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Various general refactoring...

9 changed files with 94 additions and 63 deletions
  1. +19
  2. +7
  3. +18
  4. +12
  5. +1
  6. +16
  7. +3
  8. +1
  9. +17

+ 19
- 6
source/chad.adb View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)

with core, ui, attribute, skill, resource, faction;
with core, ui, attribute, skill, resource, faction, equipment;

package body chad is

@@ -35,16 +35,22 @@ package body chad is


procedure draw (index : in enumeration; x, y : in integer) is
procedure draw (player : in data; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y);
core.draw (sprite (player.index), x, y, state => player.state);
for index in equipment.slot loop
if player.equipments (index).show then
equipment.draw (player.equipments (index).data, player.state, x, y);
end if;
end loop;
end draw;


procedure view (index : in enumeration; x, y : in integer) is
procedure view (player : in data; x, y : in integer) is
ui.draw_sprite (view_sprite (index), trait (index).name, x, y, 0);
ui.draw_sprite (view_sprite (player.index), trait (player.index).name, x, y, 0);
end view;

@@ -54,7 +60,7 @@ package body chad is
ui.draw_frame ("--", x, y, 360 + 2 * offset, 96 + 2 * offset);
view (player.index, x + offset, y + offset);
view (player, x + offset, y + offset);
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x + view_width + 2 * offset, y + 1 * core.icon + offset, 4 * core.icon, float ( / float (;
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (x + view_width + 2 * offset, y + 2 * core.icon + offset, 4 * core.icon, float (player.mana.value) / float (player.mana.limit));
@@ -85,6 +91,13 @@ package body chad is


procedure draw_menu (player : in data; x, y : in integer) is
end draw_menu;


procedure draw_pepe is
core.draw (pepe_the_frog, (core.window_width - core.base) / 2, (core.window_height - core.base) / 2);

+ 7
- 4
source/ View File

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)

with core, attribute, skill, resource, faction;
with core, attribute, skill, resource, faction, equipment;

package chad is

@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ package chad is

type data is record
index : enumeration;
state : core.animation;
health : core.point;
mana : core.point;
stamina : core.point;
attributes : attribute.points;
skills : skill.points;
resources : resource.points;
equipments : equipment.equip_array := (others => equipment.empty);
end record;

@@ -49,9 +51,10 @@ package chad is

procedure configure;

procedure draw (index : in enumeration; x, y : in integer);
procedure view (index : in enumeration; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_data (player : in data; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw (player : in data; x, y : in integer);
procedure view (player : in data; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_data (player : in data; x, y : in integer);
procedure draw_menu (player : in data; x, y : in integer);

procedure draw_pepe;
procedure draw_alice;

+ 18
- 11
source/core.adb View File

@@ -276,16 +276,16 @@ package body core is


procedure draw (data : in sprite := (others => 0);
x : in integer := 0;
y : in integer := 0;
u : in integer := 0;
v : in integer := 0;
width : in integer := 0;
height : in integer := 0;
state : in integer := 0;
factor : in integer := zoom;
tint : in colour := (others => 255)) is
procedure draw (data : in sprite := (others => 0);
x : in integer := 0;
y : in integer := 0;
u : in integer := 0;
v : in integer := 0;
width : in integer := 0;
height : in integer := 0;
state : in animation := idle;
factor : in integer := zoom;
tint : in colour := (others => 255)) is
new_width : constant float := float ((if width = 0 then data.width else width));
new_height : constant float := float ((if height = 0 then data.height else height));
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ package body core is
ray.draw_texture (data => texture_array (data.index),
uv => (x => float (if u > 0 then u else (animation_time mod data.frames) * data.width),
y => float (if state = 0 then v else (state mod data.states) * data.height),
y => float (animation'pos (state) * data.height),
width => new_width,
height => new_height),
view => (x => float (x),
@@ -398,6 +398,13 @@ package body core is


procedure toggle_fullscreen is
end toggle_fullscreen;


procedure initialize is
echo (comment, "Initializing core components...");

+ 12
- 10
source/ View File

@@ -146,16 +146,16 @@ package core is
procedure render_image (data : in sprite; x, y, u, v, width, height : in integer);
procedure export_image (file_path : in string);

procedure draw (data : in sprite := (others => 0);
x : in integer := 0;
y : in integer := 0;
u : in integer := 0;
v : in integer := 0;
width : in integer := 0;
height : in integer := 0;
state : in integer := 0;
factor : in integer := zoom;
tint : in colour := (others => 255));
procedure draw (data : in sprite := (others => 0);
x : in integer := 0;
y : in integer := 0;
u : in integer := 0;
v : in integer := 0;
width : in integer := 0;
height : in integer := 0;
state : in animation := idle;
factor : in integer := zoom;
tint : in colour := (others => 255));

procedure draw_horizontally (data : in sprite; x, y, width, factor : in integer);
procedure draw_vertically (data : in sprite; x, y, height, factor : in integer);
@@ -189,6 +189,8 @@ package core is
procedure move_camera_left;
procedure move_camera_right;

procedure toggle_fullscreen;

procedure initialize;
procedure deinitialize;
procedure synchronize;

+ 1
- 1
source/equipment.adb View File

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ package body equipment is

procedure draw (index : in enumeration; state : in core.animation; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y, state => core.animation'pos (state));
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y, state => state);
end draw;


+ 16
- 5
source/main.adb View File

@@ -23,12 +23,19 @@ procedure main is

player : := (
index => chad.ada,
state => core.idle,
health => (30, 40),
mana => (20, 30),
stamina => (10, 20),
attributes => (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
skills => (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, others => 0),
resources => (101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127)
resources => (101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127),
equipments => (equipment.chest => (equipment.elven_armour, true),
--~equipment.head => (equipment.elven_helmet, true),
equipment.hands => (equipment.leather_gauntlets, true),
equipment.feet => (equipment.leather_greaves, true),
equipment.main_hand => (equipment.jade_sword, true),
others => (equipment.empty))

@@ -116,6 +123,7 @@ procedure main is
signal_kp_add => zoom_in'access,
signal_kp_subtract => zoom_out'access,
signal_m => world.reveal_map'access,
signal_f => toggle_fullscreen'access,
others => idle_skip'access

@@ -240,7 +248,7 @@ begin
draw (game_preview (choose), center_x (game_preview (choose).width * 2), center_y (game_preview (choose).height * 2), factor => 2);
draw (game_title, center_x (game_title.width * 2), center_y (game_title.height * 2), factor => 2);
ui.write ("[-- Please press Spacebar to continue]", 0, center_y (24), (102, 102, 102, 255));
ui.write ("[-- Press Spacebar or RMB to continue]", 0, center_y (24), (102, 102, 102, 255));
end loop introduction_loop;

cursor_mode := 0;
@@ -272,7 +280,7 @@ begin
if not view_list (status_preview_panel) then
side_panel := 0;
side_panel := window_width / 4;
side_panel := 376 + 2 * 32;
end if;
preview_width := window_width - side_panel;
@@ -308,10 +316,13 @@ begin
signal_list (signal_mode).all;
-- (0, 0, true); (0, 0, true); (0, 0, true);
chad.draw (player, (window_width - base) / 2, (window_height - base) / 2);
--~deity.draw (deity.AEZORA, 300, 300);
--~deity.draw (deity.ULDRAE, 500, 300);

+ 3
- 9
source/ui.adb View File

@@ -271,13 +271,10 @@ package body ui is

procedure draw_icon (data : in core.sprite; text : in string; x, y : in integer; action : core.pointer := core.idle_skip'access) is
save_zoom : natural := core.zoom;
draw (icon, x, y);
core.zoom := 1;
core.draw (data, x, y);
core.zoom := save_zoom;
core.draw (data, x, y, factor => 1);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, core.icon / core.zoom, core.icon / core.zoom) then
prioritize := true;
@@ -296,11 +293,8 @@ package body ui is

procedure draw_overicon (data : in core.sprite; text : in string; x, y : in integer; action : core.pointer := core.idle_skip'access) is
save_zoom : natural := core.zoom;
core.zoom := 1;
core.draw (data, x, y);
core.zoom := save_zoom;
core.draw (data, x, y, factor => 1);
draw (overicon, x, y);
end draw_overicon;
@@ -313,7 +307,7 @@ package body ui is
draw_icon_menu (x, y, data.width + 2 * offset, data.height + 2 * offset);
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, data.width + 2 * offset, data.height + 2 * offset) then
if core.cursor_inside (x, y, (data.width + 2 * offset) / core.zoom, (data.height + 2 * offset) / core.zoom) then
prioritize := true;
core.write_help_box (text);

+ 1
- 1
source/unit.adb View File

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ package body unit is

procedure draw (index : in enumeration; state : in core.animation; x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y, state => core.animation'pos (state));
core.draw (sprite (index), x, y, state => state);
end draw;


+ 17
- 16
source/world.adb View File

@@ -146,27 +146,28 @@ package body world is
for horizontal in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
exit when offset.x + (horizontal - * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_width;
if not ((horizontal - ** 2 + (vertical - ** 2 > view_reach * 2) then
if not ((horizontal - ** 2 + (vertical - ** 2 > view_reach * 2) then
map.views (horizontal, vertical) := true;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
declare x : integer := core.base * core.zoom * (-1- + offset.x;
y : integer := core.base * core.zoom * (-1- + offset.y;
width : integer := core.base * core.zoom * (map.width + 2);
height : integer := core.base * core.zoom * (map.height + 2);
core.draw_horizontally (border_upper, x + core.base, y, width - 2 * core.base, core.zoom);
core.draw_horizontally (border_lower, x + core.base, y + height - core.base, width - 2 * core.base, core.zoom);
core.draw_vertically (border_left, x, y + core.base, height - 2 * core.base, core.zoom);
core.draw_vertically (border_right, x + width - core.base, y + core.base, height - 2 * core.base, core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_upper_left, x, y, core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_upper_right, x + width - core.base, y, core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_lower_left, x, y + height - core.base, core.zoom);
core.draw (corner_lower_right, x + width - core.base, y + height - core.base, core.zoom);
--~declare factor : constant integer := core.base * core.zoom;
--~x : constant integer := factor * (-1- + offset.x;
--~y : constant integer := factor * (-1- + offset.y;
--~width : constant integer := core.base * (map.width + 2);
--~height : constant integer := core.base * (map.height + 2);
--~core.draw_horizontally (border_upper, x + factor, y, width - 2 * factor, core.zoom);
--~core.draw_horizontally (border_lower, x + factor, y + height - factor, width - 2 * factor, core.zoom);
--~core.draw_vertically (border_left, x, y + factor, height - 2 * factor, core.zoom);
--~core.draw_vertically (border_right, x + width - factor, y + factor, height - 2 * factor, core.zoom);
--~core.draw (corner_upper_left, x, y, core.zoom);
--~core.draw (corner_upper_right, x + width - core.base, y, core.zoom);
--~core.draw (corner_lower_left, x, y + height - core.base, core.zoom);
--~core.draw (corner_lower_right, x + width - core.base, y + height - core.base, core.zoom);
for vertical in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
exit when offset.y + (vertical - * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_height;
