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My English sucks, everything written here may change...
I'd like to have this lore in the source code, or in game, in books, scripts and similar.
In Tolkienian inspired world, there was a Great War between humans, elves and orcs. They fought each other to almost extinction, until there was barely any of those left to wonder
the World. As none of the higher races exist in significant number, with their civilizations crumbled, cities burned, people slaughtered, survivors wandering the wasteland trying
to stay alive, those of lower races have risen in power. Fairies, dwarves, gnolls, kobolds, goblins and lastly imps, who were used to be XP-farming runts in dungeons, forests and
caves, now rule the World. They started expanding their armies, building armories, markets, towers and walls, stealing and repairing what was left from higher races.
Will the same faith come to lower races, is Great War v2.0 on the horizon...?
So, in the Begining and all, there was Red-Haired Goddess (some old Serbian (?) clay figurine found in some paleolithic (?) site from ~5000 BC), she created 3 male deities and 7
female deities and instructed them to create one race each, and one world entity each. Those 10 deities started the work, slowly building the World, but there was a rebel among
them, it was goddess Xorana, who refused to create a race and World entity. Other 9 deities formed an aliance, captured and beheaded Xorana, who was known as Headless Goddess for
many years later in history. After humans, elves and orcs died out, other 5 nations made an aliance and destroyed imp nation, or so they thought at the very least.
Deity | Race | Lore | Magic | Metal | Material | Biome
Xorana | / | Farce | / | / | / | /
Heneal | Human | Logic | / | / | / | /
Evelor | Elf | Shape | / | / | / | /
Orohan | Orc | Sound | / | / | / | /
Aezora | Fairy | Flora | Light | Gold | Plaster | Grass
Mitena | Dwarf | Earth | Earth | Mithril | Stone | Snow
Sheila | Gnoll | Fauna | Air | Iron | Sandstone | Sand
Iliona | Kobold | Water | Water | Steel | Brick | Swamp
Uldrae | Goblin | Value | Death | Bone | Wood | Rough
Kanako | Imp | Flame | Fire | Crystal | Ashstone | Ash
Horned Maiden - Survivor of War on Imps, she was pregnant with Gentle Flower at the time of the war, she became imp survivor leader.
Gentle Flower - Daughter of Horned Maiden, the greatest war leader World's history has ever seen, but too brutal and unforgiving.
Silent Autumn - Became first imp queen after the fall of imp nation, known for recovering management and empire, was very quiet and kind.
Ada - First imp ever to have a proper name, given to her by Xorana, who started the new era in the World.