------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2023 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Xabina is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the -- implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Experimental minimal terminal rogue-like game in Ada programming language. I used to write a lot of Ada programs some time ago, then went in full C and assembly mode, and came -- back to Ada, but realized that I keep my folders messy... Since it's bothersome to find my old Ada projects and share them here, I decided that the most easy thing to do is to -- write a new program in Ada, a tiny game. Work in progress, it's messy and ugly for now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded; -- Do not use this command below, it's for real-time game... -- $ gnatmake xabina.adb -- $ stty raw -echo && ./xabina && stty sane function xabina return integer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIGNAL_A : constant character := 'a'; SIGNAL_B : constant character := 'b'; SIGNAL_C : constant character := 'c'; SIGNAL_D : constant character := 'd'; SIGNAL_E : constant character := 'e'; SIGNAL_F : constant character := 'f'; SIGNAL_G : constant character := 'g'; SIGNAL_H : constant character := 'h'; SIGNAL_I : constant character := 'i'; SIGNAL_J : constant character := 'j'; SIGNAL_K : constant character := 'k'; SIGNAL_L : constant character := 'l'; SIGNAL_M : constant character := 'm'; SIGNAL_N : constant character := 'n'; SIGNAL_O : constant character := 'o'; SIGNAL_P : constant character := 'p'; SIGNAL_Q : constant character := 'q'; SIGNAL_R : constant character := 'r'; SIGNAL_S : constant character := 's'; SIGNAL_T : constant character := 't'; SIGNAL_U : constant character := 'u'; SIGNAL_V : constant character := 'v'; SIGNAL_W : constant character := 'w'; SIGNAL_X : constant character := 'x'; SIGNAL_Y : constant character := 'y'; SIGNAL_Z : constant character := 'z'; SIGNAL_0 : constant character := '0'; SIGNAL_1 : constant character := '1'; SIGNAL_2 : constant character := '2'; SIGNAL_3 : constant character := '3'; SIGNAL_4 : constant character := '4'; SIGNAL_5 : constant character := '5'; SIGNAL_6 : constant character := '6'; SIGNAL_7 : constant character := '7'; SIGNAL_8 : constant character := '8'; SIGNAL_9 : constant character := '9'; SIGNAL_DOT : constant character := '.'; SIGNAL_COMMA : constant character := ','; SIGNAL_SEMICOLON : constant character := ';'; SIGNAL_SLASH : constant character := '/'; SIGNAL_BACKSLASH : constant character := '\'; SIGNAL_QUOTE : constant character := '''; SIGNAL_BACKQUOTE : constant character := '`'; SIGNAL_SPACE : constant character := ' '; SIGNAL_BACKSPACE : constant character := character'val ( 8); SIGNAL_TABULATOR : constant character := character'val ( 9); SIGNAL_LINE_FEED : constant character := character'val (13); SIGNAL_IDLE : constant character := character'val (24); type signal_list is mod 128; COLOUR_GREY : constant character := '0'; COLOUR_RED : constant character := '1'; COLOUR_GREEN : constant character := '2'; COLOUR_YELLOW : constant character := '3'; COLOUR_BLUE : constant character := '4'; COLOUR_PINK : constant character := '5'; COLOUR_CYAN : constant character := '6'; COLOUR_WHITE : constant character := '7'; EFFECT_NORMAL : constant character := '0'; EFFECT_BOLD : constant character := '1'; EFFECT_ITALIC : constant character := '3'; EFFECT_UNDERLINE : constant character := '4'; EFFECT_BLINK : constant character := '5'; EFFECT_REVERSE : constant character := '7'; CANCEL : constant character := character'val (24); CARRIAGE_RETURN : constant character := character'val (10); LINE_FEED : constant character := character'val (13); ESCAPE : constant character := character'val (27); function format_symbol ( symbol : character := ' '; colour : character := COLOUR_WHITE; effect : character := EFFECT_NORMAL ) return string is format : string (1 .. 12) := escape & "[E;3CmS" & escape & "[0m"; begin format (8) := symbol; format (6) := colour; format (3) := effect; return format; end format_symbol; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type entity_list is ( ENTITY_NULL, ENTITY_MENU, ENTITY_MAP, ENTITY_ITEM, ENTITY_MAGIC, ENTITY_AMMUNITION, ENTITY_WEAPON, ENTITY_ARMOUR, ENTITY_SCROLL, ENTITY_POTION, ENTITY_CONSUMABLE, ENTITY_NOTE, ENTITY_PLANT, ENTITY_ANIMAL, ENTITY_GOBLIN, ENTITY_PLAYER ); type entity_constant_type is tagged record entity : entity_list := ENTITY_NULL; -- Entity identifier. name : unbounded_string := null_unbounded_string; -- Entity general name. symbol : character := ' '; -- Entity ASCII character representation. colour : character := COLOUR_WHITE; -- Entity VT100 escape sequence colour. effect : character := EFFECT_NORMAL; -- Entity VT100 escape sequence effect. end record; type entity_variable_type is tagged record x : integer := 0; -- Global X coordinate. y : integer := 0; -- Global Y coordinate. end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Map: -- -- Map data is only constant, not variable, since X and Y coordinates are determined by player, camera or global position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type map_list is ( STONE_WALL, WOODEN_WALL, STONE_FLOOR, WOODEN_FLOOR, WATER_SHALLOW, WATER_DEEP, SWAMP_SHALLOW, SWAMP_DEEP ); type map_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record collide : boolean := false; end record; type map_constant_list is array (map_list) of map_constant_type; map_constant_data : constant map_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Stone Wall"), '#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, true), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Wooden Wall"), '#', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, true), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Stone Floor"), '.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, false), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Wooden Floor"), '.', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, false), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Water (shallow)"), '~', COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_NORMAL, false), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Water (deep)"), '~', COLOUR_BLUE, EFFECT_BOLD, true), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Swamp (shallow)"), '~', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, false), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Swamp (deep)"), '~', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, true) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type item_list is ( WOOD, BARK, FLAX, PLANK, STICK, BRACES, NAILS, LINEN, CHAMOMILE, MINT, WAX, SALT, SUGAR, PEPPER, CINNAMON, YEAST, SKULL, BONE, INTESTINES, FUR, LEATHER, FAT, HORN, TUSK, COPPER_ORE, IRON_ORE, SILVER_ORE, GOLD_ORE, COAL_ORE, TIN_ORE, ZINC_ORE, LEAD_ORE, COPPER, IRON, SILVER, GOLD, COAL, TIN, ZINC, LEAD, BRONZE, BRASS, STEEL, MERCURY, OIL, INK, VENOM, SILK, PAPERS, PAPERWEIGHT ); type item_mark is mod 72; type item_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record value : natural := 0; weight : natural := 0; end record; type item_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record owner : natural := 0; end record; type item_constant_list is array (item_list) of item_constant_type; type item_variable_list is array (item_mark) of item_variable_type; item_constant_data : constant item_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Wood"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 2), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Bark"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 2), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Flax"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Plank"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 2), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Stick"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 2), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Braces"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Nails"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Linen"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 23, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Chamomile"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Mint"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Wax"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 7, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Salt"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Sugar"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 17, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Pepper"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Cinnamon"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 23, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Yeast"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Skull"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Bone"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Intestines"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Fur"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 7, 2), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Leather"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Fat"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Horn"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Tusk"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Copper Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 7, 11), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Silver Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 17, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Gold Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 23, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Coal Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Tin Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Zinc Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Lead Ore"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 13), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Copper"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 17, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Iron"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 19, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Silver"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 23, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Gold"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 29, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Coal"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 19, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Tin"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Zinc"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Lead"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 47, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 61, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Brass"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 67, 5), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Steel"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 71, 7), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Mercury"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 97, 11), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Oil"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Ink"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Venom"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Silk"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Papers"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 1, 1), (ENTITY_ITEM, to_unbounded_string ("Paperweight"), '+', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 2, 1) ); item_variable_data : item_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Spell -- -- Place-holders mostly, implement self/target/target_range effect variations... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type magic_list is ( IGNITE, ILLUMINATE, BLADECHARM, BATTLECRY ); type magic_mark is mod 72; type magic_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record self : boolean := false; health : integer := 0; armour : integer := 0; mana : integer := 0; stamina : integer := 0; distance : integer := 0; tribute : natural := 0; end record; type magic_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record enchantment : natural := 0; end record; type magic_constant_list is array (magic_list) of magic_constant_type; type magic_variable_list is array (magic_mark) of magic_variable_type; magic_constant_data : constant magic_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_MAGIC, to_unbounded_string ("Ignite"), '*', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_ITALIC, false, -3, 0, 0, -1, 7, 1), (ENTITY_MAGIC, to_unbounded_string ("Illuminate"), '*', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_ITALIC, false, 0, 0, 0, -1, 13, 1), (ENTITY_MAGIC, to_unbounded_string ("Bladecharm"), '*', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_ITALIC, true, 0, -3, 0, -1, 7, 3), (ENTITY_MAGIC, to_unbounded_string ("Battlecry"), '*', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_ITALIC, true, -1, -1, 0, -1, 7, 2) ); magic_variable_data : magic_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ammunition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type ammunition_list is ( ARROWS, BOLTS, SLINGSHOTS, JARIDS ); type ammunition_mark is mod 72; type ammunition_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record value : natural := 0; weight : natural := 0; dual_wield : boolean := false; amount_limit : natural := 0; attack_range : natural := 0; distance_range : natural := 0; end record; type ammunition_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record amount : natural := 0; enchantment : natural := 0; end record; type ammunition_constant_list is array (ammunition_list) of ammunition_constant_type; type ammunition_variable_list is array (ammunition_mark) of ammunition_variable_type; ammunition_constant_data : constant ammunition_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_AMMUNITION, to_unbounded_string ("Arrows"), '^', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 13, false, 23, 7, 67), (ENTITY_AMMUNITION, to_unbounded_string ("Bolts"), '^', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 23, false, 29, 5, 67), (ENTITY_AMMUNITION, to_unbounded_string ("Slingshots"), '^', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5, 7, true, 43, 7, 67), (ENTITY_AMMUNITION, to_unbounded_string ("Jarids"), '^', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, 29, 37, true, 7, 7, 67) ); ammunition_variable_data : ammunition_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type weapon_list is ( IRON_SWORD, IRON_GREATSWORD, IRON_AXE, IRON_BATTLEAXE, IRON_SPEAR, IRON_SHIELD, IRON_MACE, IRON_HAMMER, BRONZE_SWORD, BRONZE_GREATSWORD, BRONZE_AXE, BRONZE_BATTLEAXE, BRONZE_SPEAR, BRONZE_SHIELD, BRONZE_MACE, BRONZE_HAMMER, BRASS_SWORD, BRASS_GREATSWORD, BRASS_AXE, BRASS_BATTLEAXE, BRASS_SPEAR, BRASS_SHIELD, BRASS_MACE, BRASS_HAMMER ); type weapon_mark is mod 72; type weapon_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record dual_wield : boolean := false; value : natural := 0; weight : natural := 0; attack_range : natural := 0; defense_range : natural := 0; distance_range : natural := 0; end record; type weapon_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record enchantment : natural := 0; condition : natural := 0; end record; type weapon_constant_list is array (weapon_list) of weapon_constant_type; type weapon_variable_list is array (weapon_mark) of weapon_variable_type; weapon_constant_data : constant weapon_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Sword"), 'l', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 31, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Greatsword"), 'L', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 23, 67, 11, 3, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Axe"), 'r', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 43, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Battleaxe"), 'T', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 19, 73, 13, 2, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Spear"), 'I', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 17, 53, 10, 4, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Shield"), 'o', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 37, 3, 9, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Mace"), 'i', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 41, 8, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Hammer"), 't', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 47, 7, 3, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Sword"), 'l', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 31, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Greatsword"), 'L', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 23, 67, 11, 3, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Axe"), 'r', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 43, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Battleaxe"), 'T', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 19, 73, 13, 2, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Spear"), 'I', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 17, 53, 10, 4, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Shield"), 'o', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 37, 3, 9, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Mace"), 'i', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 41, 8, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Bronze Hammer"), 't', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 47, 7, 3, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Sword"), 'l', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 31, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Greatsword"), 'L', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 23, 67, 11, 3, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Axe"), 'r', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 43, 7, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Battleaxe"), 'T', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 19, 73, 13, 2, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Spear"), 'I', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD, false, 17, 53, 10, 4, 2), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Shield"), 'o', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 37, 3, 9, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Mace"), 'i', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 11, 41, 8, 2, 1), (ENTITY_WEAPON, to_unbounded_string ("Brass Hammer"), 't', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, 13, 47, 7, 3, 1) ); weapon_variable_data : weapon_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Armour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type armour_list is ( IRON_HELMET, IRON_CHESTPLATE, IRON_GAUNTLETS, IRON_GREAVES, IRON_CUISSE, IRON_FAULD, IRON_GARDBRACE, IRON_REREBRACE ); type armour_mark is mod 72; type armour_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record value : natural := 0; weight : natural := 0; defense_range : natural := 0; end record; type armour_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record enchantment : natural := 0; condition : natural := 0; end record; type armour_constant_list is array (armour_list) of armour_constant_type; type armour_variable_list is array (armour_mark) of armour_variable_type; armour_constant_data : constant armour_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Helmet"), 'm', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 31, 7), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Chestplate"), 'M', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_BOLD, 23, 67, 11), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Gauntlets"), 'i', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 43, 7), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Greaves"), 'I', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 19, 73, 13), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Cuisse"), 'Y', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_BOLD, 17, 53, 10), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Fauld"), '-', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 37, 3), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Gardbrace"), 'v', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 11, 41, 8), (ENTITY_ARMOUR, to_unbounded_string ("Iron Rerebrace"), 'V', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, 13, 47, 7) ); armour_variable_data : armour_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Scroll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Consumable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Note ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Plant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type plant_list is ( OAK_TREE, PINE_TREE, BIRCH_TREE, ACACIA_TREE, APPLE_TREE, PEACH_TREE, ORANGE_TREE, PEAR_TREE, BUSH, THORNY_BUSH, TALL_GRASS, REED ); type plant_mark is mod 72; type plant_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record health_limit : natural := 0; end record; type plant_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record health : natural := 0; end record; type plant_constant_list is array (plant_list) of plant_constant_type; type plant_variable_list is array (plant_mark) of plant_variable_type; plant_constant_data : constant plant_constant_list := ( (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Oak Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 11), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Pine Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 23), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Birch Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 13), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Acacia Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 19), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Apple Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 17), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Peach Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 13), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Orange Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 11), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Pear Tree"), 'T', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_BOLD, 13), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Bush"), '&', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, 5), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Thorny Bush"), '&', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, 7), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Tall Grass"), '%', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3), (ENTITY_PLANT, to_unbounded_string ("Reed"), '%', COLOUR_GREEN, EFFECT_NORMAL, 3) ); plant_variable_data : plant_variable_list; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Animal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type animal_list is ( ANIMAL_ROACH, ANIMAL_RAT, ANIMAL_BAT, ANIMAL_SPIDER, ANIMAL_LIZARD, ANIMAL_SNAIL, ANIMAL_WORM, ANIMAL_MOLE ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Goblin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type goblin_list is ( GOBLIN_SLAVE, GOBLIN_WORKER, GOBLIN_WARRIOR, GOBLIN_BOAR_RIDER, GOBLIN_SHAMAN, GOBLIN_CHIEF, GOBLIN_KING, GOBLIN_OGRE ); type goblin_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record health_limit : natural := 0; armour_limit : natural := 0; mana_limit : natural := 0; stamina_limit : natural := 0; attack_range : natural := 0; end record; type goblin_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record health : natural := 0; armour : natural := 0; mana : natural := 0; stamina : natural := 0; end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Terminal -- -- Currently constant, gonna use either my xurses library or C bindings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type procedure_pointer is access procedure; type action_data is array (signal_list) of procedure_pointer; active : boolean := true; signal : character := SIGNAL_IDLE; width : natural := 120; height : natural := 40; buffer : unbounded_string := null_unbounded_string; procedure action_idle is begin null; end action_idle; procedure action_exit is begin active := false; end action_exit; action_list : action_data := (others => action_idle'access); procedure bind ( key : character := SIGNAL_IDLE; act : procedure_pointer := action_idle'access ) is begin action_list (character'pos (key)) := act; end bind; procedure unbind ( key : character := SIGNAL_IDLE ) is begin action_list (character'pos (key)) := action_idle'access; end unbind; procedure action_draw is begin buffer := buffer & format_symbol ('@', COLOUR_RED, EFFECT_BOLD); end action_draw; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin bind (SIGNAL_Q, action_exit'access); bind (SIGNAL_E, action_draw'access); loop exit when active = false; buffer := to_unbounded_string (escape & "[H"); signal := CANCEL; for y in 1 .. height loop for x in 1 .. width loop buffer := buffer & format_symbol ('X', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD); end loop; buffer := buffer & carriage_return & line_feed; end loop; put (to_string (buffer)); -- still reachable get_immediate (signal); action_list (character'pos (signal)).all; end loop; --~for this in magic_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (magic_constant_data (this).symbol, magic_constant_data (this).colour, magic_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (magic_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; --~for this in item_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (item_constant_data (this).symbol, item_constant_data (this).colour, item_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (item_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; --~for this in ammunition_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (ammunition_constant_data (this).symbol, ammunition_constant_data (this).colour, ammunition_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (ammunition_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; --~for this in weapon_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (weapon_constant_data (this).symbol, weapon_constant_data (this).colour, weapon_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (weapon_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; --~for this in armour_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (armour_constant_data (this).symbol, armour_constant_data (this).colour, armour_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (armour_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; --~for this in plant_list --~loop --~put_line (format_symbol (plant_constant_data (this).symbol, plant_constant_data (this).colour, plant_constant_data (this).effect) --~& " " --~& to_string (plant_constant_data (this).name)); --~end loop; return 0; end xabina;