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Added skill descriptions...

Ognjen Milan Robovic 7 months ago
1 changed files with 113 additions and 80 deletions
  1. +113

+ 113
- 80
xabina.adb View File

@@ -146,6 +146,39 @@ function xabina return integer is
y : integer := 0; -- Global Y coordinate.
end record;

type soul_type is
envy : natural := 0;
gluttony : natural := 0;
greed : natural := 0;
lust : natural := 0;
pride : natural := 0;
sloth : natural := 0;
wrath : natural := 0;
end record;

type mind_type is
fear : natural := 0;
pain : natural := 0;
thirst : natural := 0;
hunger : natural := 0;
exhaustion : natural := 0;
solitude : natural := 0;
faith : natural := 0;
end record;

type body_type is
head : natural := 0;
chest : natural := 0;
stomach : natural := 0;
left_arm : natural := 0;
right_arm : natural := 0;
left_leg : natural := 0;
right_leg : natural := 0;
end record;

-- Menu
@@ -779,86 +812,86 @@ function xabina return integer is

skill_info : constant array (skill_list) of description := (
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"Blades: Master the art of wielding sharp-edged weapons like swords and daggers to deliver swift and precise strikes. ",
"Axes: Become adept at swinging heavy battle axes and hatchets, crushing your enemies with sheer brute force. ",
"Maces: Hone your skill with blunt weapons like maces and hammers, shattering bones and armor with powerful blows. ",
"Polearms: Command long-reaching weapons like spears and halberds, keeping your foes at bay with deadly thrusts and sweeps. ",
"Shields: Learn to effectively block and parry incoming attacks using different types of shields, ensuring your defense remains intact. ",
"Bows: Master the art of archery, using bows to launch arrows with deadly accuracy from a distance. ",
"Crossbows: Handle crossbows, powerful ranged weapons that can deliver devastating bolts to penetrate even the toughest armor. ",
"Hands: Refine your unarmed combat skills, unleashing a flurry of punches, kicks, and grapples to overpower your opponents. ",
"One-handed: Develop proficiency in wielding one-handed weapons, granting you versatility in combat with a free hand for defense or utility. ",
"Two-handed: Embrace the raw power of massive two-handed weapons like greatswords and battle axes, obliterating foes with mighty strikes. ",
"Precision: Cultivate your precision, increasing your chances of landing critical hits and striking vital points for maximum damage. ",
"Thrust: Focus on the art of thrusting attacks, gaining the ability to pierce armor and penetrate deep into your adversaries' defenses. ",
"Athletics: Strengthen your physical prowess, enhancing your speed, stamina, and agility for swift maneuvers and resilience in combat. ",
"Equitation: Master the art of horse riding, enabling you to swiftly navigate the battlefield and engage enemies from mounted advantage. ",
"Tactics: Develop strategic thinking and decision-making skills, enabling you to plan your actions and exploit your enemies' weaknesses. ",
"Skirmish: Become adept in hit-and-run tactics, excelling in quick engagements where mobility, agility, and surprise are key to victory. ",
"Fire Magic: Harness the power of flames, incinerating foes and wreaking havoc with infernal spells, but beware not to harm yourself. ",
"Water Magic: Manipulate the currents of water and create it from the void, casting torrents and freezing enemies with chilling precision. ",
"Earth Magic: Command the strength of the earth, crushing adversaries with seismic shocks and sturdy defenses. ",
"Wind Magic: Control the swift breeze, unleashing gusts and tearing through enemies with razor-sharp projectiles or increase your speed. ",
"Nature Magic: Channel the essence of the natural world, nurturing allies and summoning creatures of the wilderness. ",
"Venom Magic: Inflict deadly toxins and poisons, weakening enemies and watching them succumb to vile venom, or weaken them and run away. ",
"Shadow Magic: Embrace the darkness, concealing yourself in the shadows and draining life energy with sinister shadow spells. ",
"Bone Magic: Manipulate the skeletal remnants of the deceased, raising undead minions and casting bone-shattering spells or healing ones. ",
"Rune Magic: Inscribe and activate ancient runes, unleashing elemental forces and unraveling unseen and destructive ancient magical barriers. ",
"Puppet Magic: Seize control of minds, bending the will of your enemies and forcing them to do your bidding or create a puppet to do it. ",
"Summon Magic: Conjure ethereal allies and mythical creatures, bolstering your forces and overwhelming your foes. ",
"Insect Magic: Command swarms of insects, inflicting agonizing stings and unleashing plague-like devastation, making allies of former foes. ",
"Ritual Magic: Perform intricate and powerful sacrificial rituals to exchange life force for items, magic, scrolls, gold or power. ",
"Rot Magic: Embrace decay and putrefaction, corroding the flesh of your enemies and spreading pestilence and plague. ",
"Taboo Magic: Seek forbidden arts, delving into dark rituals and wielding forbidden spells with dire consequences, but be very careful. ",
"Abyss Magic: Harness the eldritch forces from the depths of the abyss, unraveling reality and engulfing enemies in chaos. ",
"Wisdom: Acquire profound knowledge and insight to navigate challenges wisely. ",
"Patience: Endure and persevere through trials with calmness and resilience. ",
"Religion: Channel divine power through faith and devotion to overcome obstacles. ",
"Speech: Persuasively communicate thoughts and ideas, influencing others effectively. ",
"Reflection: Engage in self-analysis, learning from experiences for personal growth. ",
"Refraction: Bend and manipulate the flow of energy to alter its course. ",
"Authority: Command respect, possess leadership skills, and wield influence. ",
"Deception: Master the art of trickery and illusion to deceive opponents cunningly. ",
"Life Force: Harness the essence of vitality to sustain and strengthen oneself. ",
"Mana Force: Manipulate and control magical energy for various purposes. ",
"Regeneration: Restore health and vitality gradually and naturally over time. ",
"Restoration: Mend and heal wounds, restoring physical and spiritual well-being. ",
"Spellcraft: Master the intricate art of casting spells with precision and expertise. ",
"Protection: Shield oneself and allies, providing defense against harm and danger. ",
"Synthesis: Combine elements harmoniously, creating powerful and synergistic effects. ",
"Evocation: Summon and command mystical forces, unleashing their power and potential. ",
"Medicine: Heal wounds and cure ailments, preserving health and vitality. ",
"Mercantile: Master the art of trade and negotiation, obtaining valuable resources and goods. ",
"Education: Expand knowledge and gain expertise in various subjects, unlocking new possibilities. ",
"Navigation: Navigate through treacherous terrains, uncovering hidden paths and shortcuts. ",
"Conjuration: Summon and command ethereal beings and objects to aid in battle and exploration. ",
"Alteration: Manipulate and reshape the physical world, bending it to your will. ",
"Enchantment: Infuse objects with magical properties, enhancing their abilities and powers. ",
"Teleportation: Instantly transport yourself across distances, bypassing obstacles and traps. ",
"Astronomy: Study celestial bodies and their movements, unlocking celestial insights and abilities. ",
"Occultism: Harness forbidden knowledge and practices, tapping into dark and mysterious forces. ",
"Mysticism: Connect with spiritual realms, accessing mystical powers and ancient wisdom. ",
"Survival: Thrive in harsh environments, utilizing nature's resources and adapting to challenges. ",
"Evasion: Evade and dodge attacks with exceptional reflexes and agility. ",
"Stealth: Move silently and remain undetected, infiltrating enemy territories with stealth and precision. ",
"Detection: Uncover hidden secrets and traps, perceive hidden objects and enemies. ",
"Identification: Identify and analyze unknown items and artifacts, revealing their true nature and potential. ",
"Blacksmith: Master the art of forging and shaping metals, crafting powerful weapons and armor. ",
"Whitesmith: Refine and enhance crafted items, imbuing them with special properties and bonuses. ",
"Light Craft: Create delicate and intricate objects, such as jewelry and trinkets, with finesse and precision. ",
"Heavy Craft: Construct robust and durable structures, fortifying defenses and creating formidable tools. ",
"Light Works: Skillfully manipulate light and optics, creating illusions and harnessing blinding brilliance. ",
"Heavy Works: Command elemental forces and harness their raw power, shaping them for destruction or creation. ",
"Leather: Tame and work with animal hides, fashioning resilient armor and accessories. ",
"Construction: Design and erect structures, fortresses, and defenses in an efficient and strategic manner. ",
"Weapons: Wield a wide array of lethal weapons, mastering various combat styles and techniques. ",
"Armours: Forge resilient armor and protective gear, shielding against incoming threats and attacks. ",
"Engineer: Innovate and create mechanical wonders, building intricate contraptions and mechanisms. ",
"Alchemy: Transmute and brew potent elixirs and potions, unlocking the power of transformative substances. ",
"Ritual: Perform ancient rituals, invoking otherworldly energies to manipulate reality itself. ",
"Experience: Draw upon accumulated knowledge and insights, gaining wisdom and enhancing abilities. ",
"Necromancy: Command the forces of death and undeath, bending the deceased to your will. ",
"Reincarnation: Manipulate the cycle of life and death, granting second chances and renewed existence. "

title_info : constant array (title_list) of description := (
