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More design text...

Ognjen Milan Robovic 1 місяць тому
2 змінених файлів з 34 додано та 0 видалено
  1. +19
  2. +15

+ 19
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design/core.txt Переглянути файл

@@ -16,4 +16,23 @@ Inspiration:
0 A.D.
Battle for Wesnoth

Keep the main gameplay simple, like Heroes of Might & Magic 2, but add a lot of various content to potentionally enchance the play time.
Pixel art (for now), 16x16 base size, modular game engine that'll support future use of any arbituary sprite size.
World overview, similar to medieval maps, except that buildings and chads will be previewed on it, similar to single trees on those maps.
Certain entities trigger an event, like chad going to foe tile to go to the battle screen, or friend tile to trade or negotiate.
Menus and UI system in general needs to be robust and intuitive, LMB to open, RMB to close and MMB to toggle-preview the menu.
Battles happen similar to Heroes of Might & Magic, on tile based fiend, but each soldier is rendered, and they have attack formations.

You are chad, hero of some faction, and it is your destiny to bring the glory to your race, like it is with every real chad.
You can make buildings like in Age of Anything, directly on the map grid, and align them perfectly due to game being tile based.
You can recruit soldiers, which start as mere peasants, like in Mount & Blade, and they progress by equipping themselves and killing foes.
You can trade in your own village or city, make trading routes with other factions, loot other villages or explore ancient ruins.
Each building can have potential menu when you "enter" it, to buy, sell, craft, explore, negotiate, view, etc. something.
Each soldier in your army have his own equipment, and the amount of soldiers you have depends on your population and leadership skills.
Each menu has sub-menus, if needed, and description of what something does, this may potentially replace making a tutorial.
Each map is connected to one or more other maps, which is the world, and you can access different parts with portals, routes or docks.

More documentation to come...

+ 15
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design/development.txt Переглянути файл

@@ -1 +1,16 @@
This will contain some design decisions and how the hell this game was developed...

> Started of as "EAX", quick Raylib testing demo written in plain old ANSI C.
> Extended to have general UI, simple roguelike mechanics and a lot of place-holder content.
> Added buildings, landmarks and terrain sprites created by itch.io guy, finalbossblues.
> Scrapped everything, downloaded Heroes of Might & Magic 2, 3, 4 sprites from vgresourcer.
> Rewrote most of the alpha code in Ada, kept graphics related stuff in C.
> Implemented most Heroes of Might & Magic 3 game data and sprites into the game.
> Started working on modular robust UI system, added a lot of UI theme styles.
> Added SDL2 and XCB rendering back-end written in C, alongside Raylib.
> Scrapped C in total, removed SDL2 and XCB, wrote general Raylib-Ada bindings in Core.
> Added AI package for testing, but it'll most likely never be used...
> Scrapped everything once again, decided to create my own world and pixel art.
> Refactored a lot of code, removed Heroes of Might & Magic 3 game data and sprites.

> Present day, grinding pixel art...
