/* * Copyright (c) 2023 : Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic * * Xero is free software! You will redistribute it or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation. * And when you do redistribute it or modify it, it will use either version 3 of the License, or (at yours truly opinion) any later version. * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or harmful, it really depends... But no warranty what so ever, seriously. See GNU/GPLv3. */ #include #include enum { ENTITY_TYPE_NONE, ENTITY_TYPE_FOOD, ENTITY_TYPE_COUNT }; enum { ENTITY_NULL, ENTITY_APPLE, ENTITY_LEMON, ENTITY_WATERMELON, ENTITY_PLAYER, ENTITY_COUNT }; static int map_width = 0; static int map_height = 0; static int * map = NULL; static int player_x = 0; static int player_y = 0; static struct { int type; char symbol; char symbol_alternative [3]; int effect; int colour; char * name; int value; int logic; } const entity_data [ENTITY_COUNT] = { { ENTITY_TYPE_NONE, '.', " ", EFFECT_NORMAL, COLOUR_WHITE, "-", 0, 0 }, { ENTITY_TYPE_FOOD, 'o', " ", EFFECT_BOLD, COLOUR_RED, "Apple", 2, 0 }, { ENTITY_TYPE_FOOD, 'o', " ", EFFECT_BOLD, COLOUR_YELLOW, "Lemon", 3, 0 }, { ENTITY_TYPE_FOOD, 'O', " ", EFFECT_BOLD, COLOUR_GREEN, "Watermelon", 5, 0 }, { ENTITY_TYPE_NONE, '@', " ", EFFECT_BOLD, COLOUR_BLUE, "I", 0, 1 } }; static void player_move_up (void) { --player_y; limit (& player_y, 0, map_height - 1); } static void player_move_down (void) { ++player_y; limit (& player_y, 0, map_height - 1); } static void player_move_left (void) { --player_x; limit (& player_x, 0, map_width - 1); } static void player_move_right (void) { ++player_x; limit (& player_x, 0, map_width - 1); } static void map_render (void) { int i = 0; int j = 0; map [player_y * map_width + player_x] = ENTITY_PLAYER; for (i = 0; i != map_height; ++i) { for (j = 0; j != map_width; ++j) { int index = map [i * map_width + j]; char symbol = entity_data [index]. symbol; int effect = entity_data [index]. effect; int colour = entity_data [index]. colour; curses_render_character (symbol, colour, effect, j, i); } } } int main (void) { terminal_show_cursor (0); curses_initialize (); map_width = curses_screen_width; map_height = curses_screen_height; map = allocate (map_width * map_height * (int) sizeof (* map)); curses_bind ('Q', curses_exit); curses_bind ('w', player_move_up); curses_bind ('s', player_move_down); curses_bind ('a', player_move_left); curses_bind ('d', player_move_right); while (curses_active != 0) { map_render (); curses_synchronize (); } curses_deinitialize (); map = deallocate (map); terminal_show_cursor (1); echo ("Good byte hero! (:\n"); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }