Umorna -- Tiny game written to test 'chads' library, it uses assets from
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68 line

  1. #include "render.h"
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. #include <raylib.h>
  4. float render_zoom = 2.0;
  5. static Texture2D render_texture [render_texture_count];
  6. static Font font = { 0 };
  7. static Color tint = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
  8. static Vector2 dump = { 0, 0 };
  9. int render_width (void) { return (GetScreenWidth ()); }
  10. int render_height (void) { return (GetScreenHeight ()); }
  11. void render_sprite (int sprite, int x, int y, int u, int v, int width, int height) {
  12. Rectangle source, destination;
  13. source.x = u;
  14. source.y = v;
  15. source.width = width;
  16. source.height = height;
  17. destination.x = x;
  18. destination.y = y;
  19. destination.width = width * ((sprite <= overui) ? 1 : render_zoom);
  20. destination.height = height * ((sprite <= overui) ? 1 : render_zoom);
  21. DrawTexturePro (render_texture [sprite], source, destination, dump, 0.0, tint);
  22. }
  23. void render_string (char * string, int x, int y) {
  24. Vector2 position = { 4, 4 };
  25. position.x += x;
  26. position.y += y;
  27. DrawTextPro (font, string, position, dump, 0.0, FONT_SIZE, 4, tint);
  28. }
  29. static void render_clean_up (void) {
  30. CloseWindow ();
  31. }
  32. void render_configure (void) {
  33. InitWindow (1800, 900, "EAX");
  34. SetExitKey (KEY_ESCAPE);
  35. SetTargetFPS (60);
  36. font = LoadFont ("sprite/gothic.ttf");
  37. atexit (render_clean_up);
  38. render_texture [neonui] = LoadTexture ("sprite/neonui.png");
  39. render_texture [ui] = LoadTexture ("sprite/ui.png");
  40. render_texture [overui] = LoadTexture ("sprite/hack.png");
  41. SetTextureFilter (render_texture [neonui], TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT);
  42. SetTextureFilter (render_texture [ui], TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT);
  43. SetTextureFilter (render_texture [overui], TEXTURE_FILTER_POINT);
  44. render_texture [orcs] = LoadTexture ("sprite/orcs.png"); /* TODO */
  45. render_texture [humans] = LoadTexture ("sprite/humans.png");
  46. render_texture [elves] = LoadTexture ("sprite/elves.png");
  47. render_texture [ashlands] = LoadTexture ("sprite/ashlands.png");
  48. }