with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; with core, ui, effect, attribute, skill, resource, faction, might, magic, item, unit, construction, chad, world; procedure main is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ side_panel : integer := 480; preview_x : integer := 24; preview_y : integer := 24; preview_width : integer := 0; preview_height : integer := 0; player : chad.information := chad.trait (chad.ognjen); dummy : integer; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin core.dash; core.echo (core.comment, "Copyright (C) 2024 -- Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic"); core.echo (core.comment, "Version -- 1.0.0"); core.echo (core.comment, "License -- GNU/GPLv3+"); core.echo (core.comment, "Xhads is free software, you can redistribute it and modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License by Free Software Foundation."); core.dash; core.configure; ui.configure; dummy := core.import_sound (core.c_string ("./song/main_menu.wav")); core.play_sound (dummy); attribute.configure; skill.configure; resource.configure; might.configure; magic.configure; item.configure; unit.configure; construction.configure; chad.configure; world.configure; core.ai_synchronize (6); world.make (world.swamp, 80, 40); preview_width := core.window_width - side_panel; preview_height := core.window_height; ui.active := ui.steam; core.echo (core.success, "Successfully initialized game data, entering main gameplay loop."); gameplay: loop core.synchronize; -- exit when core.engine_active = false; -- if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_a) then preview_width := preview_width - 60; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_d) then preview_width := preview_width + 60; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_w) then preview_height := preview_height - 60; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_s) then preview_height := preview_height + 60; end if; -- if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_left) then core.camera.x := core.camera.x - 1; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_right) then core.camera.x := core.camera.x + 1; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_up) then core.camera.y := core.camera.y - 1; end if; if core.signal_mode = core.signal_code'pos (core.signal_down) then core.camera.y := core.camera.y + 1; end if; -- core.camera.x := core.clip (core.camera.x, 0, world.map.width - preview_width / core.base); core.camera.y := core.clip (core.camera.y, 0, world.map.height - preview_height / core.base); -- world.draw (preview_x, preview_y, preview_width - 2 * preview_x, preview_height - 2 * preview_y, core.cursor_mode = 2); -- --~core.draw_central_grid (preview_x, preview_y, preview_width - 2 * preview_x, preview_height - 2 * preview_y); --~core.draw_squared_grid (preview_x, preview_y, preview_width - 2 * preview_x, preview_height - 2 * preview_y); --~core.draw_hexagon_grid (preview_x, preview_y, preview_width - 2 * preview_x, preview_height - 2 * preview_y); -- ui.draw_menu (0, 0, preview_width, preview_height, false); ui.draw_tiny_menu (preview_width, 0, side_panel, preview_height, true); -- --~for this in magic.blow_away .. magic.thunderclap loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.chain_magic_arrow)) - 60, 112 * 0 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.agony_mass .. magic.weakness loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.thunderclap)) - 60, 112 * 1 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.earthquake .. magic.summon_earth_elemental loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.weakness)) - 60, 112 * 2 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.determination_mass .. magic.summon_fire_elemental loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.summon_earth_elemental)) - 60, 112 * 3 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.blindness .. magic.sunburst loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.summon_fire_elemental)) - 60, 112 * 4 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.dispel_magic_mass .. magic.time_statis loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.sunburst)) - 60, 112 * 5 + 64); end loop; --~for this in magic.blizzard .. magic.winter_circle loop magic.draw (this, 112 * (magic.codex'pos (this) - magic.codex'pos (magic.time_statis)) - 60, 112 * 6 + 64); end loop; -- --~for index in item.codex loop item.draw (index, 32 * (item.codex'pos (index) / 10) + 32, 32 * (item.codex'pos (index) mod 10) + 32); end loop; --~for index in attribute.codex loop attribute.draw (index, 32 * attribute.codex'pos (index) + 64, 64); end loop; --~for index in resource.codex loop resource.draw (index, 32 * resource.codex'pos (index) + 64, 96); end loop; --~for index in skill.codex loop skill.draw (index, 32 * skill.codex'pos (index) + 64, 128); end loop; -- core.draw_state_box (preview_width + 32, 32); -- attribute.menu (300, 200, false); skill.menu (600, 300, true); resource.menu (300, 500, false); unit.menu (300, 500, true); -- unit.stat (unit.griffin, 0, 0, true); end loop gameplay; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end main;