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Added map view shading, square now...

Ognjen Milan Robovic vor 3 Wochen
4 geänderte Dateien mit 108 neuen und 34 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +32
  2. +73
  3. +3
  4. BIN

+ 32
- 5
source/main.adb Datei anzeigen

@@ -45,6 +45,38 @@ procedure main is


procedure move_camera_up is
if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then
core.increment (core.camera.y);
end if;
end move_camera_up;

procedure move_camera_down is
if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then
core.decrement (core.camera.y);
end if;
end move_camera_down;

procedure move_camera_left is
if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then
core.increment (core.camera.x);
end if;
end move_camera_left;

procedure move_camera_right is
if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then
core.decrement (core.camera.x);
end if;
end move_camera_right;

procedure ui_main_style is
ui.active := ui.style'val ((ui.style'pos (ui.active) + 1) mod (ui.style'pos (ui.style'last) + 1));
@@ -53,11 +85,6 @@ procedure main is
procedure zoom_in is begin core.zoom := 2; end zoom_in;
procedure zoom_out is begin core.zoom := 1; end zoom_out;

procedure move_camera_up is begin core.move_camera_up; if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then core.increment (core.camera.y); end if; end move_camera_up;
procedure move_camera_down is begin core.move_camera_down; if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then core.decrement (core.camera.y); end if; end move_camera_down;
procedure move_camera_left is begin core.move_camera_left; if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then core.increment (core.camera.x); end if; end move_camera_left;
procedure move_camera_right is begin core.move_camera_right; if world.map.clips (core.camera.x, core.camera.y) then core.decrement (core.camera.x); end if; end move_camera_right;

signal_list : constant array (core.signal_code) of access procedure := (
core.signal_up => move_camera_up'access,
core.signal_down => move_camera_down'access,

+ 73
- 29
source/world.adb Datei anzeigen

@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ package body world is
map.tiles := new tile_array (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.clips := new clip_array (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.views := new view_array (0 .. map.width - 1, 0 .. map.height - 1);
map.landmarks := new entity_array (1 .. landmark_limit);
map.constructions := new entity_array (1 .. 30);
map.items := new entity_array (1 .. 60);
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ package body world is
for y in 0 .. height - 1 loop
map.tiles (x, y) := (core.random (0, 23) * core.random (0, 23)) mod 24;
map.clips (x, y) := false;
map.views (x, y) := false;
end loop;
end loop;
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ package body world is
map.landmarks (index).index := core.random (0, 8);
map.landmarks (index).x := core.random (0, map.width - 1);
map.landmarks (index).y := core.random (0, map.height - 1);
if trait (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)).clip then
map.clips (map.landmarks (index).x, map.landmarks (index).y) := true;
end if;
@@ -86,54 +89,95 @@ package body world is
render : core.vector := (map.width - 1,
map.height - 1);
for vertical in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
exit when offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_height;
for horizontal in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
exit when offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_width;
u := core.base * biome'pos (map.kind) * 4;
v := core.base * map.tiles (horizontal, vertical);
core.draw (data => tiles,
x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
u => u,
v => v,
width => core.base,
height => core.base);
--~if core.cursor.x > offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x ) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.x < offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x + 1) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.y > offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y ) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.y < offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y + 1) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor_mode = 1 then
--~core.camera.x := horizontal;
--~core.camera.y := vertical;
--~core.cursor_mode := 0;
--~end if;
if map.views (horizontal, vertical) then
u := core.base * biome'pos (map.kind) * 4;
v := core.base * map.tiles (horizontal, vertical);
core.draw (data => tiles,
x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
u => u,
v => v,
width => core.base,
height => core.base);
--~if core.cursor.x > offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x ) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.x < offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x + 1) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.y > offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y ) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor.y < offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y + 1) * core.base * core.zoom
--~and core.cursor_mode = 1 then
--~core.camera.x := horizontal;
--~core.camera.y := vertical;
--~core.cursor_mode := 0;
--~end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. landmark_limit loop
core.draw (data => landmarks (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)),
x => offset.x + (map.landmarks (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.landmarks (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
if map.views (map.landmarks (index).x, map.landmarks (index).y) then
core.draw (data => landmarks (landmark_index'val (map.landmarks (index).index)),
x => offset.x + (map.landmarks (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
y => offset.y + (map.landmarks (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. 30 loop
construction.draw (construction.enumeration'val (map.constructions (index).index),
offset.x + (map.constructions (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
offset.y + (map.constructions (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
if map.views (map.constructions (index).x, map.constructions (index).y) then
construction.draw (construction.enumeration'val (map.constructions (index).index),
offset.x + (map.constructions (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
offset.y + (map.constructions (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
for index in 1 .. 60 loop
item.draw (item.enumeration'val (map.items (index).index),
offset.x + (map.items (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
offset.y + (map.items (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
if map.views (map.items (index).x, map.items (index).y) then
item.draw (item.enumeration'val (map.items (index).index),
offset.x + (map.items (index).x - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
offset.y + (map.items (index).y - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom);
end if;
end loop;
--~for vertical in 0 .. map.height - 1 loop
--~exit when offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_height;
--~for horizontal in 0 .. map.width - 1 loop
--~exit when offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom > core.window_width;
--~u := core.base * biome'pos (map.kind) * 4;
--~v := core.base * map.tiles (horizontal, vertical);
--~core.draw (data => tiles,
--~x => offset.x + (horizontal - core.camera.x) * core.base * core.zoom,
--~y => offset.y + (vertical - core.camera.y) * core.base * core.zoom,
--~u => u,
--~v => v,
--~width => core.base,
--~height => core.base);
--~end loop;
--~end loop;
end draw;


procedure view is
view_reach : constant integer := 12;
for x in 0 .. view_reach loop
for y in 0 .. view_reach loop
map.views (x + core.camera.x - view_reach / 2, y + core.camera.y - view_reach / 2) := true;
end loop;
end loop;
end view;


end world;

+ 3
- 0
source/world.ads Datei anzeigen

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ package world is

type tile_array is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of integer;
type clip_array is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of boolean;
type view_array is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of boolean;
type entity_array is array (natural range <>) of entity_trait;

type information is record
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ package world is
height : natural;
tiles : access tile_array;
clips : access clip_array;
views : access view_array;
landmarks : access entity_array;
constructions : access entity_array;
items : access entity_array;
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ package world is
procedure make (index : in biome; width, height : in natural);

procedure draw;
procedure view;


sprite/dark.png Datei anzeigen

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