Prototype game engine for Heroes of Might & Magic, featuring a gameplay plot-twist...
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  1. This will contain some design decisions and how the hell this game was developed...
  2. > Started of as "EAX", quick Raylib testing demo written in plain old ANSI C.
  3. > Extended to have general UI, simple roguelike mechanics and a lot of place-holder content.
  4. > Added buildings, landmarks and terrain sprites created by guy, finalbossblues.
  5. > Scrapped everything, downloaded Heroes of Might & Magic 2, 3, 4 sprites from vgresourcer.
  6. > Rewrote most of the alpha code in Ada, kept graphics related stuff in C.
  7. > Implemented most Heroes of Might & Magic 3 game data and sprites into the game.
  8. > Started working on modular robust UI system, added a lot of UI theme styles.
  9. > Added SDL2 and XCB rendering back-end written in C, alongside Raylib.
  10. > Scrapped C in total, removed SDL2 and XCB, wrote general Raylib-Ada bindings in Core.
  11. > Added AI package for testing, but it'll most likely never be used...
  12. > Scrapped everything once again, decided to create my own world and pixel art.
  13. > Refactored a lot of code, removed Heroes of Might & Magic 3 game data and sprites.
  14. > Grinded pixel art in GIMP like a madman for quite some time, base size 16x16.
  15. > Added icon and view sprites, view various sizes, icons base size 32x32.
  16. > Refactored UI system, experimented with it, wrote and erased bunch of code.
  17. > Added various more landmarks and locations, that include effects, and their code.
  18. > Spent a lot of time testing, and realized my roguelike movement system sucks.
  19. > Added even more art work, all pain-tently done in GIMP, because I can.
  20. > Major refactorings that used heap allocations and dynamic arrays, but erased, complex.
  21. > Deleted a lot of files, most package bodies, refactored everything with unstring.
  22. > Implemented water, but it's not a biome, this change might bite my ass later.
  23. > Added HoM&M-like movement system, still work in progress, working on other things.
  24. > Refactored most package specifications, I want to work with simple code, not complex.
  25. > Present day, refactoring bad (complex) code and grinding pixel art...