with ada.strings.fixed; with core, resource, item, unit, construction, world; use world; package body world is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type sprite_array is array (natural range <>) of core.sprite; type world_array is array (natural range <>) of access information; type limit_array is array (codex) of integer; type landmark_sprite_array is array (codex) of access sprite_array; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ blocks : core.sprite; landmarks : landmark_sprite_array := (others => null); limit : constant limit_array := (29, 64, 70, 94, 51, 94); landmark_limit : constant integer := 140; construction_limit : constant integer := 10; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure configure is begin blocks := core.load_sprite ("./sprite/world/terrain/terrain.png", 1, 1); -- for index in codex loop landmarks (index) := new sprite_array (0 .. limit (index)); for value in 0 .. limit (index) loop declare folder : constant string := core.lowercase (codex'image (index)); file : constant string := ada.strings.fixed.trim (integer'image (value), ada.strings.left); begin landmarks (index) (value) := core.load_sprite ("./sprite/world/landmark/" & folder & "/" & file & ".png", 1, 1); end; end loop; end loop; end configure; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure make (index : in codex; width, height : in natural) is begin map.terrain := index; map.width := width; map.height := height; map.block := new block_array (0 .. width - 1, 0 .. height - 1); map.landmark := new entity_array (0 .. landmark_limit); map.construction := new entity_array (0 .. construction_limit); -- for x in 0 .. width - 1 loop for y in 0 .. height - 1 loop map.block (x, y) := core.random_integer (0, 23); end loop; end loop; -- for object in 0 .. landmark_limit loop map.landmark (object).index := core.random_integer (0, limit (index)); map.landmark (object).x := core.base * core.random_integer (1, map.width - 1); map.landmark (object).y := core.base * core.random_integer (1, map.height - 1); end loop; -- for object in 0 .. construction_limit loop map.construction (object).index := core.random_integer (0, construction.codex'pos (construction.codex'last)); map.construction (object).x := core.base * core.random_integer (1, map.width - 1); map.construction (object).y := core.base * core.random_integer (1, map.height - 1); end loop; end make; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure draw (x, y, width, height : in integer; show_grid : in boolean) is crop_width : integer := width mod core.base; crop_height : integer := height mod core.base; u, v : integer; begin for move_y in 0 .. height / core.base - 1 loop for move_x in 0 .. + width / core.base - 1 loop u := core.base * codex'pos (map.terrain) * 4; v := core.base * map.block (core.camera.x + move_x, core.camera.y + move_y); -- core.crop (blocks, x + move_x * core.base, y + move_y * core.base, u, v, core.base, core.base); end loop; -- u := core.base * codex'pos (map.terrain) * 4; v := core.base * map.block (width / core.base, core.camera.y + move_y); -- core.crop (blocks, x + width - crop_width, y + move_y * core.base, u, v, crop_width, core.base); end loop; -- for move_x in 0 .. width / core.base - 1 loop u := core.base * codex'pos (map.terrain) * 4; v := core.base * map.block (core.camera.x + move_x, height / core.base); -- core.crop (blocks, x + move_x * core.base, y + height - crop_height, u, v, core.base, crop_height); end loop; -- u := core.base * codex'pos (map.terrain) * 4; v := core.base * map.block (width / core.base, height / core.base); -- core.crop (blocks, x + width - crop_width, y + height - crop_height, u, v, crop_width, crop_height); -- for object in 0 .. landmark_limit loop core.view (landmarks (map.terrain) (map.landmark (object).index), map.landmark (object).x - core.camera.x * core.base, map.landmark (object).y - core.camera.y * core.base, x, y, width, height); end loop; -- if show_grid then core.hexagonal_grid (x, y, width, height, false); core.hexagonal_grid (x, y, width, height, true); end if; -- --~for object in 0 .. construction_limit --~loop --~if map.construction (object).x > width --~or map.construction (object).y > height then --~goto skip_drawing_out_of_view_construction; --~end if; --~-- --~construction.draw (construction.codex'val (map.construction (object).index), map.construction (object).x, map.construction (object).y); --~-- --~<> --~end loop; end draw; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end world;