A Latin fansub of Serial Experiments Lain
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A Latin fansub of Serial Experiments Lain


I want to watch entertaining content in Latin as a fun, passive way to study. And since I already watch anime in Japanese with English subtitles, why not? It's already something I'm experiencing as a translation, so why not as a translation into a language I'm studying?

And since others may want the same thing, it seemed natural that I open this project to anyone who wants to help.


We need Latinists and otaku to help us make this happen! Or just people who understand fansubbing :) (ie, how to make sub files, etc).

All donations are given to volunteers, so you can even make some pocket change by helping out!

To get involved, join the chat here: https://app.element.io/#/room/!GHtDsfUCTNdGAjiXVL:matrix.org

Or email xandre@disroot.org

Or just jump into an issue/PR


Do you want to help this happen faster, but don't have the relevant Latin skills, subtitling knowledge, or just plain time to contribute directly? Donating is an alternative way to help this project move quickly towards our goals.

All donations go to volunteers.

Monero: 83EUrZtn8BcPRqC3nqufNwCeD8uLYuzeYDTDaT3YRkRbjhR91vpL2s9GbaFmBABBdB7PNr72P5AjTcoee6EgYUT3JUzVLH7
Bitcoin: 37HFVz7L2RG2B6S3kvB41Rw74Gue5Bc5eS
Dogecoin: DH6SDr7VXfwcecoKaRX3CeFWoHG3SxLUUB

If you donate, make sure to specificy which volunteer(s) you'd like your money to go to! We can (if you'd like) log here who donated, how much, and who it went to.