Minor changes, removing global variables soon...

This commit is contained in:
Ognjen Milan Robovic 2024-06-10 14:02:14 -04:00
parent 8e78318f39
commit 85c1095699
5 changed files with 127 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ package core is
icon : constant natural := 32;
base : constant natural := 16;
more : constant natural := 10;
less : constant natural := 5;
gameplay_framerate : constant natural := 60;
animation_framerate : constant natural := 4;

View File

@ -157,26 +157,26 @@ procedure main is
offset : constant integer := 8;
width : constant integer := side_panel - 2 * core.icon;
height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 11 * core.icon + 4 * core.base + 2 * offset;
more : constant natural := 10;
less : constant natural := 5;
side : constant integer := chad.view_width + attribute.count * core.icon;
at_x : integer := x + offset;
at_y : integer := y + offset;
ui.draw_frame (x, y, width, height);
ui.draw_sprite (chad.view (player_1.index), chad.description (player_1.index).name.all, at_x, at_y, 0);
ui.draw_text_box (at_x + chad.view_width, at_y, width - chad.view_width - 2 * offset, core.icon);
ui.write (chad.description (player_1.index).name.all, at_x + chad.view_width + less, at_y + less);
world.review_chad_data := player_1.index;
ui.draw_text (chad.description (player_1.index).title.all, at_x + side, at_y + 1 * core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Level" & player_1.level'image, at_x + side, at_y + 2 * core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_frame (x, y, width, height);
ui.draw_sprite (chad.view (player_1.index), chad.description (player_1.index).name.all, at_x, at_y, 0, world.review_chad'access);
ui.draw_text_box (at_x + chad.view_width, at_y, width - chad.view_width - 2 * offset, core.icon);
ui.write (chad.description (player_1.index).name.all, at_x + chad.view_width + core.less, at_y + core.less);
ui.draw_text (chad.description (player_1.index).title.all, at_x + side, at_y + 1 * core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
ui.draw_text ("Level" & player_1.level'image, at_x + side, at_y + 2 * core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
at_x := x + chad.view_width + offset;
at_y := y + core.icon + offset;
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
ui.draw_icon (attribute.icon (index), attribute.description (index).text.all, at_x, at_y);
ui.draw_text (player_1.attributes (index).value'image, at_x, at_y + core.icon, core.icon, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text (player_1.attributes (index).value'image, at_x, at_y + core.icon, core.icon, core.icon, core.more);
at_x := at_x + core.icon;
end loop;
@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ procedure main is
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (at_x, at_y + 1 * core.icon, side, float (player_1.mana.value) / float (player_1.mana.limit), (0, 0, 127, 255));
ui.draw_tiny_fill_bar (at_x, at_y + 2 * core.icon, side, float (player_1.movement.value) / float (player_1.movement.limit), (0, 127, 0, 255));
ui.draw_text ("Health", at_x + side, at_y - core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Mana", at_x + side, at_y, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Movement", at_x + side, at_y + core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Health", at_x + side, at_y - core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
ui.draw_text ("Mana", at_x + side, at_y, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
ui.draw_text ("Movement", at_x + side, at_y + core.icon, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
ui.write (player_1.health.value'image & " /" & player_1.health.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y - core.icon + more, code => true);
ui.write (player_1.mana.value'image & " /" & player_1.mana.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y + more, code => true);
ui.write (player_1.movement.value'image & " /" & player_1.movement.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y + core.icon + more, code => true);
ui.write (player_1.health.value'image & " /" & player_1.health.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y - core.icon + core.more, code => true);
ui.write (player_1.mana.value'image & " /" & player_1.mana.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y + core.more, code => true);
ui.write (player_1.movement.value'image & " /" & player_1.movement.limit'image, at_x + core.icon, at_y + core.icon + core.more, code => true);
at_y := at_y + 2 * core.icon;
@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ procedure main is
end if;
end loop;
ui.draw_text ("Equipment", at_x + 8 * core.icon, at_y, width - 8 * core.icon - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Equipment", at_x + 8 * core.icon, at_y, width - 8 * core.icon - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
at_y := at_y + core.icon;
ui.draw_text ("Skills", at_x + side, at_y, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, more);
ui.draw_text ("Skills", at_x + side, at_y, width - side - 2 * offset, core.icon, core.more);
for index in 0 .. skill.limit - 1 loop
ui.draw_icon (skill.icon (player_1.skills (index).index), skill.description (player_1.skills (index).index).text.all, at_x + index * core.icon, at_y);
--~ui.write (player_1.points (index).value'image, at_x + index * core.icon + more, at_y + more, code => true);
--~ui.write (player_1.points (index).value'image, at_x + index * core.icon + core.more, at_y + core.more, code => true);
end loop;
at_y := at_y + core.icon;
@ -295,93 +295,6 @@ begin
--~core.play (core.import_song (core.c_string (core.folder & "/song/main_menu.ogg")).index);
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & attribute.count'image & " attribute components...");
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
attribute.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/attribute/" & core.lowercase (attribute.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & skill.count'image & " skill components...");
for index in skill.enumeration loop
skill.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/skill/" & core.lowercase (skill.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & resource.count'image & " resource components...");
for index in resource.enumeration loop
resource.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/resource/" & core.lowercase (resource.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & magic.count'image & " magic components...");
for index in magic.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.school'image (magic.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.enumeration'image (index));
magic.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/magic/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & material.count'image & " material components...");
for index in material.enumeration loop
material.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/material/" & core.lowercase (material.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & equipment.count'image & " equipment components...");
for index in equipment.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (equipment.description (index).slot));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.enumeration'image (index));
equipment.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 4, 6);
equipment.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
for index in equipment.kind loop
declare file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (index));
equipment.slot (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/engine/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & unit.count'image & " unit components...");
for index in faction.enumeration loop
unit.base (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/unit/" & core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (index)) & "/base.png", 4, 6);
end loop;
for index in unit.enumeration loop
unit.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
unit.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & deity.count'image & " deity components...");
for index in deity.enumeration loop
deity.sprite (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/deity/" & deity.enumeration'image (index) & ".png", 4, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & construction.count'image & " construction components...");
for index in construction.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (construction.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (construction.enumeration'image (index));
frames : constant integer := construction.description (index).frames;
construction.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/construction/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", frames, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & chad.count'image & " chad components...");
for index in chad.enumeration loop
chad.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 4, 6);
chad.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
@ -448,7 +361,7 @@ begin
--~core.cursor_mode := core.cursor_none;
--~world.load ("heyo");
world.load ("heyo");
ui.active := ui.style'val (faction.enumeration'pos (chad.description (player.index).kind) + 1);

View File

@ -218,9 +218,8 @@ package body ui is
core.write_help_box (text);
if core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_left then
if core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_right then
core.cursor_mode := core.cursor_none;
end if;
end if;
end draw_sprite;
@ -484,7 +483,7 @@ package body ui is
core.write_help_box (text);
if core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_left then
if core.cursor_mode = core.cursor_right then
end if;
end if;

View File

@ -87,6 +87,93 @@ package body world is
frames => location.description (index).frames,
states => 2);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & attribute.count'image & " attribute components...");
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
attribute.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/attribute/" & core.lowercase (attribute.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & skill.count'image & " skill components...");
for index in skill.enumeration loop
skill.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/skill/" & core.lowercase (skill.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & resource.count'image & " resource components...");
for index in resource.enumeration loop
resource.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/resource/" & core.lowercase (resource.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & magic.count'image & " magic components...");
for index in magic.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.school'image (magic.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (magic.enumeration'image (index));
magic.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/magic/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & material.count'image & " material components...");
for index in material.enumeration loop
material.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/material/" & core.lowercase (material.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & equipment.count'image & " equipment components...");
for index in equipment.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (equipment.description (index).slot));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.enumeration'image (index));
equipment.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 4, 6);
equipment.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/equipment/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
for index in equipment.kind loop
declare file : constant string := core.lowercase (equipment.kind'image (index));
equipment.slot (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/engine/" & file & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & unit.count'image & " unit components...");
for index in faction.enumeration loop
unit.base (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/unit/" & core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (index)) & "/base.png", 4, 6);
end loop;
for index in unit.enumeration loop
unit.icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
unit.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/unit/" & core.lowercase (unit.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & deity.count'image & " deity components...");
for index in deity.enumeration loop
deity.sprite (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/deity/" & deity.enumeration'image (index) & ".png", 4, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & construction.count'image & " construction components...");
for index in construction.enumeration loop
declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (faction.enumeration'image (construction.description (index).kind));
file : constant string := core.lowercase (construction.enumeration'image (index));
frames : constant integer := construction.description (index).frames;
construction.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/construction/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", frames, 1);
end loop;
core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & chad.count'image & " chad components...");
for index in chad.enumeration loop
chad.game (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/game/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 4, 6);
chad.view (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/view/chad/" & core.lowercase (chad.enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1);
end loop;
end configure;
@ -350,15 +437,15 @@ package body world is
from : faction.definition := faction.description (data.kind);
offset : constant integer := 8;
more : constant natural := 10;
less : constant natural := 5;
boxy : constant natural := 3 * ui.monoheight + 2 * more;
boxy : constant natural := 3 * ui.monoheight + 2 * core.more;
width : constant integer := chad.view_width + 3 * 2 * core.icon + 2 * offset;
height : constant integer := chad.view_height + 8 * core.icon + 2 * core.base + boxy + 2 * offset;
if unit.enumeration'pos (review_unit_data) = unit.enumeration'pos (unit.none) then return; end if;
ui.draw_frame (core.center_x (width), core.center_y (height), width, height);
ui.draw_sprite (unit.view (review_unit_data), data.name.all, core.center_x (width) + offset, core.center_y (height) + offset, 0);
ui.write (data.name.all, core.center_x (width) + offset + unit.view_width + less, core.center_y (height) + offset + less);
ui.write (data.name.all, core.center_x (width) + offset + unit.view_width + core.less, core.center_y (height) + offset + core.less);
for index in attribute.enumeration loop
ui.draw_icon_and_text (data => attribute.icon (index),
@ -375,8 +462,8 @@ package body world is
"Battle fee:" & data.battle_fee'image,
x => core.center_x (width) + offset,
y => core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height + core.base,
width => width - 2 * (offset + more),
border => more);
width => width - 2 * (offset + core.more),
border => core.more);
ui.draw_separator (core.center_x (width) + offset, core.center_y (height) + offset + unit.view_height + core.base + boxy, width - 2 * offset);
@ -391,6 +478,13 @@ package body world is
procedure review_chad is
end review_chad;
procedure make (index : in biome.enumeration; width, height, landmark_limit, location_limit, construction_limit, equipment_limit, unit_limit, chad_limit : in natural) is
core.echo (core.comment, "-- Procedurally generating new map...");

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core, ui, attribute, skill, resource, material, lore, biome, landmark, location, faction, equipment, unit, construction, chad, effect;
with core, ui, attribute, skill, resource, material, lore, biome, landmark, location, faction, equipment, magic, deity, unit, construction, chad, effect;
use type core.cursor_code;
use type core.signal_code;
@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ package world is
battle_left : chad.information;
battle_right : chad.information;
review_unit_data : unit.enumeration := unit.none;
review_unit_data : unit.enumeration;
review_chad_data : chad.enumeration;
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ package world is
procedure draw_chad (data : in chad.information; state : in core.animation; x, y, factor : in integer);
procedure review_unit;
procedure review_chad;
procedure make (index : in biome.enumeration; width, height, landmark_limit, location_limit, construction_limit, equipment_limit, unit_limit, chad_limit : in natural);