
70 lines
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-- Copyright (c) 2024 - Ognjen 'xolatile' Milan Robovic
-- GNU General Public Licence (version 3 or later)
with core, ui;
package body notification is
type information is record
name : core.short_string;
text : core.long_string;
end record;
shown : array (enumeration) of boolean := (others => false);
trait : constant array (enumeration) of information := (
none => ("-- ", "-- "),
well_of_strength => ("Gold ", "#1Gold#0 is precious yellowish shiny metal, valued since ancient times. "),
well_of_agility => ("Wood ", "#1Wood#0 is just bundle of lignin and cellulose, nothing more. "),
well_of_knowledge => ("Leather ", "#1Leather#0 is general purpose resource, used for decorations. ")
procedure draw (index : in enumeration; x, y : in integer; center : in boolean := false) is
use type core.signal_code;
ui.draw_tiny_menu (x, y, 960, 128);
ui.write (trait (index).name, x + 32, y + 32);
ui.write (trait (index).text, x + 32, y + 64);
if core.signal_mode = core.signal_space then
shown (index) := false;
end if;
end draw;
procedure show (index : in enumeration) is begin if index = none then return; end if; shown (index) := true; end show;
procedure hide (index : in enumeration) is begin if index = none then return; end if; shown (index) := false; end hide;
procedure iconflow (icon : in core.sprite; data, x, y : in integer) is
core.draw (icon, x, y, factor => 1);
ui.write (data'image, x + core.icon, y, (if data < 0 then (255, 0, 0, 255) else (0, 0, 255, 255)), 15, true);
end iconflow;
procedure synchronize is
for index in enumeration loop
if shown (index) then
draw (index, core.center_x (960), core.center_y (128));
end if;
end loop;
end synchronize;
end notification;