mirror of https://github.com/moex3/flac2mp3.pl synced 2025-03-01 18:15:02 -05:00

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ use Getopt::Long;
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
my $opt_no_genre;
my $opt_comment;
@ -23,16 +22,6 @@ my %genreMap = (
# https://picard-docs.musicbrainz.org/en/appendices/tag_mapping.html
# a lot of this may not work
# TODO escape potential 's
# Format is:
# Vorbis tag string => Mp3 tag value
# where mp3 tag value may be:
# undef -> Skip this tag
# A string -> Use this as the mp3 tag, and use the vorbis tag value as value
# code -> Execute this function. This should return an array, where [0] is the tag, [1] is the value.
# An array (str, str) -> [0] is the mp3 tag to use, [1] is the value prefix
# An array (str, code) -> [0] is the mp3 tag to use, [1] is a function that is executed, and the result is the tag value
# The code-s here will be called with the flac tags hashmap
my %idLookup = (
album => 'TALB',
albumsort => 'TSOA',
@ -46,15 +35,15 @@ my %idLookup = (
albumartistsort => 'TSO2', # Maybe?
artist => 'TPE1',
artistsort => 'TSOP',
arranger => ['TIPL', 'arranger:'],
arranger => 'TIPL=arranger',
author => 'TEXT',
composer => 'TCOM',
conductor => 'TPE3',
engineer => ['TIPL', 'engineer:'],
djmixer => ['TIPL', 'DJ-mix:'],
mixer => ['TIPL', 'mix:'],
engineer => 'TIPL=engineer',
djmixer => 'TIPL=DJ-mix',
mixer => 'TIPL=mix',
#performer => 'TMCL', # This produces some really weird tags
producer => ['TIPL', 'producer:'],
producer => 'TIPL=producer',
publisher => 'TPUB',
organization => 'TPUB',
label => 'TPUB',
@ -62,51 +51,51 @@ my %idLookup = (
discnumber => ['TPOS', sub {
my $t = shift;
my $totalkey = exists($t->{disctotal}) ? 'disctotal' : 'totaldiscs';
return "$t->{discnumber}[0]" if !exists($t->{$totalkey});
return "$t->{discnumber}[0]/$t->{$totalkey}[0]";
return "$t->{discnumber}" if !exists($t->{$totalkey});
return "$t->{discnumber}/$t->{$totalkey}";
totaldiscs => undef,
disctotal => undef,
tracknumber => ['TRCK', sub {
my $t = shift;
my $totalkey = exists($t->{tracktotal}) ? 'tracktotal' : 'totaltracks';
return "$t->{tracknumber}[0]" if !exists($t->{$totalkey});
return "$t->{tracknumber}[0]/$t->{$totalkey}[0]";
return "$t->{tracknumber}" if !exists($t->{$totalkey});
return "$t->{tracknumber}/$t->{$totalkey}";
totaltracks => undef,
tracktotal => undef,
#date => 'TDRC', # This is for id3v2.4
#date => 'TYER',
date => sub {
date => [undef, sub {
my $t = shift;
my $date = $t->{date}[0];
my $date = $t->{date};
if (length($date) == 4) { # Only year
return ["TYER", "$date"];
return "TYER=$date";
if (!($date =~ m/^\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}$/)) {
print("Date format unknown: $date\n");
exit 1;
$date =~ s/\./-/g;
return ["TDRL", "$date"]; # Release date
return "TDRL=$date"; # Release date
originaldate => 'TDOR', # Also for 2.4 only
'release date' => 'TDOR', # Also for 2.4 only
isrc => 'TSRC',
barcode => ['TXXX', 'BARCODE:'],
catalog => ['TXXX', sub { return "CATALOGNUMBER:" . tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalog'); } ],
catalognumber => ['TXXX', sub { return "CATALOGNUMBER:" . tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalognumber'); } ],
catalogid => ['TXXX', sub { return "CATALOGNUMBER:" . tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalogid'); } ],
labelno => ['TXXX', sub { return "CATALOGNUMBER:" . tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'labelno'); } ],
#'encoded-by' => 'TENC',
#encoder => 'TSSE',
#encoding => 'TSSE',
#'encoder settings' => 'TSSE',
barcode => 'TXXX=BARCODE',
catalog => ['TXXX=CATALOGNUMBER', sub { return tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalog'); } ],
catalognumber => ['TXXX=CATALOGNUMBER', sub { return tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalognumber'); } ],
catalogid => ['TXXX=CATALOGNUMBER', sub { return tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'catalogid'); } ],
labelno => ['TXXX=CATALOGNUMBER', sub { return tagmap_catalogid(shift, 'labelno'); } ],
'encoded-by' => 'TENC',
encoder => 'TSSE',
encoding => 'TSSE',
'encoder settings' => 'TSSE',
media => 'TMED',
genre => ['TCON', sub {
return undef if ($opt_no_genre);
my $genreName = shift->{genre}[0];
my $genreName = shift->{genre};
if (!exists($genreMap{lc($genreName)})) {
# If no genre number exists, use the name
return $genreName;
@ -116,41 +105,38 @@ my %idLookup = (
#mood => ['TMOO', sub {
bpm => 'TBPM',
comment => ['COMM', sub {
comment => ['COMM=Comment', sub {
return undef if (defined($opt_comment) && $opt_comment eq "");
return "Comment:" . shift->{comment}[0];
return shift->{comment};
copyright => 'TCOP',
language => 'TLAN',
#replaygain_album_peak => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK',
#replaygain_album_gain => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN',
replaygain_track_gain => sub {
return undef if (!$opt_rg);
shift->{replaygain_track_gain}[0] =~ /^(-?\d+\.\d+) dB$/;
shift->{replaygain_track_gain} =~ /^(-?\d+\.\d+) dB$/;
my $gain_db = $1;
exit(1) if ($gain_db eq "");
return "--replaygain-accurate --gain $gain_db";
# TODO this lulw
#replaygain_album_gain => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN',
#replaygain_album_peak => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK',
#replaygain_track_gain => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN',
#replaygain_track_peak => 'TXXX=REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK',
script => ['TXXX', 'SCRIPT:'],
script => 'TXXX=SCRIPT',
lyrics => 'USLT',
circle => ['TXXX', 'CIRCLE:'],
event => ['TXXX', 'EVENT:'],
discid => ['TXXX', 'DISCID:'],
originaltitle => ['TXXX', 'ORIGINALTITLE:'],
circle => 'TXXX=CIRCLE',
event => 'TXXX=EVENT',
discid => 'TXXX=DISCID',
originaltitle => 'TXXX=ORIGINALTITLE',
sub tagmap_catalogid {
my $t = shift;
my $own_tag_name = shift;
return undef if (defined($opt_catid) && $opt_catid eq "");
return $t->{$own_tag_name}[0];
return $t->{$own_tag_name};
my $opt_genre;
@ -219,56 +205,15 @@ sub iterFlac {
my $cmd;
if ($opt_cbr) {
$cmd = "flac -cd -- '$flac' | lame -S -b 320 -q 0 --add-id3v2 - '$dest'";
$cmd = "flac -cd -- '$flac' | lame -S -b 320 -q 0 --add-id3v2 @$tagopts - '$dest'";
} else {
$cmd = "flac -cd -- '$flac' | lame -S -V0 --vbr-new -q 0 --add-id3v2 - '$dest'";
$cmd = "flac -cd -- '$flac' | lame -S -V0 --vbr-new -q 0 --add-id3v2 @$tagopts - '$dest'";
#print("Debug - CMD: [$cmd]\n");
if ($? != 0) {
my $mid3v2TagLine = "";
# Add tags with mid3v2 instead of lame to better support multiple tag values
foreach my $tagItem (@$tagopts) {
$mid3v2TagLine = $mid3v2TagLine . $tagItem . " ";
my $mid3v2TagCmd = "mid3v2 $mid3v2TagLine -- '$dest'";
#print("Mid3V2 Debug - CMD: [$mid3v2TagCmd]\n");
if ($? != 0) {
print("ERROR: At mid3v2 tag set\n");
embedImageFromFlac($flac, $dest);
sub embedImageFromFlac {
my $flac = shift;
my $mp3 = shift;
# I can't get the automatic deletion working :c
my (undef, $fname) = tempfile();
# Export image from flac
qx(metaflac --export-picture-to='$fname' -- '$flac');
if ($? != 0) {
# Probably no image
# Extract mime type too
my $pinfo = qx(metaflac --list --block-type=PICTURE -- '$flac');
$pinfo =~ m/MIME type: (.*)/;
my $mimeType = $1;
# Add image to mp3
qx(mid3v2 -p '${fname}:cover:3:$mimeType' -- '$mp3');
sub argsToTags {
@ -299,55 +244,52 @@ sub tagsToOpts {
my $tags = shift;
my @tagopts;
# TODO escape stuff?
# TODO escape ' and =?
foreach my $currKey (keys (%$tags)) {
if (!exists($idLookup{$currKey})) {
print("Tag: '$currKey' doesn't have a mapping, skipping\n");
my $tagMapping = $idLookup{$currKey};
my $type = ref($tagMapping);
if ($type eq "" && defined($tagMapping)) {
# If tag name is defined and tag contents exists (aka not silenced)
foreach my $tagCont (@{$tags->{$currKey}}) {
my $tagName = $idLookup{$currKey};
my $type = ref($tagName);
if ($type eq "" && defined($tagName)) {
# If tag name is defined and tag contents exists
my $tagCont = $tags->{$currKey};
push(@tagopts, qq('--$tagMapping' '$tagCont'));
push(@tagopts, qq(--tv '$tagName=$tagCont'));
} elsif ($type eq "ARRAY") {
my $mapKey = $tagMapping->[0];
my $mapCont = $tagMapping->[1];
my $mapContType = ref($mapCont);
if (not defined($mapCont)) {
my $tagCont = $tagName->[1]->($tags);
my $tagKey = $tagName->[0];
if (defined($tagCont)) {
if (defined($tagKey)) {
push(@tagopts, qq(--tv '$tagName->[0]=$tagCont'));
} else {
if (ref($tagCont) eq 'ARRAY') {
# If we have an array of tags
foreach my $tC (@$tagCont) {
push(@tagopts, qq(--tv '$tC'));
} else {
# If we have only one
push(@tagopts, qq(--tv '$tagCont'));
if ($mapContType eq "") {
foreach my $tagValue (@{$tags->{$currKey}}) {
push(@tagopts, qq('--$mapKey' '$mapCont$tagValue'));
} elsif ($mapContType eq "CODE") {
my $tagValue = $mapCont->($tags);
push(@tagopts, qq('--$mapKey' '$tagValue'));
} elsif ($type eq 'CODE') {
# If we have just a code reference
# do not assume, that this is a tag, rather a general cmd opt
#my $opt = $tagName->($tags);
#if (defined($opt)) {
#push(@tagopts, qq($opt));
my $opt = $tagName->($tags);
if (defined($opt)) {
push(@tagopts, qq($opt));
my $codeRet = $tagMapping->($tags);
my $mapKey = $codeRet->[0];
my $mapCont = $codeRet->[1];
push(@tagopts, qq('--$mapKey' '$mapCont'));
return \@tagopts;
@ -365,11 +307,7 @@ sub getFlacTags {
print("Empty tag: $1\n");
if (not exists($tags{lc($1)})) {
@{$tags{lc($1)}} = ($2);
} else {
push(@{$tags{lc($1)}}, $2);
$tags{lc($1)} = $2;
return \%tags;