-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic -- -- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later) pragma ada_2012; --~with core, ui, effect, attribute, skill, resource, faction, might, magic, item, unit, construction, chad, deity, world, ai; with core, ui, effect, attribute, skill, resource, faction, item, unit, construction, chad, world; use core; --~with Ada.Text_IO; -- For text input/output operations --~with Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams; -- For text file handling --~with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; -- For unbounded string handling procedure main is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ side_panel : integer := 0; preview_width : integer := 0; preview_height : integer := 0; text_box_height : integer := 0; player : chad.information := chad.trait (chad.ognjen); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type view is ( map_preview_panel, status_preview_panel, text_box_panel ); view_icon : array (view) of sprite := (others => (others => 0)); view_list : array (view) of boolean := (others => true); view_text : array (view) of long_string := ( "Toggle map preview panel. ", "Toggle status preview panel. ", "Toggle text box panel. " ); procedure swap_map_preview_panel is begin view_list (map_preview_panel) := not view_list (map_preview_panel); end swap_map_preview_panel; procedure swap_status_preview_panel is begin view_list (status_preview_panel) := not view_list (status_preview_panel); end swap_status_preview_panel; procedure swap_text_box_panel is begin view_list (text_box_panel) := not view_list (text_box_panel); end swap_text_box_panel; view_show : array (view) of access procedure := ( swap_map_preview_panel'access, swap_status_preview_panel'access, swap_text_box_panel'access ); game_title : sprite; ashland_preview : sprite; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure check_move_camera_up is begin move_camera_up; camera.y := clip (camera.y, 0, world.map.height - 1); if world.map.clips (camera.x, camera.y) then increment (camera.y); end if; end check_move_camera_up; procedure check_move_camera_down is begin move_camera_down; camera.y := clip (camera.y, 0, world.map.height - 1); if world.map.clips (camera.x, camera.y) then decrement (camera.y); end if; end check_move_camera_down; procedure check_move_camera_left is begin move_camera_left; camera.x := clip (camera.x, 0, world.map.width - 1); if world.map.clips (camera.x, camera.y) then increment (camera.x); end if; end check_move_camera_left; procedure check_move_camera_right is begin move_camera_right; camera.x := clip (camera.x, 0, world.map.width - 1); if world.map.clips (camera.x, camera.y) then decrement (camera.x); end if; end check_move_camera_right; procedure ui_main_style is begin ui.active := ui.style'val ((ui.style'pos (ui.active) + 1) mod (ui.style'pos (ui.style'last) + 1)); end ui_main_style; procedure zoom_in is begin zoom := 2; end zoom_in; procedure zoom_out is begin zoom := 1; end zoom_out; signal_list : constant array (signal_code) of access procedure := ( signal_up => check_move_camera_up'access, signal_down => check_move_camera_down'access, signal_left => check_move_camera_left'access, signal_right => check_move_camera_right'access, signal_v => ui_main_style'access, signal_kp_add => zoom_in'access, signal_kp_subtract => zoom_out'access, others => idle_skip'access ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure introduction is begin draw (ashland_preview, center_x (ashland_preview.width * 2), center_y (ashland_preview.height * 2), factor => 2); draw (game_title, center_x (game_title.width * 2), center_y (game_title.height * 2), factor => 2); -- write ("[-- Please press Spacebar to continue]", 0, center_y (24), (102, 102, 102, 255)); end introduction; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --~File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; --~Line : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.unbounded_string; procedure main_menu is begin draw (ashland_preview, center_x (ashland_preview.width * 2), center_y (ashland_preview.height * 2), factor => 2); draw (game_title, center_x (game_title.width * 2), center_y (game_title.height * 2), factor => 2); -- write ("Main Menu", 0, 0); --~write (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Line), 64, 64); -- ui.draw_check_box (0, 32, view_list (map_preview_panel), "map_preview_panel"); ui.draw_check_box (0, 64, view_list (status_preview_panel), "status_preview_panel"); ui.draw_check_box (0, 96, view_list (text_box_panel), "text_box_panel"); end main_menu; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure gameplay is begin if not view_list (status_preview_panel) then side_panel := 0; else side_panel := window_width / 4; end if; -- preview_width := window_width - side_panel; preview_height := window_height - text_box_height; text_box_height := 32; -- world.draw; -- if view_list (map_preview_panel) then ui.draw_menu (0, 0, preview_width, preview_height); end if; -- if view_list (status_preview_panel) then ui.draw_tiny_menu (preview_width, 0, side_panel, preview_height); ui.draw_state_box (preview_width + 32, 32); end if; -- if view_list (text_box_panel) then ui.draw_help_box (0, window_height - text_box_height, window_width - icon * (view'pos (view'last) + 1), text_box_height); end if; -- for index in view loop ui.draw_icon (view_icon (index), view_text (index), window_width - icon * (view'pos (view'last) + 1) + icon * view'pos (index), window_height - text_box_height, view_show (index)); end loop; -- signal_list (signal_mode).all; -- --~magic.menu (0, 0, true); --~might.menu (0, 0, true); -- chad.draw_alice; -- ui.synchronize; end gameplay; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin --~Ada.Text_IO.Open(File, Ada.Text_IO.In_File, "./design/core.txt"); -- Open the file for reading --~while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File(File) loop --~Line := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Line) & Character'Val (10) & Character'Val (10) & Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(File)); -- Read a line from the file --~Line := Line & Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(File)); -- Read a line from the file --~Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_String (Line)); -- Output the line to the console --~Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (">"); --~end loop; --~Ada.Text_IO.Close(File); -- Close the file after reading dash; echo (comment, "Copyright (C) 2024 -- Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic"); echo (comment, "Version -- 1.0.0"); echo (comment, "License -- GNU/GPLv3+"); echo (comment, "Xhads is free software, you can redistribute it and modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation."); dash; initialize; ui.configure; play (import_song (c_string ("./song/main_menu.ogg")).index); attribute.configure; skill.configure; resource.configure; --~might.configure; --~magic.configure; item.configure; unit.configure; construction.configure; chad.configure; world.configure; --~ai.configure; world.make (world.swamp, 240, 180); dash; echo (success, "Successfully initialized game data, entering main gameplay loop."); dash; for index in view loop view_icon (index) := import_sprite ("./sprite/ui/icon/" & lowercase (view'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1); end loop; ui.active := ui.imp; camera := (1, 1); game_title := import_sprite ("./sprite/game_title.png", 1, 1); ashland_preview := import_sprite ("./sprite/ashland_preview.png", 1, 1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ introduction_loop: loop synchronize; -- exit when signal_mode = signal_space; -- introduction; end loop introduction_loop; main_menu_loop: loop synchronize; -- exit when signal_mode = signal_a; -- main_menu; end loop main_menu_loop; gameplay_loop: loop synchronize; -- exit when engine_active = false; -- gameplay; end loop gameplay_loop; world.mapshot ("./test.png"); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ deinitialize; dash; end main;