Experimenting with static string allocations...
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ package deity is
type enumeration is (
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ package deity is
description : constant array (enumeration) of definition := (
AEZORA => ("Aezora ", 0, faction.fairy, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
MITENA => ("Mitena ", 0, faction.dwarf, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
GUAREA => ("Guarea ", 0, faction.gnoll, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
KERENA => ("Kerena ", 0, faction.kobold, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
SHEILA => ("Sheila ", 0, faction.gnoll, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
ILIONA => ("Iliona ", 0, faction.kobold, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
ULDRAE => ("Uldrae ", 0, faction.goblin, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
KANAKO => ("Kanako ", 0, faction.imp, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
HENEAL => ("Heneal ", 0, faction.human, attribute.offense, skill.archery, resource.gold),
@ -163,20 +163,6 @@ procedure main is
procedure zoom_in is begin core.zoom := 2; end zoom_in;
procedure zoom_out is begin core.zoom := 1; end zoom_out;
--~procedure main_menu is
--~core.draw (game_preview (world.ash), core.center_x (game_preview (world.ash).width * 2), core.center_y (game_preview (world.ash).height * 2), factor => 2);
--~core.draw (game_title, core.center_x (game_title.width * 2), core.center_y (game_title.height * 2), factor => 2);
--~ui.write ("Main Menu", 0, 0);
--~ui.draw_check_box (0, 32, view_list (map_preview_panel), "map_preview_panel");
--~ui.draw_check_box (0, 64, view_list (status_preview_panel), "status_preview_panel");
--~ui.draw_check_box (0, 96, view_list (text_box_panel), "text_box_panel");
--~end main_menu;
@ -479,7 +465,7 @@ begin
for index in material.enumeration loop
if world.map.chads (1).materials (index).value > 0 then
ui.draw_icon (material.icon (index), -(material.description (index).name), move_x, core.base + core.icon);
ui.draw_icon (material.icon (index), material.description (index).name.all, move_x, core.base + core.icon);
ui.draw_text_box (move_x, core.base + core.icon + core.icon, core.icon, core.icon);
ui.write (world.map.chads (1).materials (index).value'image, move_x, core.base + core.icon + core.icon + 8, (255, 255, 255, 255), 15, true);
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core;
use core;
package material is
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ package material is
type definition is record
name : core.unstring;
name : access string;
cost : natural;
end record;
@ -33,34 +32,34 @@ package material is
default : constant points := (others => (1, 12));
description : constant array (enumeration) of definition := (
sulphur => (+("Sulphur"), 11),
mercury => (+("Mercury"), 13),
mint => (+("Mint"), 3),
cinnamon => (+("Cinnamon"), 5),
apple => (+("Apple"), 2),
peach => (+("Peach"), 2),
pear => (+("Pear"), 2),
banana => (+("Banana"), 3),
orange => (+("Orange"), 3),
plum => (+("Plum"), 3),
cherry => (+("Cherry"), 3),
lemon => (+("Lemon"), 2),
potato => (+("Potato"), 1),
wheat => (+("Wheat"), 1),
carrot => (+("Carrot"), 2),
cucumber => (+("Cucumber"), 3),
onion => (+("Onion"), 2),
garlic => (+("Garlic"), 2),
eggplant => (+("Eggplant"), 3),
tomato => (+("Tomato"), 2),
meat => (+("Meat"), 3),
fish_meat => (+("Fish Meat"), 2),
skull => (+("Skull"), 1),
animal_skull => (+("Animal Skull"), 1),
bone => (+("Bone"), 1),
rib_cage => (+("Rib Cage"), 1),
animal_skin => (+("Animal Skin"), 5),
animal_fur => (+("Animal Fur"), 7)
sulphur => (new string' ("Sulphur"), 11),
mercury => (new string' ("Mercury"), 13),
mint => (new string' ("Mint"), 3),
cinnamon => (new string' ("Cinnamon"), 5),
apple => (new string' ("Apple"), 2),
peach => (new string' ("Peach"), 2),
pear => (new string' ("Pear"), 2),
banana => (new string' ("Banana"), 3),
orange => (new string' ("Orange"), 3),
plum => (new string' ("Plum"), 3),
cherry => (new string' ("Cherry"), 3),
lemon => (new string' ("Lemon"), 2),
potato => (new string' ("Potato"), 1),
wheat => (new string' ("Wheat"), 1),
carrot => (new string' ("Carrot"), 2),
cucumber => (new string' ("Cucumber"), 3),
onion => (new string' ("Onion"), 2),
garlic => (new string' ("Garlic"), 2),
eggplant => (new string' ("Eggplant"), 3),
tomato => (new string' ("Tomato"), 2),
meat => (new string' ("Meat"), 3),
fish_meat => (new string' ("Fish Meat"), 2),
skull => (new string' ("Skull"), 1),
animal_skull => (new string' ("Animal Skull"), 1),
bone => (new string' ("Bone"), 1),
rib_cage => (new string' ("Rib Cage"), 1),
animal_skin => (new string' ("Animal Skin"), 5),
animal_fur => (new string' ("Animal Fur"), 7)
icon : array (enumeration) of core.sprite;
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ package body world is
height => landmarks (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)).height)
and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle
and not ui.prioritize then
core.write_text_box (landmark_description (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)).name);
core.write_text_box (-(landmark_description (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)).name));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ package body world is
height => locations (location_index'val (map.locations (index).index)).height)
and core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_middle
and not ui.prioritize then
core.write_text_box (location_description (location_index'val (map.locations (index).index)).name);
core.write_text_box (-(location_description (location_index'val (map.locations (index).index)).name));
end if;
end if;
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ package body world is
when effect.modify_material => material_index := material.enumeration'val (data.modifier);
player.materials (material_index) := player.materials (material_index) + data.amount;
ui.echo ("+" & data.amount'image & " " & (-(material.description (material_index).name)));
ui.echo ("+" & data.amount'image & " " & material.description (material_index).name.all);
end case;
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ package world is
type landmark_stats is record
name : core.short_string;
name : core.unstring;
spawn : biome;
clip : boolean;
frames : integer;
end record;
type location_stats is record
name : core.short_string;
name : core.unstring;
clip : boolean;
frames : integer;
states : integer;
@ -83,51 +83,50 @@ package world is
location_count : constant natural := location_index'pos (location_index'last) + 1;
landmark_description : constant array (landmark_index) of landmark_stats := (
dead_tree => ("Dead Tree ", ash, true, 1),
mossy_rock => ("Mossy Rock ", swamp, true, 1),
palm_tree => ("Palm Tree ", sand, true, 4),
pine_tree => ("Pine Tree ", grass, true, 4),
pine_forest => ("Pine Forest ", grass, true, 4),
reeds => ("Reeds ", swamp, false, 4),
rock => ("Rock ", sand, true, 1),
snowed_pine_tree => ("Snowed Pine Tree ", snow, true, 4),
snowed_rock => ("Snowed Rock ", snow, true, 1),
spiky_rock => ("Spiky Rock ", ash, true, 1),
wooden_sign => ("Wooden Sign ", grass, false, 1),
wooden_arrow_sign => ("Wooden Arrow Sign ", grass, false, 1),
rune_stone => ("Rune Stone ", grass, true, 4),
snowed_rune_stone => ("Snowed Rune Stone ", snow, true, 1),
mossy_rune_stone => ("Mossy Rune Stone ", swamp, true, 4),
snowed_pine_forest => ("Snowed Pine Forest ", snow, true, 4),
hyacinths => ("Hyacinths ", grass, false, 1),
orchids => ("Orchids ", grass, false, 1),
asters => ("Asters ", grass, false, 1),
daffodils => ("Daffodils ", grass, false, 1),
royal_grave => ("Royal Grave ", ash, true, 1),
grave => ("Grave ", ash, true, 1),
humble_grave => ("Humble Grave ", ash, true, 1),
wooden_wide_sign => ("Wooden Wide Sign ", grass, false, 1),
birch_tree => ("Birch Tree ", grass, true, 4),
fir_tree => ("Fir Tree ", grass, true, 4),
oak_tree => ("Oak Tree ", grass, true, 4),
old_willow_tree => ("Old Willow Tree ", swamp, true, 4)
dead_tree => (+("Dead Tree"), ash, true, 1),
mossy_rock => (+("Mossy Rock"), swamp, true, 1),
palm_tree => (+("Palm Tree"), sand, true, 4),
pine_tree => (+("Pine Tree"), grass, true, 4),
pine_forest => (+("Pine Forest"), grass, true, 4),
reeds => (+("Reeds"), swamp, false, 4),
rock => (+("Rock"), sand, true, 1),
snowed_pine_tree => (+("Snowed Pine Tree"), snow, true, 4),
snowed_rock => (+("Snowed Rock"), snow, true, 1),
spiky_rock => (+("Spiky Rock"), ash, true, 1),
wooden_sign => (+("Wooden Sign"), grass, false, 1),
wooden_arrow_sign => (+("Wooden Arrow Sign"), grass, false, 1),
rune_stone => (+("Rune Stone"), grass, true, 4),
snowed_rune_stone => (+("Snowed Rune Stone"), snow, true, 1),
mossy_rune_stone => (+("Mossy Rune Stone"), swamp, true, 4),
snowed_pine_forest => (+("Snowed Pine Forest"), snow, true, 4),
hyacinths => (+("Hyacinths"), grass, false, 1),
orchids => (+("Orchids"), grass, false, 1),
asters => (+("Asters"), grass, false, 1),
daffodils => (+("Daffodils"), grass, false, 1),
royal_grave => (+("Royal Grave"), ash, true, 1),
grave => (+("Grave"), ash, true, 1),
humble_grave => (+("Humble Grave"), ash, true, 1),
wooden_wide_sign => (+("Wooden Wide Sign"), grass, false, 1),
birch_tree => (+("Birch Tree"), grass, true, 4),
fir_tree => (+("Fir Tree"), grass, true, 4),
oak_tree => (+("Oak Tree"), grass, true, 4),
old_willow_tree => (+("Old Willow Tree"), swamp, true, 4)
location_description : constant array (location_index) of location_stats := (
well_of_agility => ("Well of Agility ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.speed), 2, false, 0)),
well_of_knowledge => ("Well of Knowledge ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.wisdom), 2, false, 0)),
well_of_strength => ("Well of Strength ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.offense), 2, false, 0)),
old_dwarven_grave => ("Old Dwarven Grave ", true, 1, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.defense), 1, false, 0)),
huge_ancient_urn => ("Huge Ancient Urn ", true, 1, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.offense), 1, false, 0)),
banana_tree => ("Banana Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.banana), 4, true, 600)),
apple_tree => ("Apple Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.apple), 6, true, 600)),
cherry_tree => ("Cherry Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.cherry), 6, true, 600)),
lemon_tree => ("Lemon Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.lemon), 6, true, 600)),
orange_tree => ("Orange Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.orange), 6, true, 600)),
pear_tree => ("Pear Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.pear), 6, true, 600)),
peach_tree => ("Peach Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.peach), 6, true, 600)),
plum_tree => ("Plum Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.plum), 6, true, 600))
well_of_agility => (+("Well of Agility"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.speed), 2, false, 0)),
well_of_knowledge => (+("Well of Knowledge"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.wisdom), 2, false, 0)),
well_of_strength => (+("Well of Strength"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.offense), 2, false, 0)),
old_dwarven_grave => (+("Old Dwarven Grave"), true, 1, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.defense), 1, false, 0)),
huge_ancient_urn => (+("Huge Ancient Urn"), true, 1, 3, (effect.modify_attribute, attribute.enumeration'pos (attribute.offense), 1, false, 0)),
banana_tree => (+("Banana Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.banana), 4, true, 600)),
apple_tree => (+("Apple Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.apple), 6, true, 600)),
cherry_tree => (+("Cherry Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.cherry), 6, true, 600)),
lemon_tree => (+("Lemon Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.lemon), 6, true, 600)),
orange_tree => (+("Orange Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.orange), 6, true, 600)),
pear_tree => (+("Pear Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.pear), 6, true, 600)),
peach_tree => (+("Peach Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.peach), 6, true, 600)),
plum_tree => (+("Plum Tree"), true, 4, 3, (effect.modify_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.plum), 6, true, 600))
month_name : constant array (1 .. 12) of core.unstring := (
@ -138,8 +137,8 @@ package world is
+("V <> Month of Orohan"),
+("VI <> Month of Aezora"),
+("VII <> Month of Mitena"),
+("VIII <> Month of Guarea"),
+("IX <> Month of Kerena"),
+("VIII <> Month of Sheila"),
+("IX <> Month of Iliona"),
+("X <> Month of Uldrae"),
+("XI <> Month of Kanako"),
+("XII <> Month of Time-Rebirth")
Reference in New Issue
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