-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic -- -- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later) with core, material, equipment, unit, construction, chad, effect; package world is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type biome is ( ash, sand, grass, rough, snow, swamp ); type landmark_index is ( dead_tree, mossy_rock, palm_tree, pine_tree, pine_forest, reeds, rock, snowed_pine_tree, snowed_rock, spiky_rock, wooden_sign, wooden_arrow_sign, rune_stone, snowed_rune_stone, mossy_rune_stone, snowed_pine_forest, hyacinths, orchids, asters, daffodils, royal_grave, grave, humble_grave, wooden_wide_sign ); type location_index is ( well_of_agility, well_of_knowledge, well_of_strength, old_dwarven_grave, huge_ancient_urn, banana_tree ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type landmark_stats is record name : core.short_string; spawn : biome; clip : boolean; frames : integer; end record; type location_stats is record name : core.short_string; clip : boolean; frames : integer; states : integer; evoke : effect.value; end record; type entity_trait is record index : natural; state : natural; x, y : integer; end record; type integer_matrix is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of integer; type boolean_matrix is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of boolean; type entity_array is array (natural range <>) of entity_trait; type information is record kind : biome; width : natural; height : natural; chad_count : natural; chad_limit : natural; tiles : access integer_matrix; clips : access boolean_matrix; views : access boolean_matrix; landmarks : access entity_array; locations : access entity_array; constructions : access entity_array; equipments : access entity_array; units : access entity_array; chads : access chad.value_array; end record; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ biome_count : constant natural := biome'pos (biome'last) + 1; landmarks : array (landmark_index) of core.sprite; locations : array (location_index) of core.sprite; landmark_count : constant natural := landmark_index'pos (landmark_index'last) + 1; location_count : constant natural := location_index'pos (location_index'last) + 1; landmark_trait : constant array (landmark_index) of landmark_stats := ( dead_tree => ("Dead Tree ", ash, true, 1), mossy_rock => ("Mossy Rock ", swamp, true, 1), palm_tree => ("Palm Tree ", sand, true, 4), pine_tree => ("Pine Tree ", grass, true, 4), pine_forest => ("Pine Forest ", grass, true, 4), reeds => ("Reeds ", swamp, false, 4), rock => ("Rock ", sand, true, 1), snowed_pine_tree => ("Snowed Pine Tree ", snow, true, 4), snowed_rock => ("Snowed Rock ", snow, true, 1), spiky_rock => ("Spiky Rock ", ash, true, 1), wooden_sign => ("Wooden Sign ", grass, false, 1), wooden_arrow_sign => ("Wooden Arrow Sign ", grass, false, 1), rune_stone => ("Rune Stone ", grass, true, 4), snowed_rune_stone => ("Snowed Rune Stone ", snow, true, 1), mossy_rune_stone => ("Mossy Rune Stone ", swamp, true, 4), snowed_pine_forest => ("Snowed Pine Forest ", snow, true, 4), hyacinths => ("Hyacinths ", grass, false, 1), orchids => ("Orchids ", grass, false, 1), asters => ("Asters ", grass, false, 1), daffodils => ("Daffodils ", grass, false, 1), royal_grave => ("Royal Grave ", ash, true, 1), grave => ("Grave ", ash, true, 1), humble_grave => ("Humble Grave ", ash, true, 1), wooden_wide_sign => ("Wooden Wide Sign ", grass, false, 1) ); location_trait : constant array (location_index) of location_stats := ( well_of_agility => ("Well of Agility ", true, 4, 3, (effect.speed, 2, 0, false, 0)), well_of_knowledge => ("Well of Knowledge ", true, 4, 3, (effect.wisdom, 2, 0, false, 0)), well_of_strength => ("Well of Strength ", true, 4, 3, (effect.offense, 2, 0, false, 0)), old_dwarven_grave => ("Old Dwarven Grave ", true, 1, 3, (effect.defense, 1, 0, false, 0)), huge_ancient_urn => ("Huge Ancient Urn ", true, 1, 3, (effect.offense, 1, 0, false, 0)), -- banana_tree => ("Banana Tree ", true, 4, 3, (effect.take_material, material.enumeration'pos (material.banana), 4, true, 600)) ); map : information; draw_tiles_timer : natural := 0; draw_views_timer : natural := 0; draw_landmarks_timer : natural := 0; draw_locations_timer : natural := 0; draw_constructions_timer : natural := 0; draw_equipments_timer : natural := 0; draw_units_timer : natural := 0; draw_world_timer : natural := 0; drawn_tiles : natural := 0; drawn_views : natural := 0; drawn_landmarks : natural := 0; drawn_locations : natural := 0; drawn_constructions : natural := 0; drawn_equipments : natural := 0; drawn_units : natural := 0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure configure; procedure make (index : in biome; width, height, chad_limit : in natural); procedure save (file_name : in string); procedure load (file_name : in string); procedure draw; procedure mapshot (file_path : in string); function map_is_revealed return boolean; procedure add_chad (data : in chad.value); procedure resource_cheat_1; procedure resource_cheat_2; procedure resource_cheat_3; procedure resource_cheat_4; procedure resource_cheat_5; procedure resource_cheat_6; procedure reveal_map; procedure player_up; procedure player_down; procedure player_left; procedure player_right; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end world;