-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic -- -- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later) with core, ui; package body resource is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure configure is procedure define (index : in enumeration; minimum, maximum : in integer; name, text : in string) is begin description (index).base := (minimum, maximum); description (index).name := core.unbound (name); description (index).text := core.unbound (text); end define; -- structure : ui.structure; -- time : float := 0.0; begin time := core.time; -- core.echo (core.comment, "Configuring" & count'image & " resource components..."); -- description := new description_array (enumeration'range); icon := new icon_array (enumeration'range); -- define (gold, 24, 480, "Gold", "Gold is precious yellowish shiny metal, valued since ancient times."); define (wood, 12, 240, "Wood", "Wood is just bundle of lignin and cellulose, nothing more."); define (stone, 12, 240, "Stone", "Stone is essential building block for most constructions in this world."); define (metal, 12, 240, "Metal", "Metal as a resource is mixture of commonly found metalic elements."); define (leather, 12, 240, "Leather", "Leather is general purpose resource, used for armours and decorations."); define (gem, 12, 240, "Gem", "Gem as a resource is same as metal, just mixture of various gems."); -- structure.title := "Resource Menu "; structure.toggle := core.signal_r; structure.show := false; structure.center := false; structure.resize := true; structure.x := 60; structure.y := 500; structure.gui_n := count; -- ui.add_structure (structure); -- for index in enumeration loop icon (index) := core.import_sprite (core.folder & "/icon/resource/" & core.lowercase (enumeration'image (index)) & ".png", 1, 1); -- ui.add_structure_button (icon (index), description (index).name, description (index).text); end loop; -- core.echo (core.success, "Successfully configured resource information in" & natural'image (natural (1_000_000.0 * (core.time - time))) & " microseconds."); end configure; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure draw_points (data : in points; x, y : in integer) is frame_width : constant integer := 4 * core.icon; begin for index in enumeration loop ui.draw_icon (icon (index), core.bound (description (index).text), x + (core.icon + frame_width) * enumeration'pos (index), y); ui.draw_frame (core.bound (description (index).text), x + (core.icon + frame_width) * enumeration'pos (index) + core.icon, y, frame_width, core.icon); -- ui.write (text => data (index).value'image & " /" & data (index).limit'image, x => x + (core.icon + frame_width) * enumeration'pos (index) + core.icon - 1, y => y + 7, size => 18); end loop; end draw_points; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure save_points (here : in core.io.file_type; data : in points) is begin for index in enumeration loop core.save_point (here, data (index)); end loop; end save_points; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure load_points (here : in core.io.file_type; data : out points) is begin for index in enumeration loop core.load_point (here, data (index)); end loop; end load_points; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end resource;