2024-06-09 19:58:49 -04:00

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-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core, biome;
package landmark is
type enumeration is (
dead_tree, mossy_rock, palm_tree, pine_tree, pine_forest, reeds,
rock, snowed_pine_tree, snowed_rock, spiky_rock, wooden_sign, wooden_arrow_sign,
rune_stone, snowed_rune_stone, mossy_rune_stone, snowed_pine_forest, hyacinths, orchids,
asters, daffodils, royal_grave, grave, humble_grave, wooden_wide_sign,
birch_tree, fir_tree, oak_tree, old_willow_tree
type definition is record
name : access string;
spawn : biome.enumeration;
clip : boolean;
frames : integer;
end record;
type information is record
index : enumeration;
x : integer;
y : integer;
end record;
type informations is array (natural range <>) of information;
count : constant natural := enumeration'pos (enumeration'last) + 1;
description : constant array (enumeration) of definition := (
dead_tree => (new string'("Dead Tree"), biome.ash, true, 1),
mossy_rock => (new string'("Mossy Rock"), biome.swamp, true, 1),
palm_tree => (new string'("Palm Tree"), biome.sand, true, 4),
pine_tree => (new string'("Pine Tree"), biome.grass, true, 4),
pine_forest => (new string'("Pine Forest"), biome.grass, true, 4),
reeds => (new string'("Reeds"), biome.swamp, false, 4),
rock => (new string'("Rock"), biome.sand, true, 1),
snowed_pine_tree => (new string'("Snowed Pine Tree"), biome.snow, true, 4),
snowed_rock => (new string'("Snowed Rock"), biome.snow, true, 1),
spiky_rock => (new string'("Spiky Rock"), biome.ash, true, 1),
wooden_sign => (new string'("Wooden Sign"), biome.grass, false, 1),
wooden_arrow_sign => (new string'("Wooden Arrow Sign"), biome.grass, false, 1),
rune_stone => (new string'("Rune Stone"), biome.grass, true, 4),
snowed_rune_stone => (new string'("Snowed Rune Stone"), biome.snow, true, 1),
mossy_rune_stone => (new string'("Mossy Rune Stone"), biome.swamp, true, 4),
snowed_pine_forest => (new string'("Snowed Pine Forest"), biome.snow, true, 4),
hyacinths => (new string'("Hyacinths"), biome.grass, false, 1),
orchids => (new string'("Orchids"), biome.grass, false, 1),
asters => (new string'("Asters"), biome.grass, false, 1),
daffodils => (new string'("Daffodils"), biome.grass, false, 1),
royal_grave => (new string'("Royal Grave"), biome.ash, true, 1),
grave => (new string'("Grave"), biome.ash, true, 1),
humble_grave => (new string'("Humble Grave"), biome.ash, true, 1),
wooden_wide_sign => (new string'("Wooden Wide Sign"), biome.grass, false, 1),
birch_tree => (new string'("Birch Tree"), biome.grass, true, 4),
fir_tree => (new string'("Fir Tree"), biome.grass, true, 4),
oak_tree => (new string'("Oak Tree"), biome.grass, true, 4),
old_willow_tree => (new string'("Old Willow Tree"), biome.swamp, true, 4)
game : array (enumeration) of core.sprite;
end landmark;