
Revised bad descriptions and added resource descriptions...

共有 5 個檔案被更改,包括 27 行新增18 行删除
  1. +4
  2. +13
  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. +8

+ 4
- 4
source/attribute.ads 查看文件

@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ package attribute is
count : constant natural := codex'pos (codex'last) + 1;

trait : constant trait_array := (
("Attack ", 0, "Attack determines strength, edurance and damage dealth. "),
("Defense ", 0, "Defense determines resistance, stamina and damage blocked. "),
("Power ", 0, "Power determines might and magic range, spread and usage. "),
("Knowledge ", 0, "Knowledge determines leveling, experience and learning. ")
("Attack ", 0, "Determines strength, edurance and damage dealth. "),
("Defense ", 0, "Determines resistance, stamina and damage blocked. "),
("Power ", 0, "Determines might and magic range, spread and usage. "),
("Knowledge ", 0, "Determines leveling, experience and learning. ")


+ 13
- 5
source/chad.ads 查看文件

@@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ package chad is
bonus_resource : resource.codex;
end record;

type data is
index : codex;
attributes : attribute.value_array;
skills : skill.value_array;
resources : resource.value_array;
end record;

type trait_array is array (codex) of information;
type sprite_array is array (codex) of core.sprite;

@@ -33,12 +41,12 @@ package chad is
("Ognjen Milan Robovic ", faction.castle, attribute.power, skill.archery, resource.gold),
("Richard Martin Stallman ", faction.stronghold, attribute.knowledge, skill.leadership, resource.ore),
("Eric Steven Raymond ", faction.inferno, attribute.defense, skill.resistance, resource.wood),
("Linus Benedict Torvalds ", faction.tower, attribute.attack, skill.necromancy, resource.mercury),
("Linus Benedict Torvalds ", faction.tower, attribute.attack, skill.offense, resource.mercury),
("Ada Augusta King ", faction.conflux, attribute.defense, skill.sorcery, resource.gold),
("Marina Ann Hantzis ", faction.necropolis, attribute.attack, skill.first_aid, resource.gem),
("Kathleen Hylda Britten ", faction.rampart, attribute.knowledge, skill.mysticism, resource.wood),
("Wouter van Oortmerssen ", faction.fortress, attribute.power, skill.offense, resource.ore),
("John Warner Backus ", faction.dungeon, attribute.knowledge, skill.intelligence, resource.crystal)
("Marina Ann Hantzis ", faction.necropolis, attribute.attack, skill.necromancy, resource.gem),
("Kathleen Hylda Britten ", faction.rampart, attribute.knowledge, skill.intelligence, resource.wood),
("Wouter van Oortmerssen ", faction.fortress, attribute.power, skill.logistics, resource.ore),
("John Warner Backus ", faction.dungeon, attribute.knowledge, skill.mysticism, resource.crystal)


+ 1
- 1
source/main.adb 查看文件

@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ begin
attribute.menu (300, 200, false);
skill.menu (600, 300, true);
resource.menu (300, 500, false);
unit.menu (300, 500, true);
--~unit.menu (300, 500, true);
--~unit.stat (unit.griffin, 0, 0, true);
--~unit.stat (unit.halberdier, 0, 0, true);

+ 1
- 1
source/resource.adb 查看文件

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ package body resource is
for index in codex
ui.draw_icon ("", move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
ui.draw_icon (trait (index).text, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
draw (index, move_x + offset, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
core.write (trait (index).name, move_x + offset + core.icon, move_y + offset + codex'pos (index) * core.icon);
end loop;

+ 8
- 7
source/resource.ads 查看文件

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ package resource is
name : core.short_string;
base : base_limit;
text : core.long_string;
end record;

type trait_array is array (codex) of information;
@@ -30,13 +31,13 @@ package resource is
count : constant natural := codex'pos (codex'last) + 1;

trait : constant trait_array := (
("Gold ", 0),
("Wood ", 0),
("Mercury ", 0),
("Ore ", 0),
("Sulfur ", 0),
("Crystal ", 0),
("Gem ", 0)
("Gold ", 0, "Basic currency in the world, even tho silver is better. "),
("Wood ", 0, "Essential building material for most houses and stables. "),
("Mercury ", 0, "Usage is practiced by alchemists and necromancers mostly. "),
("Ore ", 0, "One of the building blocks of society, always useful goods. "),
("Sulfur ", 0, "Fell out of use in VII era, but it still has some use-cases. "),
("Crystal ", 0, "Important material for anything related to magic. "),
("Gem ", 0, "Used a lot by alchemists and magicians for some reason. ")

