------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2023 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the -- implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Experimental minimal terminal rogue-like game in Ada programming language. I used to write a lot of Ada programs some time ago, then went in full C and assembly mode, and came -- back to Ada, but realized that I keep my folders messy... Since it's bothersome to find my old Ada projects and share them here, I decided that the most easy thing to do is to -- write a new program in Ada, a tiny game. Work in progress, it's messy and ugly for now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded; use ada.text_io, ada.strings.unbounded; --~ TODO: Do not use this command below, it's for real-time game... --~ TODO: gnatmake xabina.adb && stty raw -echo && ./xabina && reset function xabina return integer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type subrange is record minimum : natural := 0; average : natural := 0; maximum : natural := 0; end record; type colour_id is ( COLOUR_GREY, COLOUR_RED, COLOUR_GREEN, COLOUR_YELLOW, COLOUR_BLUE, COLOUR_PINK, COLOUR_CYAN, COLOUR_WHITE ); type effect_id is ( EFFECT_NORMAL, EFFECT_BOLD, EFFECT_ITALIC, EFFECT_UNDERLINE, EFFECT_BLINK, EFFECT_REVERSE ); type entity_id is ( ENTITY_NONE, ENTITY_MENU, ENTITY_MAP, ENTITY_ITEM, ENTITY_PLANT, ENTITY_ANIMAL, ENTITY_GOBLIN, ENTITY_PLAYER ); type map_id is ( MAP_NONE, MAP_VOID, MAP_WALL, MAP_FLOOR, MAP_HOLE, MAP_STAIRS_DOWN, MAP_STAIRS_UP, MAP_DOOR ); type item_id is ( ITEM_NONE, ITEM_AMMUNITION, ITEM_WEAPON, ITEM_ARMOUR, ITEM_SCROLL, ITEM_POTION, ITEM_CONSUMABLE, ITEM_NOTE ); type plant_id is ( PLANT_NONE, PLANT_GRASS, PLANT_REED, PLANT_BUSH, PLANT_APPLE_TREE, PLANT_LEMON_TREE, PLANT_OAK_TREE, PLANT_PINE_TREE ); type animal_id is ( ANIMAL_NONE, ANIMAL_RAT, ANIMAL_BAT, ANIMAL_SPIDER, ANIMAL_LIZARD, ANIMAL_SNAIL, ANIMAL_WORM, ANIMAL_MOLE ); type goblin_id is ( GOBLIN_NONE, GOBLIN_WORKER, GOBLIN_WARRIOR, GOBLIN_BOAR_RIDER, GOBLIN_SHAMAN, GOBLIN_CHIEF, GOBLIN_KING, GOBLIN_OGRE ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Entity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type entity_constant_type is tagged record entity : entity_id := ENTITY_NONE; -- Entity identifier. name : unbounded_string := null_unbounded_string; -- Entity general name. code : character := ' '; -- Entity ASCII character representation. colour : colour_id := COLOUR_WHITE; -- Entity VT100 escape sequence colour. effect : effect_id := EFFECT_NORMAL; -- Entity VT100 escape sequence effect. collide : boolean := false; -- Entity collision information. end record; type entity_variable_type is tagged record x : integer := 0; -- Global X coordinate. y : integer := 0; -- Global Y coordinate. end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Map: -- -- Map data is only constant, not variable, since X and Y coordinates are determined by player, camera or global position. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type map_list_id is ( STONE_WALL, WOODEN_WALL, STONE_FLOOR, WOODEN_FLOOR ); type map_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record map : map_id := MAP_NONE; trigger : natural := 0; end record; type map_list is array (map_list_id) of map_constant_type; map_data : constant map_list := ( (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Stone Wall"), '#', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, true, MAP_WALL, 0), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Wooden Wall"), '#', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, true, MAP_WALL, 0), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Stone Floor"), '.', COLOUR_GREY, EFFECT_BOLD, false, MAP_FLOOR, 0), (ENTITY_MAP, to_unbounded_string ("Wooden Floor"), '.', COLOUR_YELLOW, EFFECT_NORMAL, false, MAP_FLOOR, 0) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Goblin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type goblin_constant_type is new entity_constant_type with record attack_range : subrange := (0, 0, 0); health_limit : natural := 0; armour_limit : natural := 0; mana_limit : natural := 0; stamina_limit : natural := 0; end record; type goblin_variable_type is new entity_variable_type with record goblin : goblin_id := GOBLIN_NONE; -- Index of 'goblin_data'. health : natural := 0; armour : natural := 0; mana : natural := 0; stamina : natural := 0; weapon : item_id := ITEM_NONE; end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin for this in map_list_id loop put_line ("> " & to_string (map_data (this).name)); end loop; return 0; end xabina;