true, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1 }, { .l_name = "write-config", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 1, .has_arg = no_argument, .action_func = config_action_write_config, .value_is_set = true, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_ACTION, .handle_order = 2 }, { .l_name = "peer-id", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 2, .has_arg = required_argument, .default_func = config_def_peer_id, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1 }, */ { .l_name = "username", .s_name = 'u', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "Sets the username for the login", }, { .l_name = "password", .s_name = 'p', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "Sets the password for the login", }, { .l_name = "port", .s_name = 'P', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_port, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_HU, .handle_order = 1, .value.hu = 29937, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "Sets port to use for API server communication", }, { .l_name = "api-server", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 1, .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, .value.s = "api.anidb.net:9000", .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "Sets the API server address", }, { .l_name = "api-key", .s_name = 'k', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "Sets the api key used for encryption", }, { .l_name = "save-session", .s_name = 's', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "not implemented", }, { .l_name = "destroy-session", .s_name = 'S', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .in_file = false, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "not implemented", }, { .l_name = "watched", .s_name = 'w', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "Mark the episode as watched when adding files", }, { .l_name = "link", .s_name = 'l', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "Print an ed2k link when running the ed2k command", }, { .l_name = "cachedb", .s_name = 'd', .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, /*.default_func = config_def_cachedb*/ .h_desc = "Sets the path for the cache database", }, { .l_name = "debug", .s_name = 'D', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .in_file = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "Enable debug output", }, { .l_name = "wdate", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 4, .has_arg = required_argument, .set_func = config_set_str, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_S, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "Set the watched date when adding files", }, /*### cmd ###*/ { .l_name = "server-version", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 2, .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "CMD: Request the server version", }, { .l_name = "version", .s_name = 'v', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "CMD: Print the caniadd version", }, { .l_name = "uptime", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 3, .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true, .h_desc = "CMD: Request the uptime of the api servers", }, { .l_name = "ed2k", .s_name = 'e', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "CMD: Run an ed2k hash on the file arguments", }, { .l_name = "add", .s_name = 'a', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "CMD: Add files to your anidb list", }, /* Arguments are either mylist id's, or file sizes and names * in the format '[watch_date/]/'. The filename can't contain * '/' characters. */ { .l_name = "modify", .s_name = 'W', .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .h_desc = "CMD: Modify files in your anidb list", }, /*{ .l_name = "stats", .s_name = UCHAR_MAX + 5, .has_arg = no_argument, .set_func = config_set_bool, .in_args = true, .type = OTYPE_B, .handle_order = 1, .value_is_set = true },*/ }; static const size_t options_count = sizeof(options) / sizeof(options[0]); static const char **opt_argv = NULL; static int opt_argc = 0; static void config_build_getopt_args(char out_sopt[options_count * 2 + 1], struct option out_lopt[options_count + 1]) { int i_sopt = 0, i_lopt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { /* Short options */ if (options[i].s_name && options[i].s_name <= UCHAR_MAX) { out_sopt[i_sopt++] = options[i].s_name; if (options[i].has_arg == required_argument) out_sopt[i_sopt++] = ':'; assert(options[i].has_arg == required_argument || options[i].has_arg == no_argument); } /* Long options */ if (options[i].l_name) { assert(options[i].s_name); out_lopt[i_lopt].name = options[i].l_name; out_lopt[i_lopt].has_arg = options[i].has_arg; out_lopt[i_lopt].flag = NULL; out_lopt[i_lopt].val = options[i].s_name; i_lopt++; } } out_sopt[i_sopt] = '\0'; memset(&out_lopt[i_lopt], 0, sizeof(struct option)); } static int config_read_args(int argc, char **argv, char sopt[options_count * 2 + 1], struct option lopt[options_count + 1], int level) { int optc, err = NOERR; optind = 1; while ((optc = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, NULL)) >= 0) { bool handled = false; for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (options[i].handle_order != level) { /* Lie a lil :x */ handled = true; continue; } if (optc == options[i].s_name) { if (options[i].type != OTYPE_ACTION) err = options[i].set_func(&options[i], optarg); else err = options[i].action_func(&options[i]); if (err != NOERR) goto end; options[i].value_is_set = true; handled = true; break; } } if (handled) continue; if (optc == '?') { err = ERR_OPT_FAILED; goto end; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled option? '%c'\n", optc); err = ERR_OPT_UNHANDLED; goto end; } } end: return err; } static enum error config_required_check() { enum error err = NOERR; for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (options[i].required && !options[i].value_is_set) { printf("Argument %s is required!\n", options[i].l_name); err = ERR_OPT_REQUIRED; } } return err; } enum error config_parse(int argc, char **argv) { enum error err = NOERR; char sopt[options_count * 2 + 1]; struct option lopt[options_count + 1]; opt_argv = (const char**)argv; opt_argc = argc; config_build_getopt_args(sopt, lopt); err = config_read_args(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, 0); if (err != NOERR) goto end; err = config_parse_file(); if (err != NOERR) goto end; err = config_read_args(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, 1); if (err != NOERR) goto end; /* Set defaults for those, that didn't got set above */ for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (!options[i].value_is_set && options[i].type != OTYPE_ACTION && options[i].default_func) { err = options[i].default_func(&options[i]); if (err != NOERR) goto end; options[i].value_is_set = true; } } err = config_read_args(argc, argv, sopt, lopt, 2); if (err != NOERR) goto end; err = config_required_check(); end: if (err != NOERR) config_free(); return err; } #if 0 static int config_def_config_dir(struct conf_entry *ce) { char *dir; int len; const char *format = "%s/.config/" CONFIG_DIR_NAME; const char *home_env = getenv("HOME"); if (!home_env) { /* Fix this at a later date with getuid and getpw */ fprintf(stderr, "HOME environment variable not found!\n"); return ERR_NOTFOUND; } len = snprintf(NULL, 0, format, home_env); if (len == -1) { int err = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Failed to call funky snpintf: %s\n", strerror(err)); return err; } dir = malloc(len + 1); sprintf(dir, format, home_env); ce->value.s = dir; ce->value_is_dyn = true; return NOERR; } #endif #if 0 static int config_def_cachedb(struct conf_entry *ce) { bool dh_free = false; const char *data_home = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (!data_home) { const char *home = util_get_home(); if (!home) return ERR_OPT_FAILED; sprintf(NULL, "%s/.local/share", home); } return NOERR; } #endif static int config_set_str(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg) { // TODO use realpath(3), when necessary ce->value.s = arg; return NOERR; } static int config_set_port(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg) { long portval = strtol(arg, NULL, 10); /* A zero return will be invalid no matter if strtol succeeded or not */ if (portval > UINT16_MAX || portval <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid port value '%s'\n", arg); return ERR_OPT_INVVAL; } ce->value.hu = (uint16_t)portval; return NOERR; } static int config_set_bool(struct conf_entry *ce, char *arg) { ce->value.b = true; return NOERR; } static int show_help(struct conf_entry *ce) { printf( "Usage: caniadd [OPTION]...\n" "Caniadd will add files to an AniDB list, and possibly more.\n" "\n" "OPTIONS:\n" ); for (size_t i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { int printed = 0, pad; printed += printf(" "); if (options[i].l_name) printed += printf("--%s", options[i].l_name); if (options[i].s_name < UCHAR_MAX) printed += printf(", -%c", options[i].s_name); if (options[i].has_arg != no_argument) printed += printf(" arg"); pad = 25 - printed; if (pad <= 0) pad = 1; printf("%*s%s", pad, "", options[i].h_desc); if (options[i].value_is_set) { printf(" Def: "); if (options[i].type == OTYPE_S) printed += printf("%s", options[i].value.s); else if (options[i].type == OTYPE_HU) printed += printf("%hu", options[i].value.hu); else if (options[i].type == OTYPE_B) printed += printf("%s", options[i].value.b ? "true" : "false"); } printf("\n"); } return ERR_OPT_EXIT; } static int config_parse_file() { // TODO implement this #if 0 assert(conf.config_file_path); FILE *f = fopen(conf.config_file_path, "rb"); char errbuf[200]; toml_table_t *tml = toml_parse_file(f, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); fclose(f); if (!tml) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse config toml: %s\n", errbuf); return ERR_TOML_PARSE_ERROR; } toml_datum_t port = toml_int_in(tml, "port"); if (port.ok) conf.port = (uint16_t)port.u.i; else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse port from config toml: %s\n", errbuf); toml_datum_t dldir = toml_string_in(tml, "default_download_dir"); if (dldir.ok) { conf.default_download_dir = dldir.u.s; printf("%s\n", dldir.u.s); conf_dyn.default_download_dir = dldir.u.s; conf_dyn.default_download_dir = true; /* TODO is this always malloced?? if yes, remve dyn check */ } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse download dir from config toml: %s\n", errbuf); } toml_free(tml); #endif return NOERR; } int config_free() { for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (options[i].value_is_dyn) { free(options[i].value.s); options[i].value.s = NULL; options[i].value_is_dyn = false; options[i].value_is_set = false; } } return NOERR; } #if 0 static int config_action_write_config(struct conf_entry *ce) { /* This is the success return here */ int err = ERR_OPT_EXIT, plen; const char *config_dir; FILE *f = NULL; config_dir = config_get("config-dir"); plen = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%s/%s", config_dir, CONFIG_FILE_NAME); char path[plen + 1]; snprintf(path, plen + 1, "%s/%s", config_dir, CONFIG_FILE_NAME); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { f = fopen(path, "wb"); if (!f) { int errn = errno; if (errn == ENOENT && i == 0) { /* Try to create parent directory */ if (mkdir(config_dir, 0755) == -1) { err = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Config mkdir failed: %s\n", strerror(err)); goto end; } } else { err = errn; fprintf(stderr, "Config fopen failed: %s\n", strerror(err)); goto end; } } else { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (!options[i].in_file) continue; fprintf(f, "%s = ", options[i].l_name); switch (options[i].type) { case OTYPE_S: // TODO toml escaping fprintf(f, "\"%s\"\n", options[i].value.s); break; case OTYPE_HU: fprintf(f, "%hu\n", options[i].value.hu); break; case OTYPE_B: fprintf(f, "%s\n", options[i].value.b ? "true" : "false"); break; default: break; } } config_dump(); end: if (f) fclose(f); return err; } #endif enum error config_get(const char *key, void **out) { enum error err = ERR_OPT_NOTFOUND; for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { struct conf_entry *cc = &options[i]; if (strcmp(cc->l_name, key) == 0) { if (cc->value_is_set) { if (out) *out = &cc->value.s; err = NOERR; } else { err = ERR_OPT_UNSET; } break; } } return err; } const char *config_get_nonopt(int index) { if (index >= config_get_nonopt_count()) return NULL; return opt_argv[optind + index]; } int config_get_nonopt_count() { return opt_argc - optind; } void config_dump() { for (int i = 0; i < options_count; i++) { if (options[i].type == OTYPE_ACTION) continue; printf("%s: ", options[i].l_name); if (!options[i].value_is_set) { printf("[UNSET (>.<)]\n"); continue; } switch (options[i].type) { case OTYPE_S: printf("%s\n", options[i].value.s); break; case OTYPE_HU: printf("%hu\n", options[i].value.hu); break; case OTYPE_B: printf("%s\n", options[i].value.b ? "True" : "False"); break; default: printf("Error :(\n"); break; } } }